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Health Science Applications

Explore cutting-edge health science initiatives funded by NIH and discover the critical success factors in the field. Enhance your knowledge of medical informatics, human embryo development, virtual labs, and collaborative technologies.

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Health Science Applications

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  1. This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation • In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button • Select “Meeting Minder” • Select the “Action Items” tab • Type in action items as they come up • Click OK to dismiss this box • This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. Health Science Applications Mary Kratz Project Manager, Health Science Initiatives All-Staff Retreat, June 2002

  2. Can you smell the $$$? • Trillion dollar “cottage” industry • NIH primary source of University research funding at $27 billion/year • 1-5% of that $27 billion is IT research • $270,000,000 • NIH envisions IT research growing to 5-10% within 2 years • 10-20% within 5 years

  3. You Do the Math • Average University Medical School has $270,000,000 in research grants and contracts TODAY! • The average medical campus has • $15,000,000 in grants and contracts • ~20 IT focused • 130 Medical Schools are Internet2 members • 130 x 20 = 2,600 grants and contracts

  4. Internet2 Health Sciences • Health Science Applications • Critical Success Factors (CSF) of Health Science Initiative • Organization of Health Science initiative

  5. Applications! *NIH Funded

  6. Distributed Medical Informatics Education Oregon Health & Science University and the University of Pittsburgh • Covers a broad range of fields including electronic medical records and information retrieval • Distance learning provides students with access to faculty, expertise, and other students http://www.ohsu.edu/bicc-informatics/ http://www.cbmi.upmc.edu/

  7. Human Embryo Development George Mason University, Oregon Health & Science University, National Library of Medicine • 3-D visualizations of human embryo development • Doctors can manipulate data remotely • Animations of embryo system development for students http://www.nac.gmu.edu/visembryo.htm http://www.ohsu.edu/chrc/

  8. Renal Physiology Modules Stanford University Virtual Labs Project • Overcomes the limits of one-dimensional mediums to represent dynamic systems of the body. • The modules allow students to integrate and apply their knowledge to real-life problems http://summit.stanford.edu/hhmi

  9. Anatomy and Surgery Workbench and Local NGI Testbed Network Stanford University School of Medicine • Allows students to learn anatomy and practice surgery techniques using 3-D workstations • Network testbed evaluates the effectiveness of workbench applications http://haiti.stanford.edu/~ngi/final/

  10. Surveyor University of Wyoming, Wyoming Department of Health • Web-based research environment integrates rural health data with GIS technology • Support for rural health care practitioners in underserved areas http://www.wims.uwyo.edu/

  11. NLM Testbed for Collaborative Videoconferencing National Library of Medicine • Provides an environment for videoconferencing in distance learning programs • Transmits a variety of medical information, including data from instruments http://tlc.nlm.nih.gov/distancelearningandcollaboration.html

  12. Virtual Pelvic Floor University of Illinois at Chicago • Provides 3-D visualization of complex anatomical structures • Participants use ImmersaDesk™ systems to interact with 3-D anatomical model http://www.sbhis.uic.edu/vrml/Research/PelvicFloor/PelvicFloor.htm

  13. Virtual Aneurysm University of California at Los Angeles • A simulation and virtual reality visualization of brain blood flow • Researchers examine critical flow pattern and evaluate simulated surgical interventions http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~dalee/radsci/

  14. Critical Success Factors • Federal Funding Opportunities • Outreach Activities • Internet2 Days • Professional Societies • Industry Meetings • Continue to develop process models for communities of engagement • Medical Middleware • Internet2 Commons

  15. Critical Success Factors: Federal Funding Opportunities • Federal Funding Opportunities • NLM BAA on “Application of Advanced Network Infrastructure in Health and Disaster Management” • RCMI/IDEA Programs • NIH NCRR SBIR • NLM funding for Privacy Testbed • Medical Informatics Fellowships • NLM survey project with End to End Performance • Corporate Funding Opportunities** • Johnson and Johnson (JNJ) • Pfizer

  16. Critical Success Factors:Outreach Activities • Advanced Technology “Roadshow” • Summer/Fall 2002 • NIH sponsored • Website Update • Summer 2002 • Henry Chou student intern • Radiological Society of North America • December 1-6, 2002 • DHHS Information Technology Modernization Committee • Fall 2002 • National Committee on Health Statistics • July 16, 2002 • SICOT (International Society of Surgery and Traumatology) • August 28-29, 2002 • Institute of Medicine (IOM) • September 18-20, 2002 • Formalize AAMC Collaboration

  17. Outreach Activity Milestones:aka why does Mary travel so much? • Human Resource Roundtable, July 2001 • AVMA Talbot Symposium, July 2001 • NIH Symposium on Component Based Management Systems, July 2001 • Testimony to NCVHS, August 2001 • Telemedicine Symposium, August 2001 • MedInfo 2001, September 2001 • ISO TC215, September 2001. • Internet2 Day Austin, Texas, October 2001 • Security and Privacy Guidelines, October 2001 • Upenn Internet2 Day, November 2001 • FDA Senior Science Board, November 2001 • RSNA, Advanced Technology Tutorial faculty, November 2001 • AMIA/AAMC, November 2001 • Pfizer Internet2 Day, January 2002 • Distributed Medical Intelligence, February 2002 • Internet2 Day at Thomas Jefferson University/MAGPI, March 2002 • Internet2 Day at University of Washington, March 2002 • RCMI Symposium at JSU, April 2002 • NCRR Advisory Council, May 2002

  18. Communities of Engagement: Clinical, Research, Education • Medical & Dental • Clinical Care (Pathology, Radiology, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurology, Dentistry…) • Telemedicine • Public Health Surveillance (Homeland Security, CDC) • Biotechnology • Genomics • Proteinomics • Micro Arrays • ***”omics” • Pharmacy • FDA • Pharmco drug research and development (Pfizer, Adventis, Eli Lilley) • Medical Devices/Remote Instrumentation • Agriculture • Veterinary Medical WG • USDA

  19. Medical Middleware • Leverage developments in “core” middleware • MeduPerson • Middleware Services • Person Identification • Terminology Mediation • Resource Access Decision (Shib) • Information Access Service • Order Entry • Health Information Locator • Gene Sequence Analysis (Decision Support) • Etc.

  20. Internet2 Commons in the Health Sciences • Virtual Tumor Board • Virtual Radiology Board • Veterinary Medical Grand Rounds • Continuing Medical Education; subscription model • Second Opinion Networks • Bio-terrorist nasty of the moment (anthrax, radiation poisoning, small pox…) • Distance Surgery; Haptics • Telemedicine

  21. Organization of Health Science Initiative • Advisory Committee in formation • Physician leadership input to Application Strategy Council • Strategic direction of HS initiative • Leadership Teams • Healthcare • Life Sciences • Operational/procedural responsibilities via Working Group Chairs • Working Groups • Health Sciences WG (Mary Kratz, Chair) • Medical Middleware WG (Jack Buchanan, MD/PhD, Chair) • Veterinary Medical WG (Gary Allen, DVM, Chair) • (Remote Instrumentation) • BioEthics in formation (John Yost, MD, Chair) • Collaborations • Visible Human Project Advanced Technology Demonstrations • RCMI Clinical Trials Research Network • Biomedical Informatics Research Network

  22. www.internet2.edu

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