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Social Studies Objectives. Grade 4 Mrs. Cangero. Unit 1: Geography of Florida Reading Objective: Identify main ideas and the details that support them. Chapter 1: Florida: Land, Water, and Sun Lesson 1: The Land Describe the shape and location of Florida Describe Florida’s elevation
Social Studies Objectives Grade 4 Mrs. Cangero
Unit 1: Geography of FloridaReading Objective: Identify main ideas and the details that support them • Chapter 1: Florida: Land, Water, and Sun • Lesson 1: The Land • Describe the shape and location of Florida • Describe Florida’s elevation • Identify the kinds of bodies of water in Florida • Identify coastal features of Florida • Explain how Archie Carr pursued his interest in the environment and helped to protect the environment • Read an elevation map to draw conclusions about the elevation of Florida and other parts of the United States • Lesson 2: The Climate • Describe the climate of Florida • Identify details about specific weather features of Florida • Explain the dangerous effects that hurricanes can have • Identify ways the Evan Forde demonstrates responsibility and makes Florida safer
Unit 1: Geography of FloridaReading Objective: Identify main ideas and the details that support them • Chapter 2: The Regions of Florida • Lesson 1: Physical Regions • Identify criteria used to define a physical region, such as landforms and vegetation • Identify details about Florida’s physical regions • Describe characteristics of the Everglades and the Florida Keys • Summarize Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings’s feelings about Florida • Use a map scale to calculate distances between places in Florida • Lesson 2: Where Are the People? • Identify key features of Florida’s population • Identify human criteria, such as population, used to define a region • Identify major population centers in the coastal areas of Florida • Describe Maurice Ferre’s contribution to the city of Miami • Compare and contrast the land and economy of Florida and Italy
Unit 1: Geography of FloridaReading Objective: Identify main ideas and the details that support them • Chapter 2: The Regions of Florida (cont.) • Lesson 3: Using the Land and Water • Explain how resources vary from region to region • Identify Florida’s natural resources • Identify products from Florida’s land • Identify products from Florida’s waters • Explain viewpoints about the Everglades • Describe the costs and benefits associated with alternate choices
Unit 2: Florida Long AgoReading Objective: Analyze information by comparing and contrasting • Chapter 3: Early People of Florida • Lesson 1: The Earliest People • Compare and contrast Florida land and ways of life before and after the glaciers melted • Explain how early Native Americans might have migrated to Florida • Describe the ways of life of the earliest Native Americans in Florida • Lesson 2: Native Americans • Compare and contrast the cultural, social, and political ways of life of Native Americans in Florida • Explain the development of Native American cultural groups in Florida • Describe how early Native American cultural groups in Florida used the environment to meet their needs • Compare and contrast the ways of Florida Native Americans with those of Arctic Inuits • Interpret a cross-section diagram
Unit 2: Florida Long AgoReading Objective: Analyze information by comparing and contrasting • Chapter 4: Europeans Come to Florida • Lesson 1: Early Exploration • Compare and contrast early European explorers in the Americas • Explain the importance of Ponce de Leon and other Spanish explorers to the history of Florida • Summarize early relations between Spaniards and Native Americans • Explain why Spain failed to establish a colony in Florida by 1561 • Describe Ponce de Leon’s contribution to the development of Florida • Lesson 2: The French Try to Colonize • Compare and contrast early French expeditions to Florida • Identify French explorers Jean Ribault and Rene Laudonniere and explain their importance to Florida history • Describe how Spanish troops defeated the French in Florida • Identify and interpret primary and secondary sources
Unit 2: Florida Long AgoReading Objective: Analyze information by comparing and contrasting • Chapter 4: Europeans Come to Florida (cont.) • Lesson 3: Spanish Florida • Compare and contrast early Spanish settlements and missions in Florida • Explain the role of Pedro Menendez de Aviles in the development of Florida • Describe the connection between the Spanish Main and Spanish colonies in Florida • Explain the purpose of missions and describe life on a mission • Identify the effects of Spanish rule in Florida • Explain the role of Pedro Menendez de Aviles in the colonization of Florida • Describe shipwrecks and salvage efforts in waters off Florida • Lesson 4: The Seminole • Explain how the Seminole and Africans worked to keep their freedom • Explain how the Seminole culture developed in Florida • Identify the role the Black Militia played in the founding of Fort Mose • Explain how the Seminole kept their culture from disappearing • Identify achievements and contributions of Betty Mae Jumper • Describe Francisco Menendez’s fight for freedom and fairness • Identify the contribution of Francisco Menendez to the development of Florida
