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Soil Atlas of Europe

This topical and timely publication explores soil protection legislation, EU enlargement, and collaborative pan-European efforts to support European citizens and policymakers in understanding soil quality. With an informative, visually engaging format including maps, pictures, and diagrams, the atlas covers threats to soils and provides supporting information across seven major sections. Readers will find regional page spreads for countries like Spain, Germany, and Turkey, along with international context on soil properties such as depth to rock and available water capacity. This Atlas is a valuable reference work that is easily readable and graphically stimulating.

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Soil Atlas of Europe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Soil Atlas of Europe

  2. What are we trying to produce? • Topical and Timely Publication • Soil protection legislation • Enlargement of the EU • Collaborative pan-European effort

  3. Who will read the atlas? • Reference work on European Soils for EU citizens • Not aimed at soil scientists • Informative, Easy • to read, graphically • stimulating • Quality Product

  4. Format of Atlas A book of 128 A3 Pages (Portrait Format ) Open A2 Landscape Spread Mix of text, maps, pictures and diagrams Easily readable

  5. Support for Atlas Preface by EC Commissioners • Environment, JRC, Agriculture • Forward by Director General of JRC • Contributions from ESB Network • Enthusiastic response from DG Environment

  6. Overview 7 Major Sections • Introduction • WRB • European Maps • International Section • Soil Database • Threats to soils • Supporting information

  7. Examples

  8. Examples

  9. An Atlas Needs Maps! • 1:1M Soil Geographical Database of Europe is the heart of the atlas. • Dominant STU assigned to each polygon. • WRB Reference Group and FAO Label attached > Legend + Colours. • “Generalizing procedures”. • Individual page spreads clipped.

  10. Soils of Europe Overview Map

  11. Regional Page Spreads 20 regional map sheets

  12. Regional Page Spreads

  13. Regional Page Spreads • Scandinavia: north & Iceland (2.5) • Denmark, S. Sweden, S. Norway (2.5) • Baltic States (1.5) • UK & Eire (2.5) • Germany and Switzerland (2.5) • Poland (2.5) • France & Benelux (2.5) • Czech Republic & Austria (1.5) • Hungary & Slovakia (1.5) • Spain & Portugal (2.5) • Italy, Malta, Slovenia & Croatia (2.5) • Romania (& Moldova) (1.5) • Greece / Albania (1.5) • Turkey & Cyprus (4) • Belarus (1.5) • Ukraine (2.5) • Russia

  14. International Context - World Updated FAO World Soils Data Base Atlas WRB Legend

  15. International Context - Mediterranean

  16. International Context – Northern Soils Transformation of US Taxonomy to WRB

  17. International Context – Northern Soils 2

  18. Soil Properties Maps and Use of DB Texture Triangle % Sand, % Silt, % Clay Depth to rock Available Water Capacity Bulk Density Parent Material Cation Exchange Etc…. Soil Organic Matter

  19. 0-0.1mgL-1 0.1-0.5mgL-1 >0.5mgL-1 Use of SGDB Risk from pesticide leaching N2O from soils Soil Erosion Risk

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