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Impact of European Exploration on World Cultures

Explore effects of economic, geographic, social, and political conditions before and after European Exploration on different civilizations, influenced by Crusades, Renaissance, and Reformation.

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Impact of European Exploration on World Cultures

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  1. COS Standard 1 Compare effects of economic, geographic, social and political conditions before and after European Exploration of the 15th through 17th centuries on Europeans, American colonists, Africans and indigenous Americans.

  2. Describing the influence of the Crusades, Renaissance and Reformation on European Exploration. Chapter 1-4, 1-5, 2-2

  3. Crusades • Pope Urban II • 1095 (lasted two centuries) • Regain the holy land • Brought western Europe in contact with Muslim and Byzantine civilizations. • Trade increases • Feudalism decreases • Begin to look for a new water route to China

  4. Renaissance • 1350-1600 • Rebirth of Greek and Roman cultures • Intellectual revolution that produced great works of art and started a scientific revolution. • New inventions were developed to help explorers with long distance travel. • Astrolabe • Lateen sails • Caravel

  5. Reformation • Martin Luther publishes attack on Catholic Church • 95 Theses: indulgences • King Henry VIII wants to dissolve his marriage to his wife but cannot get an annulment from the pope. • Produced a child • Henry breaks away and names himself as the head of the Anglican Church.

  6. Portuguese Explorers • Henry the Navigator: set up a center for astronomical and geographical studies • Vasco de Gama: water route to Asia via Africa and across the Indian Ocean to India.

  7. Vikings • 1st Europeans to arrive in America • Norway • Permanent attempts to settle failed because Native Americans opposed them.

  8. Spanish Explorers • Christopher Columbus • Used Ptolemy’s map as a basic guide to sail • Took three trips to America, landed in Bahamas, Cuba, Hispanola

  9. Spanish Explorers continued • Amerigo Vespucci: America named after, repeated Columbus’s voyages, America is not Asia • Juan Ponce de Leon: discovered Florida • Vasco de Balboa: 1st European to reach Pacific coast of America. • Ferdinand Magellan: 1st to circumnavigate the globe

  10. Columbian Exchange • Changed the world’s ecosystems • Europeans learned local farming methods, new crops: corn, tobacco, potatoes; new inventions: canoe. • Native Americans learned how to plant wheat, oats, barley and how to raise livestock, and use metalworking. • Diseases spread.

  11. Columbian Exchange

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