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Liberal Reforms: The Employed

Liberal Reforms: The Employed. By: Sam and Zoe. Legislations:. Workmen's Compensation Act - 1906 Coal Miners Act – 1908 Trade Boards Act – 1909 Shops Act - 1911. Workmen’s Compensation Act 1906. A 'workman' was defined as:

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Liberal Reforms: The Employed

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  1. Liberal Reforms: The Employed By: Sam and Zoe

  2. Legislations: • Workmen's Compensation Act - 1906 • Coal Miners Act – 1908 • Trade Boards Act – 1909 • Shops Act - 1911

  3. Workmen’s Compensation Act 1906 • A 'workman' was defined as: “Any person who enters into or works under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer, whether by way of manual labour, clerical work or otherwise, and whether the contract is expressed or implied, is oral or in writing”. • This act was built on the previous 1897 & 1900 Acts, which only compensated employees in a certain few trades. Whereas the new 1906 Act covered nearly all employees.

  4. Positives/Advantages: • Nearly all employees were now covered for accidents and sick leave including Negatives/Disadvantages: • In many trades and industries the government failed to establish minimum wage levels or a limit to working hours.

  5. Coal Miners Act 1908 • The miners either wanted a minimum wage or to have a shorter days work with a set amount of hours.

  6. Positives/Advantages: • Miners were now given an 8 hour day, which they had been trying to gain for 40 years. Negatives/Disadvantages: • This 8 hour day was only for mine workers and therefore didn't affect anyone else.

  7. Trade Boards Act 1909 • The Act was set up to negotiate a minimum wage for all workers, mainly women who work long hours in factories making boxes, lace, chains and also tailoring.

  8. Positives/Advantages: • Overall 200,000 workers were effected by this Act allowing them the security of receiving at least the minimum wage. Negatives/Disadvantages: • The minimum wage was only being negotiated and wouldn't be a national wage and would only affect people working in the “sweated trades”.

  9. Shops Act 1911 • Shop workers wanted to be allowed a sufficient amount for lunch, since they have to work long days with little pay and also no allocated time for lunch.

  10. Positives/Advantages: • Workers were entitled to half a day off during the week and also suitable time for lunch. Negatives/Disadvantages: • This only applied to shop workers, but no other workers in any other line of business.

  11. Conclusion: • Overall the Liberal Reforms did have a positive effect and improved the lives of people who were employed. These improvements included introducing minimum wages, limited working hours and compensation for any accidents or sickness at the workplace.

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