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Student Engagement

Student Engagement. The 3™ Model. Dr. Judith Smith, Designer. Student Engagement. Why do you want to learn? Post on the chart. Compare answers. Needs for Learning. Purpose Prior Knowledge Trusting Relationships. Establish a Purpose. Motivate for future use of knowledge.

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Student Engagement

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  1. Student Engagement The 3™ Model Dr. Judith Smith, Designer

  2. Student Engagement

  3. Why do you want to learn?Post on the chart.Compare answers.

  4. Needs for Learning • Purpose • Prior Knowledge • Trusting Relationships

  5. Establish a Purpose • Motivate for future use of knowledge. • Stimulate and challenge. • Connect to parent expectation/ pride.

  6. Connect to Prior Knowledge • Connect to other subjects / interests. • Connect to students’ cultures. • Connect to prior experiences / real life experiences. EXAMPLES

  7. Voces Langston Hughes hermano hermano de raza y también por ser hombre y humano, mi admiracíon te alcanza. Pilar Barrios, Piel negra, p. 37, Uruguay Black Writers in Latin America, Richard Wright UNM Press, 1979

  8. Langston Hughes (1902-1967)Langston Hughes worked as a teacher, seaman, columnist, and poet. His poems used jazz and Black folk rhyme to expose social injustice and frustration. He learned Spanish while visiting/living with his father in Mexico. During the Spanish Civil War, he was Madrid correspondent to a Baltimore paper (Afro-American). During the war he escaped capture by posing as Moroccan. His fluent Spanish saved his life.

  9. Build Trusting Relationships • Content -Teach me about my history and culture. • Context - Create positive learning environment for me. • Process - Teach me using my learning style(s).

  10. Registers of Language • Frozen - Always the same (Lord’s Prayer) • Formal - Word choice of school or work • Consultative - Formal conversation pattern • Casual - Language between friends • Intimate - Lovers, twins, or sexual harassers (Source: Aha! Process – Dr. Ruby Payne)

  11. Impact of Language Register on Minority and Poor Children • Might not access formal register at home • Many may not use the formal register • State tests are written in formal register • Formal register is needed for well-paying job • Casual register uses non-verbal assists (Source: Aha! Process – Dr. Ruby Payne)

  12. Discourse* Patterns in Formal and Casual Register Formal - Pattern is straight to the point Casual - Pattern goes around and around (Source: aha! Process – Dr. Ruby Payne)

  13. Acquisition and Learning • Acquisition(immersion in, and constant interaction with that language)is the best and most natural way to learn. • Learning(the direct teaching of a language) is usually at the more meta-cognitive level. • Double impact (teach the formal register to) students who do not know the formal register of their primary language. Source: aha! Process – Dr. Ruby Payne)

  14. Needs for Managing a Classroom • Establish and Implement Routines • Develop and Post Class Rules • Sequence Steps During Instruction

  15. Establish and Implement Class Routines • Teach routines through structured activities. • Demonstrate and model expected behaviors. • Check for understanding through guided practice.

  16. Write, Post, and Communicate Class Rules • Develop 4 to 6 positive rules with the class. • Compose rules in positive command format using 4 to 6 words. • Post and refer to the rules in the classroom.

  17. Sequence Steps in the Lesson • Develop and share lesson objective(s) with students. • Connect to students’ prior knowledge/ experience. • Model or demonstrate the skill, process, or strategy with concrete examples.

  18. Sequence Steps in the Lesson (Con’t) • Students complete direct choice activity with teacher’s directions. • Teacher provides feedback / re-teaches if needed. • Students demonstrate what they have learned by practicing then applying.

  19. Needs for Effective Discipline Procedures • Set /communicate rewards and consequences. • Offer students options when rules/procedures are violated. • Implement rewards/ consequences consistently.

  20. Set and Communicate Rewards and Consequences • Post rewards and consequences in the classroom • Set reward /consequence to align with level of the offense /positive behavior • Communicate rewards/ consequences with students

  21. Offer Options Consistently • Provide options for students - rewards and punishments • Record positive behavior on reward charts • Catch students being good / on task

  22. Implement Rewards/ Consequences Consistently • Show objectivity when giving rewards/ and consequences • Speak slowly, monotone voice, using few words in giving options / consequences • Impose consequences in a positive manner to train students in responsibility

  23. Assessment and Evaluation • Assess/ test in the format in which the information was taught. • Score tests/ assessments objectively using rubrics. • Inform students of the levels in the rubric.

  24. Use Resources in the Building • Communicate frequently with the principal and other support staff. • Talk / plan with other teachers to maintain/ improve student behavior. • Plan integrated/ interdisciplinary units in in collaboration with other teachers.

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