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U.S. Marine Forces, Africa. Seabasing Symposium September 2010. As of 27 Sep 2010. Agenda. USAFRICOM AOR Paradigm Implications Seabasing for the low end of ROMO MARFORAF Prepo Objectives FY-11 CJCS Exercises MARFORAF Engagement Activities AFRICOM Crisis Response
U.S. Marine Forces, Africa Seabasing Symposium September 2010 As of 27 Sep 2010
Agenda • USAFRICOM AOR • Paradigm Implications • Seabasing for the low end of ROMO • MARFORAF Prepo Objectives • FY-11 CJCS Exercises • MARFORAF Engagement Activities • AFRICOM Crisis Response • Why Seabasing in AFRICOM AOR? • FY-12 MARFORAF Seabase • MARFORAF Way Ahead
Paradigm Implications Old Paradigm: MCO Focus New Paradigm: Broad Range of Operations Stabilization Operations Conventional Campaign War 2 Long Duration IW Campaign War 1 Demand Demand SSSP SSSP = Steady State Security Posture Lesser Contingencies Time Time OSD PA&E: Global Responsiveness: MCS-06 Pre-Positioning Study IWS 3 May 2007 3/12
Seabasing for the Low-End Train/Advise/Assist AFRICOM Predominantly Operates Here Relief Operations Nationbuilding Peace Enforcement Show of Force Frequency Acts of Terrorism Noncombatant Evacuation Selective Strike Civil War Limited War Major Combat Global War Low-Intensity Conflict Mid-Intensity Conflict High-Intensity Conflict Peacetime & Crisis Most Likely Most Dangerous
ASF HQ (Addis Ababa) Regional Regional Regional Regional Regional ASF Brigade ASF Brigade ASF Brigade ASF Brigade ASF Brigade West Central South East North USAFRICOM AOR AU = 5 Regions North Region West Region OEF-TS Central Region East Region CJTF-HOA South Region
MARFORAF Prepo Objectives Operational Exercise • Gain COCOM support for MPF and Seabasing • Develop MARFORAF Prepo Strategy • MPF Low-End Spectrum COE • Re-aggregation for CONPLANs • Engagement CONOPS • Partner with NAVAF • Refine low-end spectrum TTP’s • Bridge legacy platforms and seabasing LOO’s • At-Sea Arrival & Assembly • At Sea Transfer • C2 from the Seabase • Seabased Sustainment of <Rifle Co. Equivalent
Engagement Activities (FY10) Combined Exercises/JCS Exercises AFRICAN LION, AFRICA ENDEAVOR, SHARED ACCORD, MEDFLAG, FLINTLOCK, NATURAL FIRES, JUDICIOUS RESPONSE Africa Partnership Station (APS) – 31 Planned Senegal, Ghana, Cameroon, Gabon, Nigeria Liberia, Mozambique, Tanzania, South Africa AFRICOM Demand Signal: Growing #/Engagements FY-09 (473)FY-10 (703) FY-11 (1040) Other - African Deployment Assistance Phase Training (ADAPT), Joint Combined Exercise Training (JCET), MEU visits, and Annual Planning Conferences (APC) – 14 1 Military to Military (M2M)* - 74 Cameroon, Senegal, Ghana, Tunisia, Botswana, Liberia, Morocco, Gabon, Sao Tome & Principe, Djibouti, Mozambique, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia Non-lethal Weapons (NLW)APS, NATURAL FIRES, AFRICAN LION, SHARED ACCORD, CAPEX in Ghana or SA Africa Contingency Operations Training Assistance (ACOTA) – 11 (+8) Planned Burundi, Cameroon, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda African Logistics Initiative (ALI) Senegal, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria Security Force Assistance ISO Defense Sector Reform (DSR) Operation ONWARD LIBERTY- Liberia International Military Educational & Training (IMET)Gambia, Liberia, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda, Zambia USMC Billets Ghana, Cameroon, Djibouti, Sierra Leone Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) Military Intelligence Basic Officer’s Course-Africa MIBOC-A Senegal, Nigeria UNCLASSIFIED