Unit 3: From Colony to StateReading Objective: Analyze information by identifying cause-and-effect relationships • Chapter 5: Conflict and Change • Lesson 1: Changing Flags • Describe the conflict Spanish settlers faced from British colonists to the north and some Native Americans in Florida • Explain why the British divided their Florida colony into East Florida and West Florida • Identify the effects of British rule during the colonial period • Identify events in the second period of Spanish colonial rule in Florida • Identify the changes that took place after Florida became a United States territory • List Anna Kingsley’s achievements • Interpret and use a time line • Compare and contrast the culture and history of Florida and Venezuela • Lesson 2: The Seminole Wars • Identify the causes and effects of the First Seminole War • Identify the causes of the Second Seminole War and explain the effects of the Seminole Wars on Native Americans • Identify the causes and effects of the Third Seminole War • Identify the contributions of Osceola to the development of Florida • Analyze information resources to obtain information
Unit 3: From Colony to StateReading Objective: Analyze information by identifying cause-and-effect relationships • Chapter 6: From Territory to State • Lesson 1: Life in Florida • Identify the role of plantations and slavery in the Florida Territory • Explain the role of homesteaders in the Florida Territory • Describe Florida towns of the early 1800s • Identify changes that the steam engine brought to Florida • Describe early uses of steam power • Explain how Dr. John Gorrie’s inventions demonstrate caring • Lesson 2: Florida Becomes a State • Explain the effect of national politics on Florida’s path to statehood • Identify key events leading to statehood for Florida • Describe key steps in the establishment of Florida’s state government • Identify the role of David Levy Yulee in Florida statehood • Identify point of view
Unit 4: A Changing StateReading Objective: Analyze information by identifying the sequence of events • Chapter 7: War and Its Aftermath • Lesson 1: The Civil War • Identify causes of the Civil War • Order key events of the Civil War in Florida and the nation as a whole • Describe the role Floridians played in the Civil War • Describe life in an army camp during the Civil War • Identify items used by Civil War soldiers and the importance of each • Take notes from informational reading • Lesson 2: Reconstruction and Beyond • Describe the challenges Florida faced during Reconstruction • Describe the status of African Americans in Florida during and after Reconstruction • Identify the contributions of James Weldon Johnson to culture and literature • Identify the contributions of Mary McLeod Bethune to the development of Florida
Unit 4: A Changing StateReading Objective: Analyze information by identifying the sequence of events • Chapter 8: Growth and Development • Lesson 1: Transportation and Travel • Identify ways the economy of Florida grew after the Civil War • Describe how the geographic features of Florida, including beaches and waterways, influenced its development • Describe how the growth of railroads affected Florida • Explain how tourism affected the growth of Florida • Identify the contributions of Henry Flagler to the development of Florida • Read a time zone map • Lesson 2: A Growing Economy • Explain how the geographic features of Florida – its wetlands – made usable land scarce and influenced development • Describe how economic development affected the use of land and other natural resources in Florida • Explain why many Cuban immigrants came to Florida after the Civil War • List the contributions of Vicente Martinez Ybor • Identify the role of Lue Gim Gong in the growth of Florida’s citrus industry
Unit 4: A Changing StateReading Objective: Analyze information by identifying the sequence of events • Chapter 8: Growth and Development (cont.) • Lesson 3: The Spanish-American War • Order events in the Spanish-American War • Explain why the United States went to war against Spain • Describe how the Spanish-American War affected the role of the United States in the world • Describe the effect the Spanish-American War had on Florida • Compare and contrast the Spanish-American War in Cuba and the Philippines • Lesson 4: A Growing Population • Identify countries and states from which immigrants to Florida came in the late 1800s and early 1900s • Explain how urbanization affected Florida in the early 1900s • Explain why Florida’s population increased so rapidly in the early 1900s • Read and interpret line and bar graphs
Unit 5: FL in The Twentieth CenturyReading Objective: Summarize passages of text by rewriting key ideas and supporting details • Chapter 9: Boom, Bust, and War • Lesson 1: The Booming 1920s • Describe what Florida was like during the land boom of the 1920s • Identify Florida’s population centers in the 1920s and trace how they developed • Analyze the causes and effects of the growth of highways in Florida in the 1920s • Explain how falling land prices and the hurricane of 1926 changed Florida • Read a road map to find routes from one place to another • Lesson 2: Hard Times and War • Outline the causes of the Great Depression • Describe how Florida changed during the 1930s • Summarize Florida’s importance in World War II • Identify the contributions of significant individuals, such as Zora Neale Hurston, during the 1930s and 1940s • Identify the contributions of significant individuals, such as Jacqueline Cochran, before and after World War II
