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Explore advancements in detector research and development with a focus on MediPix General Purpose CMOS Pixel chip, IC technology, X-ray imaging, XFEL applications, and new semiconductors including diamond and SiC. Discover applications in TPC, ILC, and (S)LHC detectors, as well as insights into CVD diamond properties and radiation hardness. Learn about gaseous detectors like Geiger tubes and Micromegas, and innovative solutions such as GridPix for high-resolution imaging. Dive into the future of detector technology with InGrid integration and energy resolutions in various gas mixtures.
Detector Research & Development RECFA, NIKHEF, Amsterdam. Sept 23, 2005 Harry van der Graaf, NIKHEF, Amsterdam
MediPix General Purpose CMOS Pixel chip • IC technology • X-ray imaging • XFEL • ESRF GridPix Micropattern/pixel readout of gas-filled detectors TPC for ILC Vertex detecor for ILC & (S)LHC New semiconductors: diamond, SiC ILC CLIC 100 m RASNIK alignment
Sensor Substrate SensorSubstrate Al InGaAs Insulator Insulator UBM UBM Au bump Sensor Substrate Au Au UBM UBM Al Al CMOS ROIC CMOS ROIC InGaAs Insulator UBM Au MediPix chip 14 x 14 mm2 sensitive area periphery Au UBM Al CMOS ROIC Medipix2:Hybrid Pixels Schematic of a hybrid pixel detector approved Eureka proposal
Some Images 28 mm 14 mm Flies @ 10 keV Leaf @ 5.9 keV Tungsten source 55Fe source
Tiling • High-bandwidth communication • X-ray imaging (100 x 100 mm2) • XFEL in Hamburg • Industrial collaboration
MediPix General Purpose CMOS Pixel chip • IC technology • X-ray imaging • XFEL • ESRF GridPix Micropattern/pixel readout of gas-filled detectors TPC for ILC Vertex detecor for ILC & (S)LHC New semiconductors: diamond, SiC ILC CLIC 100 m RASNIK alignment
CVD diamond properties • produced by Chemical Vapour Deposition in an organic plasma discharge • polycrystalline wafer, generally 0.5 - 1 mm thick • detector substrates up to 2 x 4 cm2 • typical value of bias field: 1 V/µm • leakage current 50 pA/cm2 • columnar structure
Radiation damage of CVD Diamond Example: pion irradiation until 1015 cm-2 General decrease of the mean charge signal caused by the formation of additional traps (interstitials and vacancies)
CVD diamond: results • CVD diamond suffers from a certain degree of radiation damage but narrowing of the distribution curve makes the decrease of the 98% threshold less severe. • At cluster threshold of 1500 e- efficiencies >98% can be obtained, even after 1015 charged hadrons • The charge signal distribution curve of a CVD diamond sample is accurately described by only two parameters: mean charge signal and width of the distribution • Radiation hardness of CVD diamond as a tracker is sufficient for 10 year of operation at R = 7 cm at the LHC.
New detector material: Si CCharge collection with a particles: neutron irradiated samples CREE 5 F [n/cm2]
MediPix General Purpose CMOS Pixel chip • IC technology • X-ray imaging • XFEL • ESRF GridPix Micropattern/pixel readout of gas-filled detectors TPC for ILC Vertex detecor for ILC & (S)LHC New semiconductors: diamond, SiC ILC CLIC 100 m RASNIK alignment
1906: Geiger tube gaseous detector ionisation: primary electrons (central) anode wire electron multiplication
Geiger-Müller tube Proportional tube Multi Wire Proportional Chamber Drift Chamber Time Projection Chamber 1988: Micro Strip Gas Counter (MSGC): Oed 1995 Micromegas (Charpak & Giomataris) 1996 GEM (F. Sauli)
Micro Patterned Gaseous Detectors GEM • High field created by Gas Gain Grids • Most popular: GEM & Micromegas Micromegas improved granularity : wire chambers react on COG of many electron clouds/clusters
Time Projection Chamber (TPC): 2D/3D Drift Chamber The Ultimate Wire (drift) Chamber track of charged particle E-field (and B-field) Wire plane Wire Plane + Readout Pads Pad plane
Problem With wires: measure charge distribution over cathode pads: c.o.g. is a good measure for track position; With GEMs or Micromegas: narrow charge distribution (only electron movement) avalanche GEM wire Micromegas Cathode pads Solutions: - cover pads with resisitive layer - ‘Chevron’ pads - many small pads: pixels!
