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PRACTICUM: PARTICIPATION IN CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT OF A PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER (PSW) CERTIFICATE PROGRAM. For: Dr. Isolde Daiski Prepared by: Eva Hearn. MY RESEARCH AND READING. How did PSW programs come to be in community colleges? What should the PSW graduate look like?
MY RESEARCH AND READING • How did PSW programs come to be in community colleges? • What should the PSW graduate look like? • Role and responsibilities • Community and long term care
HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT • Need for consistency across PSW programs • Process implemented in Ontario in 1993 Four Phases: • Occupational assessment to be completed • Training standards and curriculum to be established • Quality Assurance Mechanism to be identified • Implementation Plan to be established • Of special interest to me, input from nursing organizations was valued to encourage standards and curriculum that would be relevant and appropriate.
APPROVAL OF PROGRAM • May 1997, final report received • Ontario Government approved a new program. • Graduates would have the skills to be flexible while continuing to learn and to adapt as the focus of college programs was broadened. • Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities (MTCU), presently responsible for development, review, and approval of system-wide standards in Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology
THREE ELEMENTS OF PROGRAM STANDARDS • Vocational standard: learning outcomes are vocationally specific related to PSW program • Generic employability skills standard: learning outcomes are generic specific and apply to all programs that offer similar credentials • General education standard: required in all postsecondary programs
ONTARIO NURSES’ ASSOCIATION (ONA) AND THE EDUCATION STANDARD OF PSWS • Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA) supports PSW vocational standard set by the MTCU to be the educational standard for PSW • Other institutions to adhere to same standard curriculum and to be fully accredited for delivery of education • One universal definition of PSW with consistent education to enable graduate to capably demonstrate knowledge and skills.
CANADIAN EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS FOR PSWS IN CONTINUING CARE • Not only across Ontario, across Canada, curriculum development at various stages in PSW programs, again inconsistency exists. • To meet healthcare needs of all Canadians, Federal Government needs to be active in support of a standardized national model to be adopted by all PSW programs.
What Should The PSW Graduate Look Like? • Unregulated care provider (UCP) • supervised by regulated health professionals, RN or RPN, supervisor, or directed by client in supported independent living environment • provides delegated acts including safe and competent personal care, routine activities of daily living, home management services • works with stable clients whose status will not significantly change • follows care plans, policies, and procedures • communicates effectively • aware of limitations, personal strengths and weaknesses within role
BLOOM’S TAXONOMYHUMBER COLLEGE’S EDUCATIONALPEDAGOGY • Used worldwide by educators since 1956 • Relevant to planning and designing of college and university education • Promotes higher forms of thinking • Provides meaningful personal development • Considers breadth and depth • Consists of three learning domains
WRITING THE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Cognitive Domain: • define, label, list, describe • discuss, explain, give examples • apply, interpret, demonstrate • analyze, contrast, compare, identify • combine, develop, propose, tell, write • assess, debate, evaluate, conclude
WRITING THE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Affective Domain: • ask, listen, focus, discuss, attend, take part • respond, seek, interpret, clarify, present • argue, challenge, debate, propose, report • build, develop, modify, identify, alter • act, display, practice, revise, verify, solve
WRITING THE LEARNING OBJECTIVES Psychomotor Domain: • copy, follow, repeat, adhere • re-create, build, perform, implement • demonstrate, show, calibrate, complete • construct, solve, adapt, develop, master • design, specify, manage, invent
PARSE’S HUMAN BECOMING TEACHING-LEARNING MODEL • Teaching-Learning student focused • Learning is a journey of co-creation with frequent changes • Learning is mysterious • Allows for unfolding to be witnessed (Parse, 2004). • My philosophy of teaching is student-centred where teacher facilitates student in his learning goals and outcomes so that student is accountable for his learning
INFLUENCE OF COLLEGE OF NURSES (CNO) IN ROLE OF PSW • Regulated care provider, RN or RPN, delegates tasks and care related to education and skills of PSW • Plan of care developed by RN or RPN • Work of PSW directed by plan of care • Supervised by RN or RPN • PSW does not perform an assessment
ROY’S ADAPTATION MODEL • Application of some concepts of model to further educate PSW graduate - Restorative Care Certificate • Environment: conditions, circumstances that affect development and behaviour of person and group • Health: process of being, becoming integrated and whole, mutual reflection of person and environment • Nursing: promotes adaptation to promote health, quality of life, and dignity in death
RESTORATIVE CARE CERTIFICATE • Training to post graduate PSWs • Private health care agency educators visit on site • Four mandatory courses • PSWs to promote well being and quality of life • PSWs to encourage clients to adapt to health related changes • Client encouraged to maintain ability to live in same environment prior to health related change
REGISTRY FOR PSWS • June 13, 2012 • New registry for PSWs in Ontario • Mandatory for PSWs employed by publicly-funded employers • To promote accountability and transparency • To protect vulnerable populations
THOUGHTS ? Will a PSW Registry ensure the need for a consistent curriculum across programs? Will the presence of a registry promote classroom and workplace discussions about professional conduct and ethical behaviour?
REFERENCES Anderson, L.W. & Krathwohl, D.R. (2001). Bloom’s taxonomy. http://www4.uwsp.edu/education/lwilson/curric/newtaxonomy.htm Association of Canadian Community Colleges and the Canadian Association of Continuing Care Educators (2012). Canadian educational standards for personal care providers in continuing care: a reference guide. National educational standards for personal care providers in continuing care 1-15. http://www.accc.ca/ftp/pubs/perscare/Draft_NESPCP_Guide.pdf Canadian Nurses Association. (2008). Advanced nursing practice: a national framework. http://www2.cna-aiic.ca/CNA/documents/pdf/publications/ANP_National_Framework_e.pdf College of Nurses of Ontario. (2011) Working with unregulated care providers. http://www.cno.org/Global/docs/prac/41014_workingucp.pdf
REFERENCES Forehand, M. (2012). Bloom's taxonomy, from emerging perspectives on learning, teaching and technology. www.coe.uga.edu/epltt/bloom.htm Hansard Transcript. (2012). Statements by the ministry and responses. Excerpt-of-Hansard-Transcript-June-13-2012.pdf Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council (2006). The regulation of personal support workers. www.health.gov.on.ca/english/public/pub/ministry_reports/personal_support_workers/personal_support_workers.pdf Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (2004). Personal support worker program standard, 1-34. www.tcu.gov.on.ca/pepg/audiences/colleges/progstan/health/supportworker.pdf Ontario Community Support Association (2009). The history and development of the personal support worker and personal attendant programs in Ontario. www.ocsa.on.ca/userfiles/PSW_History.pdf
REFERENCES Ontario Nurses’ Association. (2012). Submission to the PSW educational standards consultation. http://www.ona.org/documents/File/politicalaction/ONA_Submission_PSWEducation_20120518.pdf Parse, R.R. (2004). A human becoming teaching-learning model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 17 (1), 33-35. doi: 10.1177/0894318403260549 PSW Registry. (2012). The Ontario personal support worker registry becomes a reality. The_Ontario_Personal_Support_Worker_Registry_becomes_a_reality_v2012_06_14.pdf Rogers, C. and Keller, C. (2009). Roy’s adaptation model to promote physical activity among sedentary older adults. Geriartic Nursing 30 (2), 21-26.