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The Healing Power of The Bach Flower Remedies

The Healing Power of The Bach Flower Remedies. Millicent Holliday RN, BEP. Introduction. Why is it important to address emotional issues? All disease occurs first in the invisible template of the body, in the energy field of the body. Physical factors can and do impact this field.

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The Healing Power of The Bach Flower Remedies

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  1. The Healing Power of The Bach Flower Remedies Millicent Holliday RN, BEP

  2. Introduction • Why is it important to address emotional issues? • All disease occurs first in the invisible template of the body, in the energy field of the body. • Physical factors can and do impact this field. • Emotional factors however have a dramatic affect on it as well, and these affects cannot be addressed by conventional medications. • For lasting healing to occur, there has to be significant change in the fundamental attitudes that govern an individual life. • These changes are critical to the healing process.

  3. Who was Edward Bach: He was born in Moseley, England, in 1886 and trained as a doctor in London. For several years he worked investigating the role of bacteriology in chronic disease. His research led him to recognize that there were clear personality types that related to the various patterns of ill health, irrespective of the physical symptoms being presented by the patient. Working with vaccine therapy and later with homeopathic principles, he moved towards the discovery of the flower remedies. These he felt could help to harmonize the emotional imbalances that he came to see as the real cause of physical illness.

  4. Bach’s Philosophy • “Illness, Bach suggested, was a message from our inner being calling for a change in our way of living and our mental outlook.” The Bach Center Mt. Vernon, Oxfordshire (England)

  5. Syntropy: A Premise to Live By… • Syntropy: The tendency of all living things to reach higher and higher levels of energetic output and eventually transform.

  6. A Royal Quandary • “What is the modern physician’s response to the stricken spirit who comes to him with his sick soul disguised as an ailment of the body?” Prince Charles

  7. Vibrational Medicine • “The unseen connection between the physical body and the subtle forces of spirit holds the key to understanding the inner relationship between matter and energy. When scientists begin to comprehend the true relationship between matter and energy, they will come closer to understanding the relationship between humanity and God.” Dr. Richard Gerber • The higher vibratorylevels permeate the lower, the lower don’t permeate the higher.

  8. Giving and Receiving • As we offer what we do to our clients, we can assist ourselves at the same time. • A good health practitioner is concerned to do the inner work themselves, but never puts their needs above the needs of their patients. • It is as we truly extend the life giving currents of health that we ourselves are healed.

  9. Bach Flowers - Natures Gentle Touch • Why are flowers so beautiful, why do they delight us as much as they do, why is it they give off such a beautiful scent? • Herbs heal the physical aspects, flowers heal the emotional aspects.

  10. The Flower Essences and the 5-Part Healing Template • As a patient proceeds through the healing process numerous emotional patterns can be predictably anticipated. • This presentation offers the keys to sensibly navigating our way through the dynamics of healing the invisible patterns that govern the lives of our patients. These patterns have a dramatic impact on the physical, mental and emotional levels of a person’s body.

  11. Part One: Nutritive Uptake • When a client first comes into our clinics we can anticipate that there will be some anxiety, apprehension and/or fear, and possibly a firm belief that their personal issues won’t be met. • As health care practitioners our job is to calm their fears, quell the troubled heart and assist our clients to open the channels of the body, mind and heart, in order to allow for the healing process to begin. • The Bach flowers are an invaluable part of this process.

  12. Aspen: Confidence and Courage… • “The development of Love brings us to the realization of Unity, of the truth that one and all of us are of the One Great creation.” • “The cause of all our troubles is self and separateness, and this vanishes as soon as love and knowledge of the great Unitybecomes part of our nature.” • Vague unknown fears • Sufferers often afraid to • tell their troubles to others

  13. Aspen Cont… • “The remedy made from Aspen brings a confidence and courage that calms fear and stills the troubled soul.” • “Aspen helps us develop that inner great self that is present in all of us which has the power to overcome all fears, all difficulties, all worries, all disease.”

  14. Crab Apple: The Cleansing Remedy… • “Never for a moment should we become engrossed or over- anxious about our bodies, but learn to be as little conscious of their existence as possible, using them as a vehicle of our Soul and mind and as servants to do our will.”

