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Decree of the demos. The Radical Democrats proposed an ostracism but it was turned down by the Ekklesia . -- no points awarded— Rationale: While this act seems motivated by political revenge