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Fundación Secretariado Gitano Pilot: School Learning Networks Approach

Fundación Secretariado Gitano Pilot: School Learning Networks Approach . Marta Hernández Enríquez International Department. About the pilot.

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Fundación Secretariado Gitano Pilot: School Learning Networks Approach

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  1. Fundación Secretariado Gitano Pilot: School Learning Networks Approach Marta Hernández EnríquezInternational Department

  2. About the pilot • Objective: Initial analysis and reflection on the potential setting up of a similar network in Madrid (as a pilot which could be extended to other areas) • Methodology: • Internal consultation and reflection process to assess: • • The added value of this initiative for the intervention currently undertaken in Madrid and the interest for education centres • • The feasibility of implementing it in the Madrid context: adaptability to the context, challenges and possible solutions, key elements to be considered. • • Next steps, if any. • Actors involved: FSG professionals working in the field of education at the level of coordination and intervention (working in different education centres in which the FSG is involved, notably in the context of the Promociona Programme)

  3. Mainoutcomes • Added value/relevance • Common agreement about the interest of the initiative to improve the intervention in Madrid • No similar network • Demand from a number of education centre/schools to obtain further guidance and support in relation to the integration of Roma children in the school system.

  4. Main outcomes • 2. Feasibility of implementation • Adaptability to Madrid context • Adaptations to the context of Madrid (institutional framework and resources available) and the specific circumstances of the education centres involved (neighbourhoods, students, etc.) • Challenges to be considered • • Financial limitations (national, regional and local level) • • Time restraints • • Managerial input- convincing/engaging with managers at a senior level • • Engaging and motivating centres working in different contexts and with different profiles of students • Integrating the initiative in the general programme of the centre, notably now with limited resources

  5. Future Steps • Consider the setting up of a similar Network (probably medium/long-term). • Proposed steps: • Informal consultation process with the schools with which FSG works to: • Present the idea of creating a network of schools to them • Determine willingness and capacity of schools • 2. Share the idea with relevant public authorities to assess their interest and possibilities for involvement • 3. Consider the financial aspects of establishing the Network and explore possibilities within current programmes and initiatives

  6. Future Steps • Specific characteristics of the Network: • Focus on schools currently involved in the Promociona programme and even students involved (as pilot/trial phase) • Involvement of public administration of Madrid • Flexibility to adapt to the needs and availability of each school • Counting on enough financial and human resources to launch and maintain the Network would be a pre-requisite • Possible lines of action: • exchange of knowledge and expertise between members • support to individual schools for the development of specific actions • organisations of common activities targeting all schools involved (e.g. training sessions for teachers, meetings between students)

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