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Specific measures in support of international co-operation. Overall presentation of the Work programme. Karina Anguelieva, INCO NCP. Specific measures in support of international co-operation.
Specific measures in support of international co-operation Overall presentation of theWork programme Karina Anguelieva, INCO NCP
Specific measures in support of international co-operation • Dedicated international cooperation activities which are relevant to some groups of countries or regions with own calls for proposals • Strategic objective To lend support, in the scientific and technological field, to the implementation of the Community’s foreign policy and development aid policy
Specific measures in support of international co-operation • These activities will be carried out: • To complement the activities in the seven thematic priorities • By means of specific targeted research projects of a limited scale, actions to coordinate national efforts and, specific support measures • Research priorities defined on the basis of • the interests and objectives of the Community’s political partnership with the different groups of countries • the particular economic and social needs of countries and regions concerned
Specific measures in support of international co-operation • These activities could cover more particularly: • for developing countries, the problems of health and public health, food security, and the rational exploitation of resources • for the Mediterranean partner countries, issues relating to environment, health and water issues, as well as protection of the cultural heritage • for Western Balkan countries: reinforcement of research capacity • for Russia and the other NIS: stabilization of R&D potential, issues relating to changes in the industrial production system, environment and health protection and various safety aspects cooperation activities with Russia and the NIS will be carried out in particular through the INTAS structure set up jointly by the Community and the Member States
What does complementarity mean? • Specific topics not at all covered by thematic priorities • example: • Topics covered as well by thematic priorities, but with location specific angle/focus • ex.: Water (equitable use of shared water resources in transboundary systems)(INCO-MED) • In any case research within specific measures in support of international co-operation research should be related to a specific geographic, socio-economic, cultural or climatic context
Specific measures in support of international co-operation Calls for proposals in work programme Co-operation with third countries • A: Developing countries • B: Mediterranean Partner countries • C: Western Balkan countries • D: Russia and the other New Independent States Multilateral co-ordination of national RTD policies and activities • E: Strengthening of co-ordination with other foreign policy instruments and definition of research priorities N/A !
Research Priorities Developing countries A1. HEALTH AND PUBLIC HEALTH A.1.1. Reproductive health A.1.2. Healthcare systems and management A.1.3. Knowledge and technologies to improve control of neglected communicable diseases A2. RATIONAL USE OF NATURAL RESOURCES A.2.1. Managing humid and semi-humid ecosystems A.2.2. Reconciling multiple demands on coastal zones A.2.3. Managing arid and semi-arid ecosystems A3. FOOD SECURITY A.3.1. Health of livestock populations A.3.2. Bio-diverse, bio-safe and value added crops A.3.3. Aquatic farming systems
Research PrioritiesMediterranean partner countries B1. ENVIRONMENT B.1.1 Comprehensive policy for integrated water planning B.1.2 Improving the water consumption by users and uses and plant breeding for efficient crop water and nutrient use B.1.3 Advanced water treatment, re-use and energy implications B.1.4 Environmental Risks B.1.5 Renewable energy B2. PROTECTION AND CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE B.2.1 Materials, artifacts, monuments and sites: new technologies and characterisation B.2.2 Simulation – re-creation – comparative preservation methodology B.2.3 Risk assessment and preventive conservation B3. HEALTH * Communicable diseases * Health care systems * Trauma and conflict * Disorders of genetic origin and genetic problems
Priorities for action Strengthening of co-ordination with other foreign policy instruments and definition of research policies • Identification of areas with potential for enhanced co-ordination between and with the Member States, the Associated Candidate States and Third Partner Countries; • Networking of national and Community international S/T co-operation activities; • Trans-regional network building (i.e. Mediterranean, Balkan and NIS countries) for research centres, both on a thematic and geographical basis; • Skills building, training and awareness actions; • Evaluation of research systems of the Third Partner Countries and analysis of S/T co-operation between the EU and these countries with the view to realising the opening of ERA to the rest of the world; • Analysis of S/T co-operation with third countries in terms of conformity with the Community’s external policies; • Definition of comprehensive international co-operation schemes including Community external and RTD policies
Examples for specific measures to support associated candidate countries • information, awareness and training activities • promotion of candidate countries competencies • support of candidate countries‘ researchers to participate in conferences and to prepare proposals • establishment and reinforcement of networks and centres of excellence • measures to support the participation of SME • evaluation of RTD systems and policies • Screening of research establishments • prospective studies aimed at defining research policies • according to the current work programme of SP1 • revision underway to introduce a general call covering all 7 priorities and calls specific to each priority (new annex D)
INCO Useful elements • Chapter 0: „General Introduction “, including • 0.3.c) „Cross-cutting issues“, „International co-operation“ and • 0.7 „Specific Support Actions “ • Chapter 10: Specific measures in support of international co-operation“, including • 10.7. „Complementary information about the evaluation procedure“ • Annex B: „Common evaluation criteria for evaluating proposals “ • Annex C: List of INCO-target countries
Further information • INCO infodesk: • inco@cec.eu.int • INCO infopoint: • http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/inco.htm • International Scientific cooperation policy: • http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/iscp/index_en.html • INTAS: • http://www.intas.be/