  15. Crab Apple cont… • “When you walk the lanes in May a sweet scent may steal upon you. Look around and you will see in the hedgerow a mass of white blossoms, thronged by bees eager for nectar. There is the Crab Apple, radiant with light, joyfully proclaiming the delight of simple beauty. With all the clear freshness of spring it dispels any petty moods that linger, singing a sweet joy of life, all new and fragrant with a brightness like the Morning Star. But this is not a flower of sentimental beauty for it carries a sharp, penetrating clarity, like a shaft of clear white light that acts to purge and cleanse.”

  16. Gorse: Strength, Certainty, Confidence… • “Gorse is the remedy for people who have given up belief that there is any hope for them. It is a far stronger kind of downheartedness than the Gentian state, because Gorse people almost willfully refuse to be encouraged, so certain are they that their case is hopeless.” • “If ill, they may think of themselves as incurable, or say that they inherited this or that from their families so that nothing can be done for them.”

  17. Gorse cont… • “Gorse is however classed by Dr. Bach as a remedy for uncertainty. This demonstrates that the main problem with Gorse people is a loss or lack of certainty: if they can be persuaded to see things in a different light, their faith in their lives would be renewed and they could go forward with a surer step. This is what the Gorse remedy helps to achieve.”

  18. Gorse cont… • “Gorse carries the strength of the sun in its golden yellow flowers.” • “It has a charge of brilliant intensity that awakens the land to new hope and new life.” • “It is a very lion of golden strength, certainty and confidence.”

  19. Vine: Supportive, Receptive, Generous… • “Vine is for those who are domineering, self-willed and inflexible.” • “For those who even in illness will want to direct their health practitioners.” • “Transformation result in the dominant becoming supportive, the assertive, receptive, the demanding, generous; we become like the vine itself which provides great riches for mankind.” • “The love that gives freedom is the greatest love that binds the closer.”

  20. Part Two: Adrenal/Liver Support • Once the initial phase of opening the channels has been accomplished we find that we can turn our attention to attitudes that promote life, that sustain the liver, thus preventing or addressing the fragmented state that leads to double-mindedness and ultimately adrenal stress or burnout.

  21. Agrimony: Perspective Vision and Discernment… • “Jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and seek it at any cost.” • “Though often tormented in body, mind or heart they hide their troubles behind humor, and are often considered very good friends.” • “They often take alcohol or drugs in excess, to assist in keeping a happy front.”

  22. Agrimony Cont… • “This is a remedy plant that brings a true depth of perspective, a discernment and acceptance of the varying qualities and expressions of our emotional life.” • “Agrimony with its church like spire, and its seeds like bells, assists in leading us to ‘the peace that passeth understanding’. Like the spire, it aspires to the higher realm, growing straight towards the source of life. With its deep tentacle roots and its single spire of flowers it is a witness to the one direction of growth that can bring peace and resolve conflict”.

  23. Chicory: Devotion, Noble Idealism, Spiritual Love • “If we but sufficiently develop the quality of losing ourselves in the love and care of those around us, enjoying the glorious adventure of gaining knowledge and helping others, our personal grief's and sufferings rapidly come to an end.”

  24. Chicory cont… • “Chicory people are full of love and care for their families and friends. But they expect to receive back all the love they give, with interest, and feel slighted and unnecessarily hurt if they don't get what they expect. Also, their great love can lead them to hold onto their loved ones and try to keep them dependent and close to hand. This can stifle the development of another's personality, or simply drive them away.” • “When someone falls into this negative Chicory state the remedy is used to bring out the positive side of the Chicory person: love given unconditionally and in freedom.”

  25. Holly: Generosity of Spirit and Openness… • “The ultimate conquest of all will be through love and gentleness.” • “For those who sometimes are attacked by thoughts of such kind as jealousy, envy, revenge, suspicion, for the different forms of vexation. Within themselves they may suffer much, often when there is no real cause for their unhappiness.”

  26. Holly cont… • “Holly is for very negative, aggressive feelings directed at others. The basic problem is an absence of love, and the remedy works to encourage generosity of spirit and openness towards others.” • “Holly acts to reunite us with our own true self, to drive out the negativity and flood us with the healing vibrations of love.” • Its action is protective but it is also transforming. • “We see this more from the sweetness of the flowers rather than the sharpness of the leaves. Sweet-scented flowers always stir the heart.”

