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Surgical safety worldwide is a critical public health concern, with millions of operations resulting in deaths and complications annually. The WHO Checklist addresses 10 crucial objectives to ensure safe surgery practices, reducing incidents of errors significantly. This tool promotes correct patient identification, safe anesthesia practices, infection prevention, effective teamwork, and more. Hospitals worldwide are encouraged to adopt this checklist to improve patient outcomes, with proven benefits and global support.
Surgical safety is a serious public health issue • About 234 million operations are done globally each year • A rate of 0.4-0.8% deaths and 3-16% complications means that at least 1 million deaths and 7 million disabling complications occur each year worldwide
WHO’s 10 Objectives for Safe Surgery • The team will operate on the correct patient at the correct site. • The team will use methods known to prevent harm from administration of anaesthetics, while protecting the patient from pain. • The team will recognize and effectively prepare for life-threatening loss of airway or respiratory function. • The team will recognize and effectively prepare for risk of high blood loss. • The team will avoid inducing an allergic or adverse drug reaction for which the patient is known to be at significant risk.
WHO’s 10 Objectives for Safe Surgery (con’t) • The team will consistently use methods known to minimize the risk for surgical site infection. • The team will prevent inadvertent retention of instruments or sponges in surgical wounds. • The team will secure and accurately identify all surgical specimens. • The team will effectively communicate and exchange critical information for the safe conduct of the operation. • Hospitals and public health systems will establish routine surveillance of surgical capacity, volume and results.
The Checklist was piloted in 8 cities… EURO EMRO PAHO I London, UK Amman, Jordan Toronto, Canada WPRO I Manila, Philippines PAHO II Seattle, USA WPRO II AFRO Auckland, NZ Ifakara, Tanzania SEARO New Delhi, India
...and was found to reduce the failure to provide basic safety standards by 50%!
What problems does this checklist address? • Correct patient, operation and operative site • There are between 1500 and 2500 wrong site surgery incidents every year in the United States. (Seiden, Archives of Surgery, 2006.) • In a survey of 1050 hand surgeons, 21% reported having performed wrong-site surgery at least once during their careers. (Joint Commission, Sentinel Event Statistics, 2006.)
What problems does this checklist address? (con’t) • Safe Anaesthesia and Resuscitation • A theoretical analysis of 1256 incidents involving general anaesthesia showed that pulse oximetry on its own would have detected 82% of them. (Webb, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 1993.)
What problems does this checklist address? (con’t) • Minimizing risk of infection • Giving antibiotics within two hours of incision reduced the risk of surgical site infection by 2.4 (Classen, New England Journal of Medicine, 1992) • In our eight evaluation sites, failure to give antibiotics on time occurred in almost one half of surgical patients who would otherwise benefit from timely administration
What problems does this checklist address? (con’t) • Effective Teamwork • Communication is a root cause of nearly 70% of the events reported to the Joint Commission from 1995-2005. (Joint Commission, Sentinel Event Statistics, 2006.) • In studies of single institutions, the extended pause was associated with enhanced prophylactic antibiotic choice and timing, and appropriate maintenance of intraoperative temperature and glycemia. (Makary, Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 2006; Altpeter, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 2007.)
Why should your hospital adopt the Checklist? • It is a primary recommendation in the new WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery • The Checklist has been endorsed by over 200 surgical, anaesthesia, and nursing organizations across the world • At least 3 nations have committed to instituting the Checklist in all operating rooms
Advantages of Using a Checklist • Customizable to local setting and needs • Deployable in an incremental fashion • Supported by scientific evidence and expert consensus • Evaluated in diverse settings around the world • Ensures adherence to established safety practices • Minimal resources required to implement a far-reaching safety intervention
What can you do? • Register on the WHO website to gain access to the online network and helpful documents • Implement the Surgical Safety Checklist in your hospital • Give feedback on checklist implementation based on your personal experiences and participate in our online community
Support for implementation • WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery • Additional resources available online at http://www.who.int/patientsafety/challenge/safe.surgery/en/ • Web-based community of hospitals, organizations, and clinicians participating in this program • Safe Surgery Saves Lives Program Team based in Geneva and Boston
Why should you get involved? • Save lives and prevent complications • Reduce medical costs related to errors • Become a part of a supportive international online network of providers and hospitals using the checklist • Participate in a program that identifies your hospital as a leader in patient safety