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O zone S terilizer. Group #61. Hyuncheoul Kim , Jongsoo Kim, In sung Song. M ay 2 , 2014. ECE 445 S enior D esign. Contents . I ntroduction. O bjective. R eview Original Design, Requirements and Verifications. D escribe project build and functional tests.
Ozone Sterilizer Group #61 Hyuncheoul Kim , Jongsoo Kim, In sung Song May 2 , 2014 ECE 445 Senior Design
Contents Introduction Objective Review Original Design, Requirements and Verifications Describe project build and functional tests Discuss successes and challenges, explain any failed Verifications with good engineering reasons Other tests including tests not explicitly required for verification procedures Recommendations for further work
Our project is to build an Ozone Sterilization System, Introduction for house bathroom.
Objective Provide cleaner towelfor home use Sterilization The device must be safe all the time. Prevention from high concentration of Ozone leaking Self-activation/deactivationbased on sensors
1 System Overview Micro channel Plasma Chemical Reactor Microcontroller UltrasonicSensor Ozone Sensor Air pump Power Supply Ozone Generator Detecting towel Control Ozone concentration
2 System Overview Flowchart
3 System Overview
3 System Overview
3 System Overview
Power Relay for Air Pump Added Relay for proper functioning
1 Relays Requirements and Verification Use voltmeter to check the output with voltage supply connected with no control voltage, output should be less than 6V ± 5% Same procedure but with control voltage greater than 3V, output should be 120V ± 5% Use voltmeter to verify the voltage on Load with control voltage, output should be 7.5V ± 5% Same procedure but with control voltage of 5V ± 5%, output should be close to 0V ± 5% Verification Requirements 120VAC ± 5% with DC control 3V ~ 32V 6V ± 5% with no control voltage 7.5V ± 5%outputcontrolled with 5V ± 5%
Plot for the Output of transformer ~ 2500 VAC, peak to peak to activate the Ozone Reactor with 5 to 10mA
2 Transformer Requirements and Verification Use oscilloscope to verify the output of the transformer Requirements Verification Outputs 2.5kVAC peak-to-peak ± 5% With input of 120VAC
AC/DC Voltage Converter Use voltmeter to verify the output, output should be close to 7.5V ± 5% Requirements and Verification Verification Requirements Convert 120VAC to 7.5VDC ± 5%
1 Voltage Regulator
2 Voltage Regulator
Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) +5V Trigger input of Sensor Echo output of Sensor Ground Time = Width of Echo pulse in µs
Ultrasonic Sensor Requirements and Verification Requirements Verification Supply voltage 5V ± 5% Connect output of the sensor to oscilloscope, then move back and forth with an object in front of sensor. The DC level on the oscilloscope should change as we move the object Sensor should output the distance of objects in range of 2cm to 400cm with input voltage of 5V ± 5% Calculations are done to optimize the performance of HC-SR04
Ozone Sensor (MQ-131) Measures Ozone concentration Range : 10ppb ~ 100 ppm * Maximum concentration of Ozone produced by electronic device is limited as 0.05ppm by Law
Ozone Sensor Requirements and Verification Requirements Verification Supply voltage 5V for power and 6V for heater voltage The sensor feedbacks Ozone concentration in range of 10ppb to 2ppm with voltage of 5V ± 5% for power and 6V ± 5% for heater voltage, Vh Wait 24 hours for preheat Connect output of the sensor to oscilloscope, then in a box release Ozone to see the output on the oscilloscope
Calculation of Ozone Sensitivity Characteristic Curve Concentration of Ozone in standard size bathroom and the box * MQ-131 Datasheet Amount of Ozone produced
Parts Measured Voltage Ozone Reactor 2.5 kVpeak-to-peak AC/DC Voltage Converter 7.48 V Voltage Regulator 1 5.98 V Voltage Regulator 2 4.99 V 123.4 V Relay1 with input (4.97V) Relay1 with input (0.002V) 4.23 V Relay2 with input (4.83V) 7.42 V Relay2 with input (0.003V) 0.013 V Microcontroller PIN2 4.78 V 4.80 V Microcontroller PIN12 Microcontroller PIN13 4.77 V
Successes and Challenges Successes Challenges Understanding relay circuit Detect a stationary object and Ozone sensor Desired operating time duration Calculation for Ozone sensor for air pump and ozone reactor Proper voltages before/after relay and voltage regulator
Recommendations for further work No leakage from the box Ozone destructor in the box Drying towel function Fresh scent Locking system for safety
Credits Professor, J.Gary Eden Dr. Sungjin Park Dr. Jin Hoon Cho Design Engineer, Min Hwan Kim