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Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly P oor. بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor. إِلـٰهِي كَسْرِي لا يَجْبُرُهُ إلاَّ لُطْفُكَ وَحَنانُكَ،.
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor إِلـٰهِي كَسْرِي لا يَجْبُرُهُ إلاَّ لُطْفُكَ وَحَنانُكَ، My God, nothing will mend my fracture but Your gentleness and loving care,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَفَقْرِي لا يُغْنِيهِ إِلاَّ عَطْفُكَ وَإحْسانُكَ، free me of my poverty but Your affection and beneficence,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَرَوْعَتِي لا يُسَكّـِنُهَا إلاَّ أَمانُكَ، still my fright but Your security,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَذِلَّتِي لا يُعِزُّها إلاَّ سُلْطانُكَ، exalt my abasement but Your sovereignty,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَأُمْنِيَّتِي لا يُبَلّـِغُنِيها إلاَّ فَضْلُكَ، take me to my hope but Your bounty,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَخَلَّتِي لا يَسُدُّها إلاَّ طَوْلُكَ، remedy my lack but Your graciousness,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَحاجَتِي لا يَقْضِيها غَيْرُكَ، accomplish my need other than You,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَكَرْبِي لاَ يُفَرّ ِجُهُ سِوىٰ رَحْمَتِكَ، relieve my distress other than Your mercy,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَضُرّ ِي لا يَكْشِفُهُ غَيْرُ رَأْفَتِكَ، remove my injury other than Your clemency,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَغُلَّتِي لا يُبَرّ ِدُها إلاَّ وَصْلُكَ، cool my burning thirst but reaching You,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَلَوْعَتِي لا يُطْفِيها إلاَّ لِقاؤُكَ، quench my ardour but meeting You,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَشَوْقِي إلَيْكَ لا يَبُلُّهُ إِلاَّ النَّظَرُ إِلىٰ وَجْهِكَ، damp my yearning but gazing upon Your face,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَقَرارِي لا يَقِرُّ دُونَ دُنُوّ ِي مِنْكَ، settle my settling place without closeness to You,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَلَهْفَتِي لاَ يَرُدُّها إلاَّ رَوْحُكَ، allay my worry but Your repose,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَسُقْمِي لا يَشْفِيهِ إلاَّ طِبُّكَ، cure my illness but Your medicine,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَغَمّـِي لا يُزِيلُهُ إلاَّ قُرْبُكَ، eliminate my grief but Your nearness,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَجُرْحِي لا يُبْرِئُهُ إلاَّ صَفْحُكَ، heal my wound but Your forgiveness,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَرَيْنُ قَلْبِي لا يَجْلُوهُ إلاَّ عَفْوُكَ، remove the rust on my heart but Your pardon,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَوَسْواسُ صَدْرِي لا يُزِيحُهُ إلاَّ أَمْرُكَ. banish the confusing thoughts from my chest but Your command!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor فَيا مُنْتَهىٰ أَمَلِ الآمِلِينَ، O Utmost Hope of the hopers!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا غايَةَ سُؤْلِ السَّائِلِينَ، O Ultimate Demand of the askers!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَياأَقْصىٰ طَلِبَةِ الطَّالِبِينَ، O Furthest Request of the requesters!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَياأَعْلَىٰ رَغْبَةِ الرَّاغِبِينَ، O Highest Desire of the desirers!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا وَلِيَّ الصَّالِحِينَ، O Patron of the righteous!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا أَمانَ الْخائِفِينَ، O Security of the fearful!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا مُجِيبَ دَعْوَةِ الْمُضْطَرّ ِينَ، O Responder to the supplication of the distressed!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا ذُخْرَ الْمُعْدِمِينَ، O Storehouse of the destitute!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا كَنْزَ الْبائِسِينَ، O Treasure of the pitiful!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا غِياثَ الْمُسْتَغيثِينَ، O Help of the help-seekers!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا قَاضِيَ حَوائِجَ الْفُقَراءِ وَالْمَساكِينِ، O Accomplisher of the needs of the poor and the miserable!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا أَكْرَمَ الأَكْرَمِينَ، O Most Generous of the most generous!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَيا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ، O Most Merciful of the merciful!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor لَكَ تَخَضُّعِي وَسُؤالِي، To You is my humble subjection and request,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَإلَيْكَ تَضَرُّعِي وَابْتِهالِيْ، to You my pleading and imploring!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor أَسْأَلُكَ أَنْ تُنِيلَنِي مِنْ رَوْحِ رِضْوانِكَ، I ask You to let me attain the repose of Your good pleasure,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَتُدِيمَ عَلَيَّ نِعَمَ امْتِنانِكَ، and to make constant toward me the favours of Your kindness!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَها أَنَا بِبابِ كَرَمِكَ واقِفٌ، Here am I, standing before the gate of Your generosity,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَلِنَفَحاتِ بِرّ ِكَ مُتَعَرّ ِضٌ، opening myself up to the breezes of Your goodness,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَبِحَبْلِكَ الشَّدِيدِ مُعْتَصِمٌ، holding fast to Your strong cord,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَبِعُرْوَتِكَ الْوُثْقىٰ مُتَمَسّـِكٌ. clinging to Your firm handle!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor إِلـٰهِي ارْحَمْ عَبْدَكَ الذَّلِيلَ، My God, have mercy upon Your lowly slave
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor ذَا اللّـِسانِ الْكَلِيلِ of silent tongue
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَالْعَمَلِ الْقَلِيلِ، and few good works,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَامْنُنْ عَلَيْهِ بِطَوْلِكَ الْجَزِيلِ، Bestow Your favours upon him through Your plentiful graciousness,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor وَاكْنُفْهُ تَحْتَ ظِلّـِكَ الظَّلِيلِ shelter him under Your plenteous shade!
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor يا كَرِيمُ يا جَمِيلُ، O Generous, O Beautiful,
Munajaat #11- The Whispered Prayers of the Utterly Poor يا أَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِينَ. O Most Merciful of the merciful!