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Development of Threatened Biodiversity Database in Central Asia

Project 99-1483 aims to integrate Red Listing systems, assess extinction risks, and establish a collaborative network for Central Asian species. The database includes taxonomy, threat categories, environmental factors, and conservation measures.

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Development of Threatened Biodiversity Database in Central Asia

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  1. Development of the database on the threatened biodiversity in Central Asia with examples of migratory vertebrates Elena A. Kreuzberg, Elena A. Bykova, Eleanor J. Milner-Gulland, Stephen Ling

  2. PROJECT 99-1483Correlates of Extinction Risk for Central Asian Biodiversity

  3. Project participants: Imperial College London, UK Institute of Zoology, UZ IUCN - World Conservation Union, CH Institute of Zoology, KZ Swedish Threatened Species Unit, SE Institute of Deserts, TM Institute of Zoology and Parasitology, TJ InstituteofBotany, KZ

  4. Objectives • To integrate the Red Listing system used by the Central Asian countries into the global framework IUCN-SSC. • To develop a system for assessing the threat of extinction of Central Asian species at 3 levels: national, regional and global.

  5. Objectives • To use archive data to correlates extinctions of the listed species at the national, regional and global scales. • To product of GIS for extinction risk. • To initiate and support a collaborative network of CA scientists.

  6. The main ecosystems of CA

  7. Threatened Species Database: • Country • Taxonomy • Scientific name, Russian name, English name 4. Categories and criteria Red List IUCN-SSC 5. National threatened status • Life-history characteristics: body mass, generation time, fecundity

  8. Threatened Species Database: 7.Environment: landscape zone, biotope, trophic resources, specific environment requirements) • Range: (sub)populations, distribution, range area, degree of fragmentation, dispersal distances, contiguous 9. Number: current number, (sub)population trend, carrying capacity

  9. Threatened Species Database: • Threats:time, degree, probability, diapason 9.Conservation measures: accepted measure, necessary measure 10. References • Contact details of expert: name, institution, post address, phone, fax, e-mail

  10. Example 1 Saiga tatarica tatarica, Saiga Mammalia, Bovidae

  11. Saiga tatarica tatarica • Distributional: ZU KZ TM RU • Subpopulations: Betpak-dala, Ustyurt, Ural • Landscape: desert, semi-desert, steppe • Dispersal: 200-1200 km • Range area: 300,000-350,000 sq.km • Current number: 178,000

  12. Saiga tatarica tatarica

  13. Saiga tatarica tatarica • Population trend: decline from 1974 (especially in 1999-2000) • Limiting factors: poaching, disease, habitat degradation, human disturbance, natural fluctuations (2x) • Conservation measure: Hunting prohibition from 1998-1999, listed in 1999 Red Data Book of Turkmenistan and 2000 IUCN Red List

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