  27. Impatiens: Sweet, Gentle and Relaxed Tenderness… • “You are striving for exquisite gentleness and forgiveness, and that beautiful mauve flower, Impatiens, will, with its blessing, help you along the road.”

  28. Impatiens cont… • “Those who are quick in thought and action and who wish all things to be done without hesitation or delay. When ill they are anxious for a hasty recovery. They find it very difficult to be patient with people who are slow, as they consider it wrong and a waste of time, and they will endeavor to make such people quicker in all ways.” • “They often prefer to work and think alone, so that they can do everything at their own speed.”

  29. Scleranthus: Clear and Open Perception… • “Scleranthus is the remedy for people who find it difficult to make up their minds which option of two or more they ought to choose.” • “The Scleranthus indecision commonly affects the small decisions of life as much as the big ones: 'should I marry Joe or Peter?' and 'should I buy a red notebook or a blue one?' are both Scleranthus states.”

  30. Scleranthus • “Sometimes the chronic indecision of the Scleranthus person manifests itself in other ways, like mood swings and even motion sickness: This remedy is given to help a person to act more decisively and to know his or her own mind.” • “Scleranthus assists determination to grow; fear of plunging into life will disappear, and the experience gained will guide the mind to better judgment.” • “There comes a discrimination of the soul that can direct our actions by the conviction of a deeper purpose. It is to this that the humble Scleranthus bears witness, bringing a clear and open perception of what is most appropriate.”

  31. Vervain: The Bringer of Peace… • For over effort and stress. • “We should strive to be so gentle, so quiet, so patiently helpful that we move among our fellow men more as a breath of air or a ray of sunshine: ever ready to help when asked: but never forcing them to our views.” • “For those with fixed principles and ideas, which they are confident are right, and which they very rarely change.”

  32. Vervain cont… • “Vervain people are perfectionists with a keen sense of justice and extreme mental energy that they willingly throw behind those causes that they believe in.” • “The remedy is given to help people in this state to pull back from time to time so that body and mind can be restored. It encourages the wisdom to enjoy life and the passage of time, instead of always feeling the need to be active.” • “…to realize that the big things in life are done gently and quietly without strain or stress.”

  33. Wild Oats: Seeks the Purpose of the Soul… • “This is for those who find it difficult to determine what occupations to follow; although their ambition is strong, they have no calling which appeals to them above all others.” • “Wild Oats grows with a will to take a firm hold of life. In the negative expression there is a reluctance to define the purpose of our being here on earth and to engage actively in our calling. Wild Oats seeks the purpose of the Soul and the true meaning of its life’s work.”

  34. Part Three: Elimination of Causative Factors • As we move into this phase we find that we have the opportunity to address those deep subconscious factors which govern a person’s life. Based on the nature of these subconscious factors a person will create the environment for either health or disease. • The issues in this sense are definitely in the tissues. With the use of the appropriate Bach Flower Remedy, these issues can be easily brought into the light and released, establishing the environment that allows for deeper levels of healing to ensue.

  35. Honeysuckle: Declares the Now… • “Let us not fear to plunge into life. • “Those who live much in the past. They do not expect further happiness such as they have had.”

  36. Honeysuckle Cont… • “While it is essential that we learn from the past, this condition carries a longing to be back in the past, in this honeysuckle state we live less and less in life and more and more in those things that are dead and gone.” • “The bursting vitality of the blood red corolla displays a pure lining of white, curling open to reveal the delicate filaments of the stamens. Tiny trumpets, they declare the now.”

  37. Heather: Integration… • “We must steadfastly practice peace, imagining our minds as a lake ever to be kept calm, without waves, or even ripples, to disturb its tranquillity and gradually develop this state of peace until no event of life, no circumstance, no other personality is able under any circumstances to ruffle the surface of thatlake...”

  38. Heather cont… • “Heather is for people who are obsessed with themselves, but who do not like to be alone. Dr. Bach called them 'buttonholers' because they do anything to keep people with them, all the time talking at exhaustive length about their problems and illnesses, great and small, until people begin actively avoiding them. Thus the thing Heather people fear - loneliness - is brought about because of their own behavior. “ • “The remedy is given to help Heather people see their own concerns in the context of other people's. Having suffered themselves from the need to talk, they become good listeners and great supports for others. As a result people seek them out for their compassion rather than avoiding them because of their self-centeredness.”

