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Benjamin Stillwell Mechanical Engineering Specialist

SPX Mechanical Systems – Infrastructure, Integration, Installation WBS U1., U1., U. Benjamin Stillwell Mechanical Engineering Specialist APS Engineering Support/Mechanical Engineering and Design DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of APS-Upgrade 4-6 Decem ber 2012. Outline.

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Benjamin Stillwell Mechanical Engineering Specialist

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  1. SPX Mechanical Systems – Infrastructure, Integration, InstallationWBS U1., U1., U. Benjamin Stillwell Mechanical Engineering Specialist APS Engineering Support/Mechanical Engineering and Design DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of APS-Upgrade4-6 December 2012

  2. Outline • Importance • Scope • Organization • Technical Requirements • Design • Interfaces • Risks • ES&H • Cost • Schedule DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  3. Importance of Infrastructure, Installation, and Integration • SPX cryomodules require significant new hardware and infrastructure accommodations at the APS to function. • Design effort project-wide requires information and problem-resolution for mechanical interfacing. • Integration of superconducting RF cryomodules into the existing storage ring vacuum system must be carefully planned to ensure that cavities and/or storage ring operations are not compromised. DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  4. Scope - Hardware Deliverables • Cryogenic supply and distribution systems • Deionized water delivery and distribution systems • Infrastructure in building 400A for cryomodule and vacuum component preparation and testing • Mechanical components to perform cavity testing and accommodate storage ring installations DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  5. Scope - Hardware DeliverablesR&D Mechanical Components SHORTENED 7.5MM ID VACUUM CHAMBER DOWNSTREAM END-BOX WITH TAPER UPSTREAM END-BOX WITH TAPER ALUMINUM VACUUM SPOOLS RF-LOCKING GATE VALVE TEST BELLOWS TAPER SPX0 Straight Section Vacuum System (Bellows Test Configuration) DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  6. Scope - Hardware DeliverablesR&D Cryogenics Input coupler, top plate, support frame, and cryogenic plumbing for horizontal test Feedbox, neck insert, and top plate for vertical test cryostat Kinney-Tuthill vacuum pump DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  7. Scope - Hardware DeliverablesCryoplant Turn-key system includes: • 320W at 2K (100% margin) and 500W at 5K • Compressors • “Cold Box” • Gaseous and liquid helium storage • Installation supervision and commissioning Similar-scale system used at ELBE DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  8. Scope - Hardware DeliverablesCryogenic Distribution System Includes: • Approx. 70m of 4-circuit transfer line • Main distribution box (valves) • Two localend boxes (valves) • U-tubes and assorted supplies • Mechanical supports DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  9. Scope – Hardware DeliverablesDeionized Water Systems 600 gpm of additional capacity provided for a total of >900 gpm serving: HLRF amplifiers – 440 gpm HLRF test stands – 125 gpm Cryoplant-related – 150 gpm Conventional facilities – 50 gpm Total projected DI water need: 765 gpm DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  10. Scope - Integration and Installation Deliverables • Cryomodule mechanical installation support and planning. • Top-level mechanical assembly model. • Mechanical interface drawings and 400A space use plan. DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  11. Organization • Ben Stillwell – Section lead/mechanical engineer • Joel Fuerst – Lead cryogenics engineer • John Noonan – Mechanical engineer (vacuum design and storage ring integration) • Bran Brajuskovic – Mechanical engineer (dampers) • Jie Liu – Mechanical engineer (analysis) • Stan Reeves (Espo) – Mechanical engineer (ANL cryomodule hardware) • Rich Hrebic (Espo) – Mechanical engineer (cryogenics systems) • Bill Soldwisch (Espo) – Mechanical engineer (integration) • Dave Fallin – Mechanical designer/drafter • Neil Bartkowiak – Mechanical designer/drafter • Jason Lerch - Mechanical designer/drafter DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  12. Technical Requirements • Physics Requirement Documents (PRDs) – SPX0, SPX • Engineering Specification Documents (ESDs): SPX Cryomodule SPX HLRF SPX Dampers SPX Windows DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  13. Design Status Summary DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  14. Interfaces • Top-level mechanical models and drawings. • System-specific mechanical interface drawings: • Cryomodule – Storage Ring (Long Straight Section) • HLRF – Storage Ring • Cryogenic Distribution System – Storage Ring • 400A Space Use • Cryomodule installation plan • ICDs: • Cryoplant • Cryogenic Distribution System • Cryomodule Mechanical Systems– Long Straight Section DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  15. Risks • Cryoplant cooling capacity Mitigation: • Cryoplant procured with 100% additional performance margin • Experience with SPX0 cryomodule will give confidence to estimates and help to optimize thermal design • Mechanical interference discovered during installation Mitigation: • Maps of existing storage ring configuration have been generated by APS survey and alignment team. • Mock-up of cryomodule has been transported through storage ring tunnel. DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  16. ES&H • Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) • APS-U Project following Argonne’s ISMS program requirements • Argonne Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) Description recently revised and submitted to DOE ASO • Describes framework for integrating ESH requirements with mission objectives • References Argonne LMS procedures which implement specific portions of the ISMS • General Requirements • ANL Pressure Systems Safety Manual • ESH-13.1 Pressure Safety – Systems • ESH-4.10 Hazardous Materials - Cryogenic Liquid Safety • System-Specific Requirements • Designs subject to formal, documented design review – APS Design Review Procedure • Work control determined from hazard analysis (ANL WPC system) • Approvals by division management DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  17. SPX Mechanical Systems and IntegrationScope and WBS - U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 • Mechanical systems costs are roughly 25% of total SPX project cost • 22% of direct cost is labor DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  18. SPX Mechanical Systems and IntegrationScope and WBS - U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 • Most-costly deliverable remaining for R&D phase is SPX0 in-ring cryogenics. • Most-costly deliverables for production phase are cryoplant, cryogenic distribution system, and deionized water systems. DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  19. SPX Mechanical Systems and IntegrationObligation Profile - U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  20. SPX R&D and Production Milestones - U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  21. SPX Mechanical Systems and IntegrationMilestones - U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  22. SPX Mechanical Systems and IntegrationSummary Schedule - U1.02.01.03 & U1.03.03 • R&D phase and preliminary design for production phase run concurrently (now). • Final design begins after installation of SPX0 cryomodule. • Some small early procurements and installations are necessary to prepare for future installations (clean room, facility modifications). DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  23. SPX Mechanical Systems and IntegrationBOE Contingency – & 1.03.03 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  24. Work between CD-2 and CD-3 • Final design, fabrication, and installation of cryogenics for the SPX0 in-ring test. • Design review for SPX0 cryogenic and pressure systems. • Detailed installation plan for SPX0 cryomodules in the APS storage ring. • Completion of preliminary design for production-phase deliverables. • Continued mechanical integration support – top level CAD model and additional interface drawings as-needed. DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

  25. Summary • The SPX mechanical systems WBS areas supply needed infrastructure, hardware, and installation support to the project. • The preliminary design is expected to be complete in mid-2013. Presently, most deliverables are well defined with regard to scope, cost, and schedule. • Total cost is $11,966k and is dominated by cryo plant procurement in 2016. • Installation • Installation plan complete by Jan 2014 (r&d) and May 2017 (prod.) • SPX0 cryomodules: Aug 2014 – Sept 2014 • SPX production mechanical components: Aug 2013 – Jan 2019 • SPX production cryogenics: Sept 2016 – March 2018 • SPX production cryomodules: April 2018 – March 2019 DOE Lehman CD-2 Review of the APS Upgrade Project 4-6 December 2012

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