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Photography Genres

Explore different photography genres such as photojournalism, black and white, action, microphotography, portraiture, advertising, fashion, animal, and aerial photography. Learn about famous photographers like Margaret Bourke-White, Ansel Adams, and Yann Arthus-Bertrand who made significant contributions to these genres. Discover the diverse styles and techniques used in each genre, from capturing news stories to showcasing the beauty of animals and nature from above. Whether you're a photography enthusiast or a beginner, this article provides insights into the artistry and impact of various photography genres.

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Photography Genres

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  1. Photography Genres Examples of Different Genres and the People Who Made Them Famous

  2. Photojournalism • Photojournalism is the use of images to tell a news story • Has become more and more popular • Can be more powerful than the written story • Famous Photographer: Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971), Eddie Adams (1933-2004) won the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the Vietnam War

  3. Margaret Bourke-White

  4. Eddie Adams

  5. Top 10 Photojournalists • http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-photojournalists.php

  6. Black and White • Black and White photography uses details like lighting, composition, and patterns to attract viewers • The loss of color can create a more striking image than the colorful one • Famous Photographer: Ansel Adams (1902-1984)

  7. Ansel Adams

  8. Famous Black/White Photographers TODAY • http://www.photographydo.com/black-and-white-photography/famous-black-and-white-photographers

  9. Action Photography • Action Photography uses a fast shutter speed to catch an action in a freeze frame • There are two types of action photography: blurred, and frozen motion • Famous Photographer: George William Beldam (1868-1937) • Not many photos of Beldam’s remain so another example was used.

  10. Isaac Bauman

  11. Famous Action/Sports PHOTOGRAPHERS TODAY • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dl-cade/10-actionsport-photograph_b_7221730.html

  12. Microphotography • Macrophotography is the capturing of images at a very close range • This is a rather new genre due to the fact that highly specialized and expensive equipment is often required • This genre is often used to shoot insects, flowers, and other small animals • Famous Photographer: M. Plonsky

  13. M. Plonsky

  14. Macro vs. Micro? • Huh?

  15. The truth… • There is NO difference!

  16. Famous today? • http://www.photoventure.com/2013/05/17/20-amazing-macro-photographers-on-500px/

  17. Portraiture • Portraiture is the photography of people and can be at close range to showcase the neck and up, or further away to showcase the waist up and sometimes the entire body • Black and White photography is often used here to evoke more of an emotional response • Famous Photographer: Philippe Halsman (1906-1979)

  18. Philippe Halsman

  19. TODAY? • http://www.boredpanda.com/top-10-photographers-for-travel-portraits/

  20. Advertising Photography • Advertising Photography is the use of photography to create an image that sells a product by portraying it in an often lavish and sexy form • Recently this genre has become more and more sexually suggestive and colorful • Famous Photographer: David LaChapelle

  21. David LaChapelle

  22. Product Photographers today? • http://www.topteny.com/top-10-best-product-photographers-in-the-world/

  23. Fashion Photography • Fashion photography is used to display clothing and other accessories • It is often used for advertising purposes but is mostly published in magazines as editorial spreads • Famous Photographer: Shaun Alexander

  24. Shaun Alexander

  25. Fashion Photographers today… • http://ca.complex.com/style/2012/08/the-50-greatest-fashion-photographers-right-now/sebastian-kim

  26. Animal Photography • Animal photography is the use of photography to showcase the beauty and danger of animals • Animal photography in it’s finest form captures the animal in it’s natural unobserved state • Famous Photographer: Nick Brandt

  27. Nick Brandt

  28. TODAY? • http://webneel.com/30-incredible-and-award-winning-national-geography-animal-photography-examples

  29. Aerial Photography • Aerial photography is the shooting of earth scenes from above while in a plane or helicopter • This form of photography captures the natural patterns of the earth and displays them beautifully, often by contrasting the image and manipulating the lighting • Famous Photographer: Yann Arthus-Bertrand

  30. Yann Arthus-Bertrand

  31. Today? • http://twistedsifter.com/2011/03/25-mind-blowing-aerial-photographs/

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