Unit 5: FL in The Twentieth CenturyReading Objective: Summarize passages of text by rewriting key ideas and supporting details • Chapter 10: Moving Forward • Lesson 1: Changing Times • Summarize the Civil Rights Movement in Florida and explain the changes it brought • Describe ways in which life in Florida has changed since World War II • Explain how improvements in transportation and communication changed Florida • Identify the contributions of a significant individual, such as Charles Kenzie “C.K.” Steele, who worked to end racial discrimination in Florida • Compare and contrast the cultures of Florida and Japan in the 1960s • Lesson 2: The Space Program • Describe the beginnings of the space program in Florida • Identify key events in the space program • Explain how the space program has affected Florida • Use primary and secondary sources, such as visual information, to acquire information • Use an inset map to acquire information
Unit 5: FL in The Twentieth CenturyReading Objective: Summarize passages of text by rewriting key ideas and supporting details • Chapter 10: Moving Forward (cont.) • Lesson 3: Tourism Takes Off • Explain why tourism increased after World War II • Identify major tourist developments in Florida and describe their economic impact • Identify natural and historic attractions in the state and explain why they are important • Identify the contributions of significant individuals, such as John D. Pennekamp, whose efforts helped to protect some of Florida’s most valuable natural resources • Use a search engine to obtain appropriate information on a research topic
Unit 6: Florida TodayReading Objective: Analyze information by drawing conclusions • Chapter 11: Florida’s People • Lesson 1: Who Lives in Florida? • Define a cultural group • Understand that many cultural groups make up the population of Florida • Identify social, cultural, economic, and political contributions cultural groups have made to Florida • Compare the sister cities of Tallahassee, Florida, and Konongo-Odumasi, Ghana • Use latitude and longitude to determine location • Lesson 2: Traditions, Festivals, and Contributions • Identify holidays and festivals that are shared by Florida’s people • Explain why different cultural groups celebrate their heritage in Florida • Identify contributions and accomplishments of Floridians • Understand how people and their traditions contribute to Florida • Identify the contributions of significant individuals, such as Gloria Estefan, to Florida’s cultural heritage
Unit 6: Florida TodayReading Objective: Analyze information by drawing conclusions • Chapter 12: Florida at Work • Lesson 1: Jobs in Florida • Define the concept of income and identify ways people earn an income • Identify jobs in Florida’s service industry • Understand the ways workers in Florida earn income in agriculture • Understand the ways workers in Florida earn income in manufacturing and mining • Identify the contributions of significant individuals, such as Maria Bailey, to Florida business • Lesson 2: What Workers Do with Their Money • Know examples from Florida history that demonstrate an understanding that decisions involve opportunity costs and that making effective decisions involves considering costs and benefits • Know examples of scarcity in Florida • Understand the concept of a budget and how a budget can help Floridians plan their finances • Apply the meaning of a budget to a family and an individual • Distinguish between fact and opinion • Use primary sources, including artifacts, to learn about the past • Describe the variety of coins used in the American colonies in the 1700s • Explain how the system of money has changed in the United States since the colonial period
Unit 6: Florida TodayReading Objective: Analyze information by drawing conclusions • Chapter 13: Florida’s Government • Lesson 1: Your State Government • Understand the structure, function, and responsibilities of Florida’s legislative branch • Understand the structure, function, and responsibilities of Florida’s executive branch • Understand the structure, function, and responsibilities of Florida’s judicial branch • Identify services provided by Florida’s government through taxation • Understand how Florida’s government works for the good of all people and protects Floridians’ rights • Identify the achievements of significant individuals, such as Lawton Chiles, in Florida politics • Use a newspaper to acquire information • Lesson 2: Local Government • Identify Florida's three types of local government • Understand that Florida’s municipal governments serve the people of towns and cities • Understand that Florida has 67 county governments that oversee county schools • Identify services provided by Florida’s special districts
Unit 6: Florida TodayReading Objective: Analyze information by drawing conclusions • Chapter 13: Florida’s Government (cont.) • Lesson 3: You and Your Government • Identify rights and responsibilities that Florida’s citizens have • Understand ways in which personal and civic responsibilities are important to Floridians • Understand the importance of participation through community service, civic improvements, and political activity • Identify different points of view about Florida’s voting system • Identify how concerned citizens, such as Miguel Morales, can help their communities