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Enhancing Weather and Climate Monitoring Through STAR and NPOESS Collaboration

Discover how STAR advances NPOESS mission goals, supports NOAA, and develops tailored products for a variety of end-users globally. Learn about the evolving roles within NPOESS and the technical impact of STAR's leadership in algorithm development and validation.

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Enhancing Weather and Climate Monitoring Through STAR and NPOESS Collaboration

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  1. STAR and NPOESS Presented by Andrew K Heidinger

  2. Requirement, Science, and Benefit Mission Goals • Protect, Restore, and Manage the Use of Coastal and Ocean Resources through an Ecosystem Approach to Management • Understand Climate Variability and Change to Enhance Society’s Ability to Plan and Respond • Serve Society’s Needs for Weather and Water Information • Support the Nation’s Commerce with Information for Safe, Efficient, and Environmentally Sound Transportation Science • NPOESS information furthers each of NOAA’s mission goals • STAR supports the NPOESS program in many ways Benefits • National Weather Service and their customers (Emergency planners, General public, Numerical Weather Prediction, Space Weather, etc.) • Aviation • Air Quality • Department of Defense • International users (Central America, South America, Pacific, etc.) • Broadcasters, Etc. SAME AS GOES-R

  3. NPOESS supports all Mission Goals SST Clouds + Precip. Ocean Color Soundings Aerosols

  4. STAR supports all NPOESS Sensors ATMS – Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder CrIS – Cross-track Infrared Sounder MIS – Microwave Imager/Sounder OMPS – Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite VIIRS – Visible/Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

  5. Contrast in STAR’s Role in GOES-R and NPOESS STAR’s Role in GOES-R STAR lead AWG to develop algorithms and validation systems for GOES-R STAR and its CI’s played dominant role in GOES-R Risk Reduction (Research) including Hyperspectral studies and ABI band selection. STAR’s Initial Role in NPOESS STAR has developed and/or led the transition of all operational POES products. This included algorithm and processing system development and all calibration and validation activities. Under the NPOESS framework, STAR no longer develops the official NPOESS products. STAR scientists now work under the management of the IPO to evaluate and assess the NGST algorithms. The NPOESS contractor (NGST) maintains responsibility for the NPOESS algorithms and the processing system. Due to restrictions imposed during the mission competition, STAR and the other government agencies had little ability to control spectral characteristics of NPOESS sensors. 5

  6. STAR’s Evolving Role in NPOESS In recognition that the baseline NGST products will not fully fulfill the expectations of NESDIS’s customers, NESDIS initiated the NPOESS Data Exploitation Project (NDE). NDE has selected several products as NOAA unique products and will generate these within NESDIS. STAR scientists are developing the algorithms for the NOAA Unique Products Legacy AVHRR SST (A. Ignatov) ATMS products (S. Boukabara) Products from CrIS/ATMS (C. Barnet, M. Goldberg and W. Wolf) NDE and STAR will also make tailored products from the baseline NPOESS products to match the format and resolution requirements of current NESDIS customers. NetCDF4 to BUFR/GRIB converter (W. Wolf) 6

  7. STAR’s Leadership within NPOESS • The IPO has looked to STAR for technical leadership throughout • Larry Flynn has led the Ozone OAT. • Andrew Heidinger led the VIIRS OAT. • Paul Menzel led the Sounding and VIIRS OAT. • Istvan Laszlo served on the Aerosol Polarimeter Sensor (APS) OAT and NPP/NPOES CAL/VAL teams. • Chris Barnet now leads the official IPO sponsored Sounder Cal/Val Team. • Ivan Csiszar leads on IPO-sponsored and NASA EOS/NPP efforts that are developing VIIRS fire algorithms. • Many STAR scientists and contractors also participate as members of the IPO OAT and CAL/VAL teams (Ivan Csiszar, Michael Ondrusek, Jeff Key, Bob Yu, Peter Romanov, Menhua Wang)

  8. STAR’s Technical Impact on NPOESS • STAR scientists played leading role in drafting the original requirements document (IORD) used to determine the NPOESS specifications. • Many STAR algorithm concepts adopted by NGST. (i.e., NGST adopted the NESDIS Cloud Typing Algorithm and several concepts employed in the NESDIS heritage cloud mask.) • P. Menzel/ J. Key led the effort to get IR water vapor bands on VIIRS (may still occur on C3). • I. Csiszar is involved in evaluating potential VIIRS sensor improvement for fire detection.

  9. “Ocean EDR Product Calibration and Validation Plan For the VIIRS Sensor for Ocean Products” VIIRS Cal/Val Plan developed for IPO by inter-agency government team (Navy, NOAA, NASA) to construct end-to-end sensor-to-product capability based on heritage capabilities STAR Ocean Color Activities: VIIRS Ocean Color Algorithm Evaluation, Data Processing & Analyses – Menghua Wang 1) Algorithm Evaluation and Development 2) Vicarious Calibration (VC) Technique Demonstration using MODIS Data 3) VIIRS Data Processing System and VIIRS Proxy Data Set VIIRS In situ Data for Vicarious Calibration and Validation - Michael Ondrusek 1) Historical/real time match up data set used for vicarious calibration 2) Vicarious calibration exclusion criteria 3) In situ data management group STAR Sea Surface Temperature and Clear-Sky Radiances Activities: VIIRS SST & CSR: Cal/Val & Monitor for Stability & Cross-Platform Consistency - Alexander Ignatov 1) Cal/Val VIIRS SST against in situ SSTs 2) Evaluate VIIRS SST against global Level 4 SST fields 3) Evaluate VIIRS CSR against Community Radiative Transfer Model simulations Define a VIIRS Proxy Data Stream Define the required in situ data stream for Cal/Val Tuning of algorithms and LUTS (Vicarious calibration and SDR feedback) Ocean Algorithm, stability evaluation and uncertainty Product validation and product long-term stability Satellite inter- comparisons, robustness, seasonal and product stability 9

  10. Example STAR-developed NPOESS Applications: Generating NPOESS-analogs on POES for NPOESS Readiness • STAR algorithms running on POES/AVHRR already generate many of the NPOESS/VIIRS cloud algorithms using analogous approaches. • At CIMSS, these data are fed into the AWIPS data stream through the NWS Proving Ground Project. Our goal is prepare forecasters for NPOESS/VIIRS products. Products also served via Google Earth. False Color Image Cloud Mask + SST Cloud Optical Depth

  11. Example of STAR-developed NPP/NPOESS CAL/VAL SystemMonitoring VIIRS aerosol retrieval • The evaluation system routinely evaluates performance of the VIIRS aerosol retrieval run with MODIS proxy inputs using ground measurements (AERONET) and independent satellite (MODIS) retrievals. Map of MODIS Collection 5 and VIIRS-like aerosol optical depth (AOD) difference for MODIS/Terra on July 1, 2008 Time series of daily AOD (top), bias (middle) and RMSE (bottom) over land (left) and water (right).

  12. “Ocean EDR Product Calibration and Validation Plan For the VIIRS Sensor for Ocean Products” Define a VIIRS Proxy Data Stream Define the required in situ data stream for Cal/Val Tuning of algorithms and LUTS (Vicarious calibration and SDR feedback) Ocean Algorithm, stability evaluation and uncertainty Product validation and product long-term stability Satellite inter- comparisons, robustness, seasonal and product stability VIIRS Cal/Val Plan developed for IPO by inter-agency government team to (Navy, NOAA, NASA) to construct end to end capability from sensor to end product based on heritage capabilities STAR Activities: • VIIRS Ocean Color Algorithm Evaluations and Data Processing and Analyses – Menghua Wang 1) Algorithm Evaluation and Development 2) Vicarious Calibration (VC) Technique Demonstration using MODIS Data 3) VIIRS Data Processing System and VIIRS Proxy Data Set • VIIRS In situ Data for Vicarious Calibration and Validation- Michael Ondrusek 1) Historical/real time match up data set used for vicarious calibration 2) Vicarious calibration exclusion criteria 3) In situ data management group

  13. Summary • STAR has supported the NPOESS program in many ways Initial Requirements Assisting in Contractor Selection Process Participation in Operational Algorithm Teams (OATs) • STAR is supporting the NPOESS program in many ways IPO CAL/VAL Teams Proving Ground Education/Training (SME/COMET) • STAR will support the NPOESS program in many ways NOAA Unique Products Advanced Products and Applications Climate Data Records Calibration Validation • NPOESS information furthers each of NOAA’s mission goals • STAR supports the NPOESS program in many ways

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