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Artificial Intelligence Based Automatic Generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

Artificial Intelligence Based Automatic Generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines. Dr. Zahid Halim Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi zahid.halim@giki.edu.pk 19 th June 2012 . Layout. AI.

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Artificial Intelligence Based Automatic Generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

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  1. Artificial Intelligence Based Automatic Generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines Dr. Zahid Halim Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi zahid.halim@giki.edu.pk 19th June 2012

  2. Layout AI Artificial Intelligence Results of the experiment Questions What is not AI and application of AI Nuts and bolts of a predator/prey gaming engine ~ AI Case Study Results Q/A Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world • One of the most dumbest thing in world is computer • Recall the two numbers addition program using int data type • Artificial intelligence allows computers to • Think like humans • Learn from experience • Recognize patterns in large amounts of complex data • Make complex decisions based on knowledge and reasoning skills Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  4. Everything fast is not AI AI is not not AI AI • A meter reading algorithm at petrol pumps • Encyclopedia • SQL query • TOPIO, humanoid robot can play ping-pong with human • Speech and Voice Recognition • Face recognition Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  5. AI tools • Artificial Neural Networks • Swarm Intelligence • Evolutionary Computation • Pruning Algorithms : : : (and the list goes on) Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  6. Automated Game Generation A Case Study

  7. Predator/prey Games Search Space • 14 X 14 grid excluding the boundary walls. • Couple of walls at fixed positions and of size 7 cells  • There is one player controlled by the human player. • There are N (0-20)other pieces of M (1,2 and 3) types • Maximum duration 100 game steps • Finish game • Agent dies • Maximum score is achieved • Maximum game steps utilized •  Movement logic • No movement • Clockwise • Counter clockwise • Random • Random direction •  Collision logic • no effect • random relocation to a new location on the grid • death. •  Scoring logic • +1, -1, 0 Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  8. Chromosome Encoding for Genetic Algorithm Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  9. Entertainment Metrics Duration of the Game Appropriate Level of Challenge Diversity Usability Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  10. Rule Based Controller • The controller looks up, down, left and right. It notes the nearest piece (if any) in each of the four directions, and then it simply moves one step towards the nearest score increasing piece • If there are no score increasing piece present it determines its step according to the following priority list • Move in the direction which is completely empty • If more than one directions are empty move towards the farthest wall • Move in the direction which contains a score neutral piece • Move in the direction which contains a score decreasing piece • Move in the direction which contains a death causing piece Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  11. ∆xr Connection Edges Connection Edges Connection Edges ∆yr Nu ∆xg Nd ∆yg Nl ∆xb Nr ∆yb Neural Network Based Controller Multi-layer fully feed forward 6 neurons in the input layer 5 neurons in the hidden layer 4 output layer neurons Sigmoid activation function Edges weights -5 to +5. Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  12. Experimentation Setup • 10 chromosomes are randomly initialized by the GA • One offspring is created for each chromosome • Duplicating it • Mutating any one of its gene • Results in 20 chromosomes from which 10 best chosen • 100 generations Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  13. Duration of game Appropriate level of challenge Diversity Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  14. Usability Combined Fitness 1 3,34 54 56 66 …. !!! Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  15. Controller Learning Ability Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  16. User Survey • 10 subjects • Conducted in two different sets on different days • Rule based controller • ANN based controller • Each individual was given 6 games • Play 2 times Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

  17. Thank you for your patience Questions This presentation is uploaded at http://ming.org.pk/zahid.htm

  18. Bibliography Halim, Zahid, A. Rauf Baig, and HasanMujtaba. "Measuring entertainment and automatic generation of entertaining games." International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence 1.1 (2010): 92-107. Halim, Zahid, A. Rauf Baig, and MujtabaHasan. "Evolutionary Search For Entertainment In Computer Games." Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 18.1 (2012): 33-47. Halim, Zahid, and A. RaifBaig. "Evolutionary Algorithms towards Generating Entertaining Games." Next Generation Data Technologies for Collective Computational Intelligence. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. 383-413. J.Schmidhuber, ”Developmental robotics, optimal artificial curiosity, creativity, music, and the fine arts”, Connection Science, vol. 18, pp.173–187, 2006 N. Esposito, “A Short and Simple Definition of What a Videogame Is”, in proceedings of Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), Vancouver, Canada, 16-20 June, 2005 J.Smedand H.Hakonen, "Towards a Definition of a Computer Game", Technical Report, Computer Games Research Group, Department of Information Technology, University of Turku, Finland, 2005 http://www.glasbergen.com/computer-cartoons/ http://www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/whatisai/node1.html G. N. Yannakakis , J. Hallam, ”Towards Optimizing Entertainment In Computer Games”, Applied Artificial Intelligence”, v.21 n.10, p.933-971, November 2007 http://www.easy-marketing-strategies.com/writing-a-case-study.html http://www.123rf.com/photo_9926111_confused-cartoon-guy.html Artificial Intelligence based Automatic generation of Entertaining Gaming Engines

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