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Integrated core-edge modelling for JET Hybrid scenario

Integrated core-edge modelling for JET Hybrid scenario. P. Belo, I. Voitsekhovitch. outline. Objectives for the EDG2D/EIRENE simulations EDGE2D/EIRENE simulations Simulations results Conclusions. Objectives of EDGE2D simulations.

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Integrated core-edge modelling for JET Hybrid scenario

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  1. Integrated core-edge modelling for JETHybrid scenario P. Belo, I. Voitsekhovitch

  2. outline • Objectives for the EDG2D/EIRENE simulations • EDGE2D/EIRENE simulations • Simulations results • Conclusions

  3. Objectives of EDGE2D simulations • Determine the recycling or gas puff normalisation constant in TRANSP to improve the interpretative analysis of particle transport (start to collect the database of EDGE2D runs) • Consistent core-edge transport modelling of hybrid scenarios - core transport modelling (Te, Ti, ne) with boundary conditions (neutral influx through the separatrix boundary temperature) taken from EDGE2D: - JETTO with Bohm-gyroBohm transport model (Luca) - TRANSP with EDGE2D neutral flux  TRANSP recalculated sources and losses  ASTRA/GLF23 (Irina)

  4. Data for EDGE2D R = Swall/(Swall+Snbi), Swall=Sgas(=0 for high ) + 10D (factor 10 comes from TFTR simulations) - parameters are estimated at a given time, averaged over 0.5 s (<>) - averaged values <> are estimated over the 0.5 s of the selected time window - 3rd line gives min and max values during the selected time window Data for edge modelling validation: KL9ppf (Te and thermal electron flux, G. Arnoux) - impossible, Langmuire probes (density and particle flux, Stefan Marsen) – in progress

  5. EDGE2D Simulations • Two hybrid shots were used 77922 and 79365 • The grid for these simulations included 8 cm in the plasma core to include the ETB and to have a better fit with the experimental data at the outer mid plane. • The input power for the ions electrons and the particle source were taken from the TRANSP simulations • EDGE2D was set to be feed back control on the inlet gas to an given ni(a). D2 D2

  6. EDGE2D simulations • The perpendicular transport is prescribed and varies in radius to include the reduced transport within the ETB • Carbon was included. The using the Roth/Pacher chemical sputtering model was used. The radial transport was assumed to be the same as Deuterium DC=DD i e i e

  7. EDGE2D results : 77922 • The profiles are at 47.9s 4.0e18 m-36.1e18 m-38.8e18 m-3 ne nC Ti Te Charge exchange HRTS profile is shifted outward by 1.5 cm (black)

  8. 77922: summary of EDGE2D runs to illustrate sensitivity D neutral flux = (Gin-Gout) [A] /1.67e-19 = (1/s)

  9. EDGE2D results : 79635 • The profiles are at 45.9s 5.0e18 m-36.7e18 m-37.08e18 m-3 ne nC Ti Te Charge exchange HRTS profile is shifted outward by 2.6 cm (black)

  10. EDGE2D divertor results : 79635 • The outer strike point is at the edge of tile 5. 5.0e18 m-36.7e18 m-37.08e18 m-3 MW/m2

  11. 79635: summary of EDGE2D runs Dalpha~3.e20 at this time step

  12. Conclusions • Some adjustments in power and transport had to be made in both pulses to fit the experimental data • The neutral flux is very small for the 77922 and significant for the pulse 79635. • The neutral flux varies significantly with the input power and slightly with the particle transport. • Some TRANSP runs were made with the new neutral fluxes • Some more pulses is necessary to make a reasonable conclusion on the dependency of the neutral flux on the transport and input power.

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