AFRICOM Crisis Response • CDR USAFRICOM Must maintain a Crisis/Contingency Response Capability Despite the USAID presence in the AOR • TRANSCOM Response into AFRICOM AOR • Humanitarian Assistance • Disaster Relief • Non Combatant Evacuations • Failed States OEF-TS CJTF-HOA MARFORAF: Must be positioned to Flex when TRANSCOM cannot deliver Forces in time to meet AFRICOM Force Closure ISO Crisis & Contingencies
Argentina Western Europe Why Seabasing in AFRICOM AOR? TYRANNY OF DISTANCE: - 53 countries - 11.5 million square miles **36 littoral nations** **47,560 miles of coastline** POPULATION: - over 1 billion people, - 800 ethnic groups and - 1200 languages and dialects. United States China Africa: 11,700,000 China: 3,704,427 CONUS: 3,044,503 W. Europe: 1,414,807 Argentina: 1,077,924 Uncovered: 2,458,223 1) Crisis Response 2) Future Transportation of Equip ISO AFRICOM Growing Engagements 3) Anti-Access due to poor infrastructure
OEF-TS CJTF-HOA FY-12 MARFORAF Seabase Seabasing/Prepo Objectives AFRICAN LION (Morocco) The U.S. Africa Command AOR offers a unique and challenging training environment to include: degraded infrastructure; emerging increased frequency and quantities of low end spectrum missions; small units operating regionally -- simultaneously. These factors necessitate platforms that can facilitate seabased and/or prepositioning operations. MARFORAF will build a Seabase IOT validate that Seabasing is appropriate for low-end spectrum missions. This concept and areas of operation support the U.S. Marine Corps' Title X Wargame (Expeditionary Warrior - 10) and AFRICOM/TRANSCOM SEALIFT - 2010. The high level concept is to float an LMSR, T-AKE, Legacy MPF ship and an amphib up and down the NW coast of the AFRICOM AOR and exclusively support two CJCS level exercise equipment requirements from the LMSR. Both CJCS exercises are within days transit of each other. MARFORAF will sustain forces by employing the T-AKE ISO low end spectrum missions as a vertical replenishment (VERTREP) capability. Based on current experimentation the UAS (helo UAV) would be employed off the T-AKE ISO at least one exercise. Other possible experimentation and Proof of Concept opportunities during this Seabase are: At Sea Arrival and Assembly, At Sea Equipment Transfer, C2 from the Seabase and Seabase connectors. WESTERN ACCORD (Nigeria) AFRICAN PARTNERSHIP STATION (APS) LMSR T-AKE MARORAF Seabase Ship Mix Legacy MPF Legend OCE Amphib USMC NAVY Surrogate MLP UNCLASSIFIED
MARFORAF Way Ahead • CAPE Study/SECNAV IPT Impacts? • AFRICOM Emerging Operating Environment and Theater Strategy Development • Cost of Operating in Phase 0
Questions Mr. Ignacio SoriaG-5 Prepositioning PlansU.S. Marine Corps Forces AfricaPanzer Kaserne, GermanyDSN: 314-431-2095Comm within Germany: 0703 115 2095When dialing from the US, drop the 0 and add 011 49)NIPR: ignacio.soria@mfe.usmc.milSIPR: ignacio.soria@mfe.usmc.smil.milWebsite: https://ips.usmc.mil/sites/marforaf/g5/mpf/default.aspx
Africa Command Organization USAFAF (17 AF) SOCAFRICA CDR Africa Command Stuttgart, Germany Ramstein, Germany NAVAF Stuttgart, Germany USARAF (SETAF) Naples, Italy MARFORAF CJTF- HOA Stuttgart, Germany Vicenza, Italy Camp Lemonier, Djibouti