  39. Elm: Strength and Sensitivity… • Life does not demand of us unthinkable sacrifice; it asks us to travel its journey with joy in our heart and to be a blessing to those around. • For periods of depression when there is the feeling that the task undertaken is too difficult, and not within the power of a human being.

  40. Elm Cont… • “In its positive form the Elm state carries on working despite the difficulties, mindful that the strength is always given for the greater task.” • “Bach wrote a month before he died…’Let us forget our limitations, our personalities, or what we think of as our smallness, and let us realize that we have been chosen, picked as special messengers, blessed knights of the highest order…’”

  41. Mimulus: Confident, Happy, Empathetic… • “Mimulus is the remedy for known fears. In other words whenever you are frightened of something or you are anxious about something, and you can say what that something is, then Mimulus is the remedy to take. Mimulus fears are everyday fears - fear of public speaking, of the dark, of aggressive dogs, or of illness or pain.” • “Fear in reality holds no place in the natural human kingdom, since the Divinity within us, which is our self, is unconquerable and immortal. If we could but realize it we, as Children of God, have nothing of which to be afraid.”

  42. Mimulus cont… • “Fear is a state of mind that will not let go and trust to life.” • “Mimulus enables us to live happily among the dangers and find freedom through the acceptance of our situation, being vulnerable, yet setting love for life above our fear.”

  43. Part Four/ Cellular Repair • As we yield to the reality of life, healing begins to occur in the heart and mind, forgiveness and understanding begin to permeate our living experience and cellular repair occurs at deeper levels. • As a health practitioner our job is to encourage redirection bringing about changes that creatively alter forever, a person’s future.

  44. Mustard: Joyful and Happy… • “In all things cheerfulness should be encouraged, and we should refuse to be oppressed by doubts and depression, but remember that such are not of ourselves, for our Souls know only joy and happiness.”

  45. Star of Bethlehem: Realigning the Inner and the Outer… • “This tiny flower that shines with an intense whiteness displays a perfect six-fold geometry. It was used in antiquity because it demonstrated the idea that life was due to the interpenetration of matter and Divinity: One triangle representing the Divine world touching to earth, the other the material world reaching towards God. When they are out of kilter, it is easy to see that all things would be displaced and out of harmony.”

  46. Star of Bethlehem cont… • “The Star of Bethlehem has the strength with its radiant purity to realign the pattern. It acts to unify us again so that the natural healing processes can take place. In practical terms we can breath again and release tension. That is to say a state of normal activity can resume because the harmony of our divine nature is again in place.”

  47. Pine: Balanced and Objective Views… • “Health is the true realization of what we are: we are perfect, we are the children of God. There is no striving to gain what we have already attained. We are merely here to manifest in material form the perfection with which we have been endowed from the beginning of time.”

  48. Pine cont… • “Pine is for people who blame themselves for something they feel they have done in the past, some neglect of a parent, some fault in themselves, something they have left undone, and for those who reproach themselves that, even though they may have been successful in their work, they should have done better.” • “They are never, as Dr Bach writes in "The Twelve Healers", content with their own efforts or the results.” • “They also at times tend to claim responsibility for the mistakes made by others.”

  49. Pine cont… • “They are perfectionists and set themselves high standards, and this may cause them to over-work and strain to do better, and when the strain becomes too much for the physical body, they blame themselves for the ensuing illness as they feel they are failing in their duty to others, to their work and the family responsibilities.” • “This guilt-complex takes so much of the joy out of their lives and they become despondent and begin to despair.” • “Dr. Bach said that this feeling of guilt and self-reproach was a waste of time, for the faults of the past are but experiences to teach us not to make the same mistakes again. A lesson once learned will guide us happily through any same experience in the future.” • “The positive aspect of Pine is seen in those who acknowledge their faults but do not waste time dwelling on them, having learned from them to avoid repetition.” • “They have great powers of perseverance and are humble about these gifts.”

  50. Pine cont… • “Pine like a comb, acts to separate the tangled strands that have caused us emotional confusion leaving a clear, balanced and objective view of our involvement with life. We learn to accept that we are beloved, that we are safe, that we are supported.” • “The straightness of Pine at our backs gives strength and clarity to the heart.”

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