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Callibration , Persuasion Optimisation

Callibration , Persuasion Optimisation. Ms Cs . Research assistant Morten Aagaard Institute of Communication and Psychology/AAU. Outline. Mobile gadgets functionality has until now been identified as human-human communication , games and accessories .

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Callibration , Persuasion Optimisation

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  1. Callibration, PersuasionOptimisation MsCs. Research assistant Morten Aagaard Institute of Communication and Psychology/AAU

  2. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard Outline • Mobile gadgetsfunctionality has untilnowbeenidentified as human-human communication, games and accessories. • Psychologists and Rhetoricsidentifies a new emergingfunctionalitycalledcognitive support tool. Furthermore a new research field has emerged “PersuasiveTechnology” in whichtechnologyshouldbedesigned to influence the usersbehavior. PersuasiveCognitive support toolhelps the user to managetheirlife and improvestheir social skills. • Signalprocessingappears to play a crucialrole in the corefunctionality of Cognitive Support tools. • A number of studentproject relevant exampleswillbe given.

  3. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard Agenda • Introduction and Disclaimer • Why advices based on true knowledge does not work • PersuasiveTechnology – an introduction to core terms • The role of signal processing in persuasion • Kairos • Mobile Loyalty     • Psycho education • 5. Discussion

  4. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard Disclaimer • ” Signal processing is an area of electrical engineering and applied mathematics that deals with operations on or analysis of signals, in either discrete or continuous time, to perform useful operations on those signals. Signals of interest can include sound, images, time-varying measurement values and sensor data, for example biological data such as electrocardiograms, control system signals, telecommunication transmission signals such as radio signals, and many others.” • Wikipediaon Signal processing

  5. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard 2. Advices do not work • Naive Persuasion • Propostion • Cognition, • Creation of inner motivation, • Change of behaviour at the right moments

  6. 3. PersuasiveTechnology – core terms • The goal of PersuasiveTechnology is to design technologythatintentionallychange attitude orbehaviour • Credibility • = Ethos + Techne • Kairos • Intervention at the most oppurtune moment • Interaction • Shapes intentions • Ethics • Persuadinggiver ansvar Litterature:Fogg, B.J.: PersuasiveTechnology, 2005

  7. Concertation in Brussels January 2010 Funktionaltriad Tools– increasescomptences Makingtargetbehavioureasier to do Leadingpeoplethrough a process Performningcalculationsormeasurementsthatmotivate Social actors – creates personal relations Reward people with positive feedback Modelling a target behaviour or attitude Provide social support Media – gives access to experiences Allowing people to explore cause-and-effect relations Providing people with vicarious experimences that motivate Helping people to rehearse a behaviour

  8. Concertation in Brussels January 2010 Social simulator for parentsabout teenagers and drug habbits

  9. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard A. Kairos • ”Mobile devicesareideallysuited to leverage the principle of kairos – offering suggestions at oppurtune moments – to increase the potential to persuade. ” • B.J. Fogg: Persuasive Technology, p188

  10. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard A.Kairos – the bayesian net way • Aagaard, M., Moltsen, L., Øhrstrøm, P. : ”It mightbe Kairos”, article for ConferencePersuasive 2008”

  11. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard A.Kairos • Callibration – an oppurtunity to increasecredibility • Using from 1-n sources of evidence • Makeusersinfluenceapriorivalues • Manage ”Convinient Moments” a simularway

  12. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard B. Mobile loyalty • “Mobile applications that are perceived to serve the needs and wishes of the owner firs, rather than those of an outside party, will have greater persuasive powers.” • … As I see it, people don’t adopt mobile devices, they marry them. Some people spend more time with these devices than with any person in their lives, including their spouses”. • B.J. Fogg: Persuasive Technology, p192

  13. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard B. Improve Mobile loyalty and use it • The more youinteract the more youincreaseawareness to problematicbehaviour • Collaborationamongusers and computers: Human Computing a la Luis van Ahn to improve models of behaviour and Kairos • Diary – microcontentdatacollection • Evaluate the mobile loyalty from the responses (Adaptablequestionairesbasedonbayes)

  14. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard C. Psychoeducation • “Psychoeducation refers to the education offered to people who live with a psychological disturbance. Frequently psychoeducational training involves patients with schizophrenia, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, psychotic illnesses, eating disorders, and personality disorders, as well as patient training courses in the context of the treatment of physical illnesses. Family members are also included. A goal is for the patient to understand and be better able to deal with the presented illness.” • Wikipedia on psycho education

  15. Cognition Behaviour T h e s u r o u n d i n g s T h e s u r o u n d i n g s Affect Biology The Cognitive model – aspects of life experiences, from Oestrich, I.: Tankens kraft, 2007 Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard C. Psychoeducationbasedon simulators

  16. Ms. Cs. Morten Aagaard 5. Discussion • ?

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