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Leadership and Influence in Organizations

Understand leadership vs. management, key leadership characteristics, leadership styles, empowerment, and influence tactics for effective leadership and team performance in organizations.

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Leadership and Influence in Organizations

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  1. Chapter-10LEADERSHIP Dr. GehanShanmuganathan, (DBA)

  2. Chapter objectives

  3. 11.1 Chapter objectives 1 Differentiate between leadership and management. 2 Describe how leaders are able to influence and empower team members. 3 Identify important leadership characteristics and behaviors. 4 Describe participative leadership, authoritarian leadership, leadership grid, situational leadership, and entrepreneurial leadership 5 Describe transformational and charismatic leadership. 6 Explain the leadership role of mentoring and coaching. 7 Pinpoint leadership approaches to dealing with adversity and crises 8Identify the skills that contribute to leadership.


  5. LEADERSHIP • The ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals

  6. Link between leadership and management

  7. Link between leadership and management Management Leadership • Formal and scientific • Relies on planning, budgeting, and controlling • Uses techniques based on reasoning • Maintains the status quo • Involves having a vision • Requires teamwork and cooperation by motivating and persuading • Challenge the status quo

  8. Leaders Versus Managers

  9. A Leader is . . . Visionary Passionate Creative Flexible Inspiring Innovative Courageous Imaginative Experimental Independent One who shares knowledge A Manager is . . . Rational (reasoning) Consulting Persistent Problem-solving Tough-minded Analytical Structured Deliberative Authoritative Stabilizing One who centralizes knowledge 11.2 Leaders Versus Managers

  10. The leadership use of power and authority

  11. Power and authority Power Authority • The ability or potential to influence decisions and control resources • The formal right to get people to do things or the formal right to control resources

  12. Types of power

  13. 11.3 Reward Power Coercive Power Legitimate Power Types of Power Expert Power Subordinate Power Referent Power

  14. Power dynamics • Legitimate power- type of power of a leader that derives from the position • Reward power- leader’s control over rewards of value to the group members • Coercive power- leader’s control based on punishments • Expert power- power drives from leader’s job-related knowledge perceived by the group members • Referent power- the ability to control based on loyalty to leader and the group members’ desire to please him • Subordinate power- type of power members can exert upward in an organization

  15. Influence tactics

  16. 11.4 Influence Tactics Used by Leaders • Setting a good example • Leading by values • Assertiveness • Reason and logic • Ingratiation • Bargaining • Coalition formation • Joking and kidding

  17. Influence Tactics Used by Leaders • Leading by example- leader influences group members by serving as a positive model of desirable behavior • Leading by values- leader influences people by articulating and demonstrating values that guide the behavior of others • Assertiveness- being forthright in your demands or making orders clear

  18. Influence Tactics Used by Leaders Cont……. • Rationality- appealing to reason and logic • Ingratiation- getting somebody else to like you, often through the use of political skill or to act in a friendly manner just before making a demand • Exchange (transactional)- influencing others by offering to reciprocate if they meet your demands

  19. Influence Tactics Used by Leaders Cont……. • Coalition formation- is a specific arrangement of parties working together to combine their power. E.g- manager might band with others to convince the organization, employees, or customers • Joking and kidding- straightforward statements might be interpreted as a harsh criticism

  20. Employee empowerment and exercise of power

  21. Employee empowerment and exercise of power • To motivate employees • Offer superior customer service • To gain employee commitment • Feeling of accepting the follower (employee) as a partner in decision making process

  22. Self- leadership

  23. Self- leadership • The process of influencing oneself • Leader should set an example of self-leadership • Leader should encourage with ample instructions in self-leadership skill • Leader should reward accomplishments in self-leadership such as giving feedback on progress

  24. Cross-cultural perceptions on empowerment

  25. Cross-cultural perceptions on empowerment – Global study…. • Workers in the United States, Mexico, and Poland had favorable views of their supervisors when they used a high degree of empowerment, Indian employees, however, rated their supervisor low when empowerment was high (Indians value unequal power between superiors and subordinates)

  26. Characteristics, traits, and behaviors of effective leaders

  27. Characteristics of Effective Leaders

  28. 1. Driven, high achievers, passionate 2. Possess a strong desire to control others (power motive) 3. Self-confident 4. Trustworthy and honesty 5. Smart, knowledgeable, technically competent 6. Sense of humor 7. Emotionally intelligent 8. Leadership efficacy (effectiveness) Characteristics of Effective Leaders

  29. Behaviors and skills of effective leaders

  30. Behaviors of Effective Leaders Adapt to the situation Provide stable performance Visible and maintains a social presence Provide emotional support Give and accept frequent feedback Have a strong customer orientation Recover quickly from setbacks Play the role of servant leader

  31. Leadership styles

  32. Leadership style • The typical pattern of behavior that a leader uses to influence his or her employees to achieve organizational goals

  33. Participative leadership style

  34. Participative leadership style • A leader who shares decision making with group leaders • Also called team leadership style • Inculcated with empowerment • Consultative, consensus, and democratic are also related to participative leadership style

  35. Autocratic leadership style

  36. Autocratic leadership style • A task-oriented leader who retains most of the authority for himself and or herself and is not generally concerned with group members’ attitudes toward decisions • they tell what to do • Serves a model for members • Hands-on management practice

  37. Leadership grid leadership style

  38. Leadership grid leadership style • A visual representation of different combinations of a leader’s degree of concern for task-related issues

  39. Five styles of managerial styles Hi Concern for people Low Hi Low Concern for results

  40. Situational leadership

  41. Situational leadership • A concept that explains how to match leadership style to capabilities of group members on a given task


  43. Entrepreneurial leadership style

  44. Entrepreneurial leadership style characteristics and behavior • A strong achievement need • High enthusiasm, creativity, and visionary perspective • Uncomfortable with hierarchy and bureaucracy

  45. Transformational and charismatic leadership

  46. Transformational leader • A leader who helps organizations and people make positive changes in the way they do things • They change paradigms • Use a combination of charisma, inspirational leadership, and intellectual stimulation • Sets new visions and get the commitment of employees to achieve • Get followers to look beyond their capabilities

  47. charismatic leadership • Charisma is the ability to lead or influence others based on personal charm, magnetism, inspiration, and emotion • Down side is- take advantage of people

  48. Qualities of Transformational and Charismatic Leaders

  49. 11.8 Qualities of Transformational and Charismatic Leaders Possess a vision Masterful communicators Energy and action orientation Help group members feel capable Inspire trust Provide inspiration Intellectually stimulating

  50. The leader as a mentor and coach

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