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Robin Conti Senior Secondary Mathematics Specialist Office of School Improvement

Using Math Tasks to Promote High Level Thinking in Grades 7-12. Robin Conti Senior Secondary Mathematics Specialist Office of School Improvement. @EducateIN. @ RobinLConti. In Today’s Session. Our purpose is to:. Our purpose is to:. Need.

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Robin Conti Senior Secondary Mathematics Specialist Office of School Improvement

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  1. Using Math Tasks to Promote High Level Thinking in Grades 7-12 Robin Conti Senior Secondary Mathematics Specialist Office of School Improvement @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  2. In Today’s Session Our purpose is to: Our purpose is to: Need Explore tasks aimed at increasing student engagement, risk-taking, and sense-making alongside productive struggle. Discuss ways to open up typically closed tasks to promote student discourse. @RobinLConti @EducateIN

  3. A Vision for Ambitious Instruction • Mathematics learning is an ACTIVE process. • Students construct mathematical knowledge through exploration, discussion, and reflection. • Teachers are facilitators of student learning, as they engage students in rich tasks. (NCTM, Principles to Actions, 2014) @RobinLConti @EducateIN

  4. Eight Effective Math Teaching Practices @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  5. Tasks, Talking, and Telling What are your big takeaways after watching? @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  6. The Design of Rich, Mathematical Tasks • Open task to encourage multiple methods, pathways, and representations • Make it an inquiry task • Ask before teaching • Add a visual component • Low floor high ceiling • Add requirement to convince and reason @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  7. What is an irrational number? @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  8. Rank these birds in terms of speed. @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  9. Change the Question, Change the Task Reversibility question: Typical question: Simplify 4(3 + 5y) Reverse the question: Find an expression that can be simplified to 12 + 20y. Generalization question: Find an algebraic expression with four terms that can be simplified to one with two terms. What do you notice about the terms? Find an algebraic expression with three terms that cannot be simplified. What do you notice about the terms? @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  10. Change the Question, Change the Task Flexibility question: Write an equivalent expression to 3b - 5. Write another equivalent expression to 3b - 5. Flexibility question: Simplify each. 5(4x - 3) 5(4a - 3) 5(4y + 3) 5(3 + 4y) (4x - 3)5 @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  11. Opening Up Closed Tasks Open Closed OR Simplify each. Choose any pair of expressions and add multiples together of each. Can you find a way to get an answer of 5x + 8y in each case of combining distinct expressions together? @EducateIN

  12. The Original @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  13. The Upgrade @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  14. Funneling vs. Focusing Adapted from: John Hattie’s Visible Learning for Mathematics p.89 (2017) @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  15. Funneling vs. Focusing @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  16. Wafers and Creme @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  17. Three Act Tasks Act 1 - The Tease How many points is each shape worth? Write down a guess. @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  18. Three Act Tasks Act 2 - The Information What information would be useful to figure this out? Write down some questions you may have in your head right now. @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  19. Three Act Tasks Act 3 - The Reveal! @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  20. Would You Rather... @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  21. Don’t Just Plug and Chug! Students must find the values for the dimensions (no repeats) so that all figures have the same area. @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  22. Slow Reveal Graphs @EducateIN

  23. Rollover Numbers #INspirEDmath @EducateIN

  24. Frayer Models (Examples and Non-Examples) @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  25. In Summary • The most productive discourse involves students thinking about, reasoning about, and making sense of mathematical ideas, problems, concepts, or even procedures. • Engaging in mathematically rich tasks that challenge students somewhat beyond what they already know can set the stage for rich discourse around mathematical ideas. • Students get used to the notion that it’s ok to struggle a bit over a challenging problem, even to make a mistake, knowing that the discussion that evolves from their struggle is likely to lead to better understanding. • NCTM has suggested that the most effective student learning arises when tasks are carefully selected to elicit thinking and when the teacher poses questions that support the development of reasoning. @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  26. MATHAPALOOZA Classroom teachers and coaches are the target audience, although the support of building level administrators is highly encouraged! Open up traditionally closed problems to promote student discourse, provide opportunities for productive struggle, and to support students in risk-taking and sense-making Explore and develop rich tasks that support the eight mathematics teaching practices Interactive and engaging full day session with guided implementation and collaboration opportunities embedded throughout the day Go to bit.ly/MathPD2019 to register! @RobinLConti @MrsBruning

  27. Updates From IDOE Office of School Improvement Literacy Mathematics Social-Emotional Learning High Ability Indiana Academic Standards #INspirEDmath @RobinLConti

  28. Assessment Contact Information Tricia StephensAssessment Specialist, Test Securitytstephens@doe.in.gov Stephanie ThompsonAssessment Specialist, I AMsthompson2@doe.in.govMary WilliamsAssessment Specialist, High School, Formativemwilliams@doe.in.govMark O’MalleyAssessment Specialist, IREAD-3momalley@doe.in.gov Dr. Charity Flores Director of Assessmentcflores@doe.in.govDr. Kristine DavidAssistant Director of Assessment, Contentkdavide@doe.in.gov Sholonda TriceAssistant Director of Assessmentstrice@doe.in.gov Kelly ConnellySenior Assessment Specialist, ILEARNkconnelly@doe.in.gov @EducateIN @RobinLConti

  29. Resources for Understanding ILEARN Released Items Repository • Sample Items (at least 10 per grade and content area) & Scoring Guides • Student Supports and Tools Content Resources • Test Blueprints • Item Specifications • Content-Specific Webinars • Performance Level Descriptors • Scoring Rubrics IDOE Guidance • Technology & BYOD Policies • Scheduling & Timing Guidance • ILEARN ECA Participation • Accessibility & Accommodations • Calculator Policy • Educator Scoring Flyer • Updated FAQ Assessment Literacy • Educator & Parent Brochures • Assessment Development Infographic • Recorded Training Webinars #INspirEDmath @RobinLConti

  30. bit.ly/OSIMath2019 Robin Conti Senior Secondary Math Specialist rconti@doe.in.gov @RobinLConti Digital Supports Document @EducateIN @RobinLConti

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