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HEALTH SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN TIMOR-LESTE. Dr Joao Martins, Dean, Faculty Public Health, Universidade da Paz, Dili. Overview. Historical context Health sector development 2000-05 Current health sector issues Future needs & opportunities for collaboration.

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  1. HEALTH SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN TIMOR-LESTE Dr Joao Martins, Dean, Faculty Public Health, Universidade da Paz, Dili

  2. Overview • Historical context • Health sector development 2000-05 • Current health sector issues • Future needs & opportunities for collaboration

  3. Popular consultation, August 30, 1999.

  4. East Timor 1999

  5. Historical context • Establishment of UNTAET 25 October 1999 • 20 May 2002: Independence day

  6. Timor-Leste 2005 • Population: 924, 642 • 13 district, 65 sub-district, 446 sucos • 67 CHCs, 6 hospitals, 174 health posts, 87 mobile clinics • NCHET, SAMES, National Laboratory • IMR 83/1000 indirect estimate CMR: 42/1000 survive at age 1 • MMR: 800/100,000 live births • Low life expectancy

  7. Health Sector Funding 2000-05 • April 2000: • HSRDP I (USD 12.7 Million) • World Bank and UNTAET, witnessed by CNRT • Objectives of HSRDP I • Restoring health access to respond to the immediate health needs. • Laying foundation for health policies and health system development • Create a Project Management Unit

  8. Objectives of HSRDP I • Restoring health access to respond to the immediate health needs. • Transitional strategy for service provision • Rehabilitation and equipping health centers • Goods • Capacity strengthening

  9. Objectives of HSRDP I • Laying foundation for health policies and health system development • Policy development • System design/implementation plan • Human resource development • Create a Project Management Unit • To run the project (in absence of MoH)

  10. Funding 2 • HSRDP II (June 2001): • USD 12.6 million • EC Grant 16.5 million Euro (March 2004). • Objectives: • To rehabilitate and develop a cost-effective and financially sustainable health system in East Timor • To be responsive to the immediate basic needs of the population and, • To prepare the health system to meet future needs

  11. Objectives of HSRDP II • Support ongoing service delivery • Improve range and quality of services, and develop/implement support systems • Health Sector Policy and the Management systems

  12. Result of HSRDP I • Restoration of basic services and the assumption of responsibility by the MoH staff • Development of Health Policy Framework • District Health Plan • Construction of 28 new health centers and rehabilitation of 36 health posts • Construction of Central Medical Store and establishment of medical supply system

  13. Result of HSRDP I • Development of a plan for hospital configuration for the country, strengthening of referral system through ambulance and radio supply • Support for the completion of medical training, maternal health and IMCI.

  14. Health service delivery

  15. Health service support facilities

  16. Policy & training

  17. What next after HSRDP I • Investment in infrastructure should be reduced • Pay more attention to management issues and human resource development • Strengthen the health policy implementation • Establish a functional health information system • Ensure that policy formulation should be based on local research & best practice

  18. What next after HSRDP I • This requires • local collaboration between government agencies (MoH and MoE) and academics and researchers • Regional partnerships • Academic (eg MSHR-UnPaz) • Government • Non-government

  19. Examples of collaboration • KAP study on malaria in Timor-Leste. • RCT on food incentive for TB patients • Research seminar

  20. Regional cooperation

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