MediPix2 & Micromegas: apply the ‘naked’ MediPix2 chip without X-ray convertor! 55Fe Cathode (drift) plane Drift space: 15 mm Micromegas Baseplate MediPix2 pixel sensor Brass spacer block Printed circuit board Aluminum base plate Very strong E-field above (CMOS) MediPix!
He/Isobutane 80/20 Modified MediPix GridPix: the electronic bubble chamber 14 mm δ-ray! Efficiency for detecting single electrons: < 95 %
‘GEM’ ‘Micromegas’ Integrate GEM/Micromegas and pixel sensor: InGrid ‘wafer post processing’ by Univ. of Twente, MESA+ approved VICI proposal ‘there is plenty of room at the top’
Processing InGrids Strips Litho. 50 µm SU8 UV Exposure Holes Litho. 0.8 µm Al Suspended membrane 50 µm above the wafer Development
Prototypes Hex / Pillars 19 different fields of 15 mm Ø 2 bonding pads / fields Square / Pillars Square / Walls Square / Pillars
Energy resolution in Argon IsoC4H10 80/20 • Observation of two lines: • Kα @ 5.9 keV • Kβ @ 6.4 keV • FWHM of the Kα distribution • 16.7 % • Gain fluctuations • < 5% Very good energy resolution: Very precise dimensions d < 0.1 μm
Gains in Argon Argon / CO2 mixtures offers good ageing properties (GOSSIP gas) Gain of 104 reachable in Argon CO2 80/20 Ageing studies in a reasonable amount of time (intense X-rays source)
Other applications of GridPix: • μ-TPC • Transition Radiation Detectors • GOSSIP: tracker for intense radiation environment
MIP MIP InGrid Cathode foil CMOS pixel array CMOS chip ‘slimmed’ to 30 μm Drift gap: 1 mm Max drift time: 16 ns GOSSIP: Gas On Slimmed SIlicon Pixels new vertex detector!
Essentials of GOSSIP: • Generate charge signal in gas instead of Si (e-/ions versus e-/holes) • Amplify # electrons in gas (electron avalanche versus FET preamps) • Then: • No radiation damage in depletion layer or pixel preamp FETs • No power dissipation of preamps • No detector bias current • Ultralight detection layer (Si foil)
Aging test (remember MSGCs….!) • ratio of anode surface: thin wire surface versus anode plane (~20x) • low gas gain due to fast signal and low source capacity (~20x) At X-ray source (PANalytical) With standard Ar/Methane 90/10 mixture: Equivalent of 3 years Super LHC @ 2 cm from beam pipe
Next GridPix (TPC for ILC) TimePix: modify MediPix 2 chip: TDC clock over pixel matrix EUDET (Nikhef-Saclay-Freiburg et al) approved $$$ ! InGrid Study the geometry influence on Resolution, Gain, Ion back flow: optimise detector geometry Protect the chip from discharges High resistive grid, or separated grid segments ApplyInGrid on MediPix2, (TimePix!), PSI 46 pixel chips GOSSIP repeat aging test with Ar/CO2 Gossipo: MPW submit for low-noise preamp (Cs = 30 fF) Test with PSI 46 FE pixel chip equipped with InGrid
MediPix General Purpose CMOS Pixel chip • IC technology • X-ray imaging • XFEL • ESRF GridPix Micropattern/pixel readout of gas-filled detectors TPC for ILC Vertex detecor for ILC & (S)LHC New semiconductors: diamond, SiC ILC CLIC 100 m RASNIK alignment
Momentum Measurement of muons in the L3 experiment: Chamber Position Monitoring
Principle of CCD-RASNIK Light Source Lens CCD Coded Mask
100 m RASNIK for CLIC CLIC Accelerator length: 2 x 15 km Number of elements: 15.000 Number of ‘4 m’ RASNIKs: 15.000/30.000 Number of ‘100 m’ RASNIKs: 600 RasCam Laser zone lens hole dia. 50 mm 100 m (vacuum tube!)
Pixels for LHC Super LHC ILC !