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As a parent it is our responsibility to develop good dental habits among our children. Most parents have a misconception that they need to teach their kids about oral hygiene only when their mouth is full of teeth or once they start going to Pre School.
As a parent it is our responsibility to develop good dental habits among our children. Most parents have a misconception that they need to teach their kids about oral hygiene only when their mouth is full of teeth or once they start going to Pre School. But in actual one should develop these habits in the earlier stages of their life, so that they don’t need to visit a dentist frequently. It is always said that what we learn in the childhood will remain with us for life. Therefore if the kids learn how to care for their dental health properly it will surely help them to get healthy teeth in their future. Midtown dentist is a well known name who provides great dental services in the Toronto region. There are some routine activities that will be helpful in protecting them from decays or other hygiene related issues.
Healthy hygiene habits in the earlier stage It is a good thing to take care of dental health in the earlier stages since doing so will become an integral part of the kid’s life. Now the question is what we can do in the earlier stages? Since kids don’t know anything, however to build this habit parents need to clean their kid’s gums and erupted teeth properly after every feed. This can be done easily with the help of water soaked gauze pad.
Toothpaste selection for kids • Toothpaste plays a vital role for dental health thus toothpaste selection should be according to the taste and benefits for the kid. A Fluoride tooth paste will be a good option when the milk teeth start erupting. This paste is helpful to prevent teeth from decaying. There is certain amount of fluoride set for children according to their age. Like for 3 years old kid toothpaste should contain 1000ppm fluoride and kids form 3-6 the amount of fluoride in the paste should be 1350 to 1500.Besides this make it sure that the kid does not eat or lick the toothpaste which might result in the tooth paste ending up in the digestive system of your kid.
Flossing: As much important as brushing • After brushing flossing is another important activity to master for the kids because it eliminates rest of the particles that remain in the teeth even after brushing. The best time to teach this activity is when the kid’s last two molars come and the kid is within the age bracket of 2.5 to 3.5. Doing flossing will help to prevent from tooth decay and from bad breath.
Teach them the right way to brush • Teeth will remain germs free only if the brushing is done properly. So it is the responsibility of parents to teach their kid’s the proper way to brush. Don’t confuse your kids! Try to explain them in the simplest form. How to hold a brush and then its movement so that he/she finds it an interesting activity which needs to be repeated two times a day.
What we eat will affect directly on our dental health. Food items like chocolate, carbonated beverages, fast food and other similar food items will cause cavities. So try to keep track on the kid’s eating habits and motivate them to take nutritious food. Although it is a little bit difficult to develop these habits but we can encourage them by explaining the interesting benefits of nutritious food.
Besides developing all these good habits for dental health it is a good idea to visit a dentist at least once when your kid is 2 year to ensure that he /she is not suffering from any dental related issues. A person who lives in Toronto and looking for the best dental service in their region they can visit midtown dental Toronto. If there are any dental issues they can be taken care of at an early age easily.