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UNHEALTHY EATING HABITS YOU SHOULD AVOID • Unhealthyeating is largelycausedbybadeatinghabits. People suffer from many diseases mainly because of unhealty eating habit. Unhealthy eating habits are the main causes of obesity, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and heart promlems.
What you eat and have you feel both mentally and physically, have a close connection. Balanced eating habits are associated wih lower incidences of depression, anxiety. Whatyoueatalsoaffectshoweasilyyou can relax at nightandgethighqualitysleep. On theotherhand, ıncludingfruitsandvegetables in youreatinghabitdiet can loweryour risk of healthproblemsincludingcancer, diabetes,heartattack; heartdisease, highbloodpressure, bone lossandkindeystones.
Herearesomecommonbadeatinghabitsthatyoushouldlearntoavoid. 1)Skippingbreakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People dont give the importance having breakfast enough. When they have to rush for work in the morning or get their kids ready for school its easy to neglect breakfast. Skipping breakfast disrupst body metabolism, causing body to burn fewer calories.
2) StressEating: • Stresseatingoremotionaleating is anothercommonunhealthyhabitthatweshouldavoid. Thisoccurswhenyouaredrivenbycertainemotionstoeateventhoughyouare not hungry. Whentheyarestressedaboutworktheyprefertoeatcandybarsorcaholattetofeelthemselvesbetter. But peopleshouldtrytofindanothersolutionsfortheirstressandnegativeemotions. Forexamplethey can takeup a hobbyetc…
EatingduringotherActivities: If you eat while watching tv ,while working ,while reading , while painting or listening then you are also developing an unhealthty eating behavior. when you eat while doing other activities ,you become unable to measure howmuchyoueat.
Eatınglate at Nıghts: Eating at night becomes a problems if you overeat or choose foods that are high colories, fat, sodium or sugar. Eatingjunkfoodlate at night can leadtoweightgainbecauseyourmetobolismslowsdownlate at nightandyour body doesntneedcolories at night. Ifyouarehungry at night, eathealtysnackssuch as plainyoghurt, almondsorveggiesinstead of spicyfoods.
Caffeinated foods and beverages such as chocolote coffee, energy drinks can make it difficult to fall asleep. Eating a small carbohydrate-rich snack may help you better at night such as low-fat milk. Eatinglate at night is not a problem as long as youchoosefoodsthatarehealthierforyou
Advices • Education about nutricition is important. Our goal is to help children to understand the importance of having a healthy diet and developing healty eating habits. Healtylifestylemeanstaking time toenjoysome rest, have a healtydietand engageis physical exercise at regularintervals.