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What a day. By Lyreshia Smith. Scene: Your at your house. You were singing when you heard a sound. You decided to go and find what was making the sound.
What a day By Lyreshia Smith
Scene: Your at your house. You were singing when you heard a sound. You decided to go and find what was making the sound.
You see a creepy man sitting on your couch . He was eating your Nutella. You were more mad then Lyreshia when you eat her Jolly Ranchers with out asking. You can throw a glass cup at him Run outside and call the police
Then he throws a pillow at you. You get really mad and charge at him. When all of a sudden your friends burst in the door, and pull you off the guy. The man runs out of the house with bruises on his cheek, arms, legs, and back. He also had a black eye, and several teeth missing.
He calls the cops. You and your friends were sitting on the couch talking when you heard sirens. They knock on your door. Gurman (one of your friends) answers the door. The cops push him out of the way and come up to you and arrest you. You kick and yell but they just got more and more aggressive. They threw you in the back of the police car, and drove off. Unlock the door and jump out Wait until you get to the police station
Once you’re at the police station you get booked, and thrown into a jail cell for 10 minutes when your bailed out by Gurman and Gibby. They give you an option of getting Jolly Ranchers and Ice Cream, or getting pizza and pop. Jolly Ranchers and Ice cream Pizza and pop
You’re in the car for a good 15 minutes when you decide that your going to jump out. The cops were to busy listening to their music to be paying attention to you. So when they were listening to Gangnam Style you jumped out, and ran back to your house.
The door was locked so you knocked, and Gunter ( one of your other friends ) opened the door, and was surprised to see you. You pushed pass him and go up stairs to your room and see that your door was open. You don’t like it when people go in your room without permission. So you burst through your door and see: Jolly Ranchers all over your floor Celebrity sitting on your bed
You’re all laughs and giggles then you stop and yell, “ WHO WAS IN MY ROOM!!!!!!” • Gurmanand Gibby come running upstairs. “It wasn’t me,” says Gibby. • Gurmanjust looks down, and you know it was him. You start yelling at him. He looks like he’s about to cry so you stop, and give him a hug. Then you guys eat all the Jolly Ranchers. Then Gibbyand Gurman go to the basement and sleep. While you stay at the top and sleep.
You walk in and see Taco, Jasper, and Tyler The Creator, they were jumping on your bed, messing up your dresser, going in your closet and going in your secret Jolly Rancher spot and eating them. You were laughing at how stupid Taco looked in a blonde wig. Finally you told them to stop. They just looked at you and grab your hand and run out to their tour bus. You walked in on Lucas sucking on Lance’s toe because he lost a contest.
After that you just hung out with them for a couple more hours. Then they asked you if you wanted to wanted to go on tour with them. Yes No
Tyler said “ K now go pack yo bags we leave in the morin”. • Right when your about to walk out Jasper said “ WAIT! She didn’t do the test yet”. • “Test? What test?” you said confused. • “the test is if you can make Taco cry, and if you can your in if you cant your out ” said Tyler. • Taco was just sitting there, when you punched him in his arm really hard. A couple tears slide down is face. Tyler and Jasper are laughing so hard. You got in and went on tour with them.
Tyler and Jasper looked down real sad. You felt bad but you didn’t want to leave your friends. Taco started crying, you went over and hugged him. You said sorry and then left. But before you left you got some autographs, pictures, and got some of their clothes from their clothing line. Then left.
You guys went to Pizza Hut. You order a pizza. You’re looking around the restaurant when you see the one and only JADEN SMITH!!!!!!!!!!!. You screamed and everyone in the hut looked at you, including Jaden. He walked over to you and Said “ Umm… Hi… are you ok?”. You were shaking. And after a minute you finally spoke. “Umm…. Yeah yeah I’m fine I’m good I’m happy I’m ok just peachy”. You say really fast. He laughs.
You and Jaden talk for about 15-20 more minutes. Then Aly (one of your bestfriends) taps you on your shoulder and whispers in your ear “ We are going to go now. Tell Jaden that you’ll talk to him later”. You nod then tell Jaden that you will text him later. Your and your friends are about to leave when Jaden gives you a big hug. You wait until he leaves then you scream in excitement.
THIS IS JADEN SMITH • This is Jaden Smith.
Outside you see a certified Police officer. You tap him on his back. He looks at you. You tell him about the creepy man. He grumbles something in his radio. Then he pulls out his gun. He tells you to get in his car so you wont get hurt.
While sitting in the car you see your friends Aly, Cece, Niki and Abs. You tell them to get in the car with you. They quickly jump in. Then you explain why. They nod their heads. You guys were playing I spy, but then you all started to get bored. Then you look out the window and see a bunch of police officers. They had their guns aimed at your house.
You could hear them say “Come out with your hands up”. A couple of minutes went by when you see the creepy man that was on your couch walk out of the house. The police said the mans Miranda rights. They put him in the back of a police car and drove off. The police man that you were talking to earlier came and took you and your friends out of the car.
You thanked him and he drove off. Your friend Aly tapped you on your shoulder. You look at her but she was looking the opposite direction. You follow her eyes to see your best guy friends, Guppy, Gunter, Gurman, Gappy, and Gibby. They ask you what happened. You tell them. So they took you out to get some Jolly Ranchers and Ice-Cream.
After that they took you home and you guys all had a big sleepover but they slept downstairs in the basement. You went to the top floor to have a bubble bath. When you were done you went to check up on them. Guppy, Gunter, Gurman, Gappy and Gibby. They were watching a movie so you decided to watch it with them. Then you fell asleep.
When you woke up you went to the kitchen and got some Oreos with milk in a bowl . Then you went to watch SpongeBob.
THE END • Click Here to go back to start