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Concussions in Professional S ports

Concussions in Professional S ports . Jacob Stiles. Intro. What is a concussion? Concussions by the numbers Concussions in sports Short and long term side effects Prevention . What is a Concussion.

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Concussions in Professional S ports

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  1. Concussions in Professional Sports Jacob Stiles

  2. Intro • What is a concussion? • Concussions by the numbers • Concussions in sports • Short and long term side effects • Prevention

  3. What is a Concussion • A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury “TBI”, it can be caused either by a direct blow to the head, or an indirect blow to the body. • They are common in contact sports with the highest risk found in those athletes who participate in football. (Awan, 2011) • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFkWTGKNLT8

  4. Concussion: By the Numbers • 1.6 million to 3.8 million concussions occur each year. • Soccer is the most common sport with concussion risk for females. • Football is the most common sport with concussion risk for males. • A professional football player will receive an estimated 900 to 1500 blows to the head during a season. (Strickland, 2011)

  5. Concussions in Sports • Football • Boxing • Ice hockey • Wrestling • Gymnastics • Lacrosse • Soccer • Basketball (Awan, 2011)

  6. Short Term Effects • Short term effects can last for a few hours to a few weeks. • Some physical pains can be, headaches, nausea or vomiting, blurred vision, and lightheadedness. • Some short term emotional changes can be depression, mood swings, frustration, and fear of future harm. (Bisnar & Chase, 2012)

  7. Long Term Effects • These symptoms can last a few months to many years. • Some symptoms are long term memory loss, depression, slow movements, and increased possibility of suicide attempts. • Junior Seau had many concussions while playing in the NFL. How many concussions? • Junior Seau’s many concussions resulted in pressure which led to his eventual suicide on May 2, 2012. (Bisnar & Chase, 2012)

  8. Prevention • Learning proper playing techniques that emphasize "keeping the head out of the game" is the best defense for prevention. • Wear appropriate protective gear during sports and other recreational activities. • Educate athletes and other parents or coaches about concussions. • Monitor the health of the athletes. • (Albohm, 2011)

  9. Conclusion Given the serious nature of a concussion, the growing numbers of cases in sports, and the side effects, the sporting industry needs to reduce the number of concussions that occur during a sporting events.

  10. References Used • CDC - Sports - Concussion - Traumatic Brain Injury - Injury Center. (n.d.). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/concussion/sports/index.html • Concussion Facts | Sports Concussion Institute. (n.d.). Sports Concussion Institute | Excellence in Concussion Management & Treatment. Retrieved from http://www.concussiontreatment.com/concussionfacts.html • Google Image Result for http://media.philly.com/images/050312-junior-seau-4001.jpg. (n.d.). Google. Retrieved from http://www.google.com/imgres?q=junior+seau+with+hat+on&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&biw=803&bih=741&tbm=isch&tbnid=Pi_0bNtd2rnKpM:&imgrefurl=http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/inq-eagles%3Fmain%3D%26cat%3D%26month%3D%26year%3D%26page%3D32&docid=ulzBVS3WCntdpM&imgurl=http://media.philly.com/images/050312-junior-seau-4001.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=n5lzUJWWMofx0gGj-4D4Aw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=256&vpy=419&dur=1425&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=175&ty=142&sig=116713643943812787566&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=157&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:0,i:112 • Head Injuries News - The New York Times. (n.d.). Times Topics - The New York Times. Retrieved from http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/f/football/head_injuries/index.html • Living Without Limitations: Sports Related Concussions?What You Need to Know. (n.d.). Living Without Limitations. Retrieved from http://livingwithoutlimitations.blogspot.com/2011/06/sports-related-concussionswhat-you-need.html • Short and Long Term Effects of Concussions - California Personal Injury Attorneys - Orange County & Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyers. (n.d.). Personal Injury Lawyers | Car Accident Lawyer California | Car Accident Attorneys California | Car Accident Attorneys Newport Beach. Retrieved from http://www.bestattorney.com/short-long-term-effects-of-concussions.html • Sport Science: NFL Concussions and helmet to hemet collisions. (n.d.). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFkWTGKNLT8 • Prevention. (n.d.). SportsConcussions.org | Concussion Testing Made Simple. Retrieved from http://www.sportsconcussions.org/ibaseline/education/prevention.html

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