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Korea Energy Economics Institute

Korea Energy Economics Institute. CGE Workshop on Exchange of Experience and Good Practices amonng Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention in Preparing National Communications and on Cross-cutting Issues 20-22 September 2007, Egypt Cairo.

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Korea Energy Economics Institute

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  1. Korea Energy Economics Institute CGE Workshop on Exchange of Experience and Good Practices amonng Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention in Preparing National Communications and on Cross-cutting Issues 20-22 September 2007, Egypt Cairo Building and Sustaining Capacities to Prepare National Communications- Case of the Republic of Korea - Jaekyu Lim

  2. Outline of Presentation • Context and status of National Communication • Capacity building activities (in-country / external) • Institutions involved • Results / Critical Success Factors • Key Lessons Learned

  3. Context and Status of National Communications • Initial NC submitted in Feb. 1998 • 2nd NC submitted in Dec. 2003 • Using the guideline for Parties included in AnnexⅠto the Convention (FCCC/1999/L.3/Add.1) • More systematic approach for the preparation • National project with full support from government • Joint research and preparation with research institutes, academics, government officials, etc. • Self-assessment and review on 2nd NC • Methodological approaches • Credibility of results and findings • Sections required to improve quality and credibility

  4. Context and Status of National Communications • Preparation of 3rd NC at final stage • Use of similar institutional and human resource arrangement to 2nd NC • Improvement of methodological approaches on inventory and projection of GHG emissions • Emphasis on mitigation assessment with special technical modeling efforts • Balanced approach on mitigation and adaptation • Planned to finalize the Korean version by Dec. 2007 • Planned to submit to UNFCCC at May 2008

  5. Context and Status of National Communications • Contents of 3rd NC : 9 Chapters • Executive Summary • National Circumstances • Greenhouse Gas Inventory • Policies and Measures • Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Vulnerability Assessment, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Measures • Financial Resources and Technology Transfer • Research and Systematic Observation • Education, Training and Public Awareness

  6. Capacity Building Activities • Research project (2004~2006) on methodological improvement and mitigation assessment • Improvement of national GHG inventory system • Modeling, data gathering and analysis for GHG projection • Modeling & analysis for mitigation assessment of different sectors (i.e. energy, agriculture, waste, etc.) • Research project (2005~2007) on CC impact assessment and development of adaptation strategies • Assessment of CC impacts on sectorial levels • Identification of climate vulnerability • Development of an integrated and effective nationwide adaptation strategies • Participation in various training programs & workshops

  7. Inventory & Projection Policies and Measures Review & Coordination Tech. Transfer & Public Awareness Scientific Analysis, Adaptation, Systematic Observation, etc. Institutions Involved • 4 task-forces, 1 coordination and review group • Each TF consists of experts, officials, stakeholders, etc. • Information and data gathering, analysis and preparation • The group consists of TF leaders, experts and officials. • 12 institutions, 12 ministries, academics, etc. • Formal approval by Inter-Ministerial Committee

  8. Institutions Involved …..including academics, NGOs and stakeholders

  9. Results / Critical Success Factors • Improved quality, transparency and credibility of 3rd NC • Construction of basic and supporting DB for inventory and projection • Improvement of methodological approach on GHG emission projection and mitigation assessment • Balanced preparation efforts between mitigation and adaptation • Experiences and know-how on preparation of NC • Involvement and efforts of experienced experts who participated in preparation of 2nd NC • Recognition of barriers and know-how to solve problems • Effective coordination to economize time and energy • Systematic institutional & human resource arrangement

  10. Barriers and Constraints • Unbalanced capacities and resources between sectors • Environment, energy and forestry sectors with high interest and much financial and human resources • Unbalanced information and database between sectors • Launch of backup research projects for deficient sectors • Continuity of preparation process • Self-funded preparation ⇒ continuous financial support by government required • Realization of government on the importance of NC • Domestic issues regarding climate change problem • Relatively high political interest on mitigation and post-2012 framework • Balanced interest and measures on infrastructure and adaptation issues required to tackle CC problem

  11. Key Lessons Learned • To build capacities in preparing NC • Deep interest of government and experts on NC • Continuous basic research on inventory, projection methods, mitigation assessment, adaptation, etc. • Cultivation of relevant experts from various fields • To sustain capacities in preparing NC • Systematic and effective institutional network and arrangement • Continuous support for deficient sectors • Regular meeting and forum for information and knowledge sharing

  12. Korea Energy Economics Institute Thank you !

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