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Spanish Noun Articles: Definite vs. Indefinite Usage

Learn how to use definite and indefinite articles with Spanish nouns based on gender and number rules. Practice matching articles to singular and plural words. Improve your Spanish grammar skills effectively.

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Spanish Noun Articles: Definite vs. Indefinite Usage

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  1. Definite Articles & Indefinite Articles

  2. In Spanish, nouns are masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns usually end in an –O & feminine nouns usually end in an –A. carro fruta If a noun ends with a an –E or a consonant, you must memorize if it is masculine or feminine. ***look for el or la on vocab sheet*** pared coche (car)

  3. Singular nouns name one of something and plural nouns name more than one of something. estudianteestudiantes If a word ends in a vowel, add –”s” to make it plural. Fruta frutas If a word ends in a consonant, add –”es” to make it plural. Animal animales

  4. Definite articles are placed in front of nouns and must match the noun in GENDER and in NUMBER. In English, there is one definite article: THE. In Spanish, there are four defininte articles: the

  5. EL is used in front of masculine-singular NOUNS! el profesor el chico el sombrero LA is used in front of feminine-singular NOUNS! la profesora la chica la falda

  6. LOS is used in front of masculine-plural NOUNS! los zapatos los libros los sombreros LAS is used in front of feminine-plural NOUNS! las camisas las bufandas las joyas

  7. VAMOS A PRACTICAR Write the definite for each word. 1. joyas 2. amiga 3. profesora 4. gorras 5. libros 6. zapato 7. frutas 8. carros

  8. Indefinite articles are placed in front of nouns and must match the noun in GENDER and in NUMBER. In English, there are 3 indefinite articles: A, AN, SOME. In Spanish, there are four indefininte articles: A, an some

  9. UN is used in front of masculine-singular NOUNS! un profesor un chico un sombrero UNA is used in front of feminine-singular NOUNS! una profesora una chica una falda

  10. UNOS is used in front of masculine-plural NOUNS! unos zapatos unos libros unos sombreros UNAS is used in front of feminine-plural NOUNS! unas camisas unas bufandas unas joyas

  11. VAMOS A PRACTICAR Write the indefinite for each word. 1. camisetas 2. chica 3. profesora 4. zapato 5. libros 6. botas 7. faldas 8. chicos

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