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Russian Revolution and Civil War

This text explores the causes and objectives of the Russian Revolution and Civil War, including the overthrow of the tsar, the rise of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, the defeat of their opponents, and the development of the Communist state under Lenin. Key terms include proletariat, soviet, Cheka, commissar, ineffective government, World War I problems, corruption, Lenin's return, Bolshevik Revolution, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Red Army, Whites, civil war ends, war communism, New Economic Policy, and Soviet Republics.

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Russian Revolution and Civil War

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  1. Russian Revolution and Civil War

  2. Objectives • Explain the causes of the March Revolution. • Describe the goals of Lenin and the Bolsheviks in the November Revolution. • Outline how the Communists defeated their opponents in Russia’s civil war. • Analyze how the Communist state developed under Lenin.

  3. Terms and People • proletariat−working class • soviet−acouncil of workers and soldiers • Cheka−early Soviet secret police force • commissar−Communist party official assigned to the army to teach party principles and ensure party loyalty

  4. How did two revolutions and a civil war bring about Communist control of Russia? During the war years, Russia faced increased problems at home. Initially, the goals of the revolution were to end the war and solve the problems that the Revolution of 1905 had not. The March Revolution brought the overthrow of the tsar and the November Revolution brought the end of the provisional government. Lenin and his successor, Stalin, created a Communist Russia.

  5. Ineffective Government Despite talk of reform after the Revolution of 1905, Tsar _____________did little to solve Russia’s problems. Nicholas II • Rulers lived in luxury while their people lived in poverty. • Corruption was rampant. • The Duma had no real power.

  6. World War I Problemsd World War I united many Russians, but the war strained the country’s mismanaged resources. • Factories couldn’t produce enough military supplies. • The transportation system couldn’t deliver food and supplies to the battlefields. • Many soldiers had no guns and no ammunition. • Millions of soldiers died.

  7. Corruption on the Tsar’s Family • Tsar Nicholas traveled to the front but proved to be a poor military leader. • Tsarina _______________ ignored the continued food and fuel shortages at home. • Her reliance on the “mad monk” _______________________ further eroded public confidence in the government. Alexandra Gregory Rasputin In March, 1917, workers went on strike, and people filled the streets chanting, “Bread, bread!”

  8. The new government continued the war against Germany • Failed to deal with land reform Failure of the Provisional (temporary)Government With disaster on the battlefield and protests at home, Nicholas abdicated. • The Duma set up a _______________ or temporary government and began to write a constitution to create a Russian republic. provisional After the “Kerensky Offensive” Russian Troops Mutinied.

  9. Socialist Influence Lenin’s Return

  10. There were two socialist revolutionary groups in Russia. Mensheviks Bolsheviks

  11. November 1917: Bolshevik Revolution • Squads of Red Guards joined Mutinous sailors to attack the provisional government • Reds overthrew the government and sized the Kremlin • Made the Kremlin the Bolshevik Capital

  12. The Bolsheviks were led by ____________, a Marxist, who V. I. Lenin • Called for an elite group to set up a __________________ • Urged workers to unite and overthrow capitalism • Called for unity among workers and farmers • Promised “Peace, Land,and Bread” “dictatorship of the proletariat”

  13. In November 1917, Lenin’s followers seized power. The Bolsheviks, renamed Communists, made changes quickly.

  14. March 1918, Treaty of Brest-Litovsk • Lenin made peace with Germany • Gave a huge amount of territory to the central powers • When the War was over, those lands were turned over to the Allies

  15. The Whites included Mensheviks, the tsarist imperial officers, Allied soldiers including from the United States • The Reds appealed to nationalism to drive out foreigners A brutal civil war broke out between the Communists, known as __________and their opponents, known as ____________ “Reds,” “Whites.”

  16. __________created a Red Army using former tsarist officers led by ________________The army was well led and well positioned in the center of Russia to fight against the Whites. 1918, Trotsky organizes the Red Army Leon Trotsky commissars.

  17. In 1918, during the civil war the Bolsheviks had the former tsar and his family shot to keep them from being a symbol for the supporters of the monarchy.

  18. 1921 Civil War Ends The Bolsheviks controlled all of the territory of Russia • The Red’s position in the center of the country gave them an advantage • Whites never able to cooperate effectively

  19. In the early years of the revolution, Lenin adopted a policy of ___________________and took over banks, mines, factories, and railroads. __________ secret police used terror to control their own people “war communism” Cheka This policy brought the economy to near collapse, and many suffered. Lenin changed course. His _________________, a compromise with capitalism, helped the economy recover. New Economic Policy

  20. In 1922, Lenin united Russian lands into the Union of ____________ Socialist Republics and adopted a new constitution. Soviet • The government had an elected legislature. • Citizens gained the right to vote. • Workers were given control of the means of production.

  21. proletariat Realizing that there was no _________ in Russia, Lenin created a government where the Communists were the leaders, not the people. • Russians lived in fear of the ___________ or secret police and prison camps called the _________. Cheka Gulag

  22. Lenin died in 1924. His successor, ______________, would prove to be a more ruthless dictator than any of those before him. Joseph Stalin

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