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A warm welcome

A warm welcome. Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Wieneke-Toutaoui , 05.07.2013. Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann · 08.07.2013. Facts about Germany. 82 Mio inhabitants Situated in central Europe Diverse landscape from coastline to high mountains Europe‘s largest economy (Volkswagen, Siemens, BASF..)

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A warm welcome

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A warm welcome • Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Wieneke-Toutaoui, 05.07.2013 Prof. Dr. Max Mustermann · 08.07.2013

  2. Facts about Germany • 82 Mioinhabitants • Situated in central Europe • Diverse landscapefromcoastlineto high mountains • Europe‘slargesteconomy(Volkswagen, Siemens, BASF..) • Home of many influential scientists, inventorsandartists such as Goethe, Beethoven, Einstein, Gutenberg, etc. • 13.000 breweries • Nospeedlimit! Welcome 17.11.2014 2

  3. Studying in Germany • About 400 highereducationinstitutions • Almost 9.000 bachelorprogramms • Typesofhighereducationinstitutions: • Universities • Universitiesof Applied Sciences • Universitiesand Colleges of Art, Film and Music • Private Universitiesand Universitiesof Applied Sciences Welcome 17.11.2014 3

  4. Difference between Institutions Welcome 17.11.2014 4

  5. Where we are located Source: commons.wikimedia.org Welcome 17.11.2014 5

  6. FHB at a glance • Founded in 1992 • 3000 students, with more than 9% international students from about 60 countries • 63 professors • 3 departments: Business and Management, Informatics and Media, Engineering Welcome 17.11.2014 6

  7. Dept. of Business and Management Study programmes • Business Administration (B.Sc./B.A./M.Sc.) • Business Informatics (B.Sc./M.Sc). • Security Management (M.Sc.) • Technology and Innovation Management (M.Sc.) • For further details, please see: http://www.fh-brandenburg.de/wirtschaft Welcome 17.11.2014 7

  8. Dept. of Business and Management Research focus on: • Cooperative Systems (E-Government…) • Security Management • Technology and Innovation Management • Entrepreneurship Welcome 17.11.2014 8

  9. Dept. of Informatics and Media Study programmes • Medical Informatics (B.Sc.) • Applied Computer Science (B.Sc.) • Informatics (B.Sc/M.Sc.) • Digital Media (M.Sc.) • Computer Science with Media Applications (B.Sc/M.Sc.) • Forfurtherdetails, pleasesee: http://www.fh-brandenburg.de/informatik Welcome 17.11.2014 9

  10. Dept. of Informatics and Media Research focus on: • Digital Media • Media Informatics (useof online tools) • Medical Informatics (interfacewithhospitals) • Security (Cryptography) Welcome 10

  11. Department of Engineering Study programmes • Microsystems and Optical Technologies (B.Sc.) • Mechanical Engineering (B.Eng.) • Mechatronics and Automation (B.Eng.) • Electronics (B.Eng.) • Photonics (M.Eng.) • Energy efficiency in technical systems (M.Eng.) • For further details, please see: http://www.fh-brandenburg.de/technik Welcome 17.11.2014 11

  12. Department of Engineering Research focus on: • Energy efficiency • Eco-Rail • Sustainable Technologies • Robust Engineering Welcome 05.07.2013 12

  13. Our Strengths • High quality in applied teaching and learning (top positions in German rankings) • Individual counselling and small study groups • Strong research; links to research clusters in Berlin/Brandenburg • Family friendly • Integration and counselling offers for international students Welcome 05.07.2013 13

  14. International activities • Student andstaffexchangewith 40 partneruniversities in the European Erasmus programme • Further cooperationwithuniversities outside Europe, i.e. in Jordan, Namibia, Ukraine, Mexico, Taiwan etc. • German representativeofthe PRIME-network • International projects such asthe International Media camp andthe German-Polishsummerschoolformicrosystemstechnology • Internationallyorientedstudyprogrammes (Technology and Innovation Management, Applied Computer Science) Welcome 17.11.2014 14

  15. The Campus Welcome 15

  16. The main Building Welcome 17.11.2014 16

  17. The machine hall Welcome 17.11.2014 17

  18. Special Events for foreign Students • Sports • Trips • InterculturalEvents Welcome 17.11.2014 18

  19. Student Dormitory • On campus • Sharedaccomodation (ownroom): 220 €/month • Single apartment: 270 €/month Welcome 17.11.2014 19

  20. Finance Living costs ca. 600-700 EUR/month Welcome 17.11.2014 20

  21. Sports on Offer • Football, volleyball, basketball • Badminton, handball • Watersportsandmore! Welcome 17.11.2014 21

  22. City of Brandenburg an der Havel Brandenburg an der Havel is the city that gave the name of the state of Brandenburg. In the historic market town and capital of the “Brandenburg March” with its over 1000-year history it is always worthwhile undertaking a journey of discovery. Welcome 17.11.2014 22

  23. City of Brandenburg an der Havel • Close to Berlin (90 km) • About 70.000 inhabitants • Innovative andinternationallyactivecompanies • High qualityoflife Welcome 17.11.2014 23

  24. Berlin - capital city of Germany Welcome 17.11.2014 24

  25. Thank you for your attention

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