1. Prince Henry The Explorer
Written By Tyler Hill
2. Early Life Born in 1394 in Porto, Portugal and inside the Casa de Infante.
When 20, defeated Morocco Pirates that would steal natives as slaves.
Studied Sailing.
King Henry IV is Prince Henry’s Uncle.
3. Reasons To Explore Prince Henry explored for himself.
Sent 14 explorers to Africa in 12 years.
Explored for the Unknown, Gold (who doesn’t want gold?), and Portugal.
4. Success Started the School of Navigation on coast of Portugal.
Found and brought back slaves from Africa.
Invented the Caravel, a seafaring ship that helped start the Age of Exploration.
5. Routes (places)
6. Routes/Events (continued) In 1394 Prince Henry was born.
In 1434 Prince Henry started sending out ships to Africa.
In 1460, Prince Henry died and a ship made it past the 1500 mile mark in Africa.
7. Facts Died 1460 at 66 years old.
Created and used the caravel.
Started first sailing school.
Sent 14 explorers in 12 years.
8. Activote Question #1Who is Prince Henry’s famous relative?A. King Henry IVB. King Ferdinand C. Queen of Spain
9. Activote Question #2 What ship did he use?
A. Caravel.
B. Tall Ships.
C. Neither of the above.
10. ActivoteQuestion # 3 When was his first voyages sent?
A. 1460
B. 1394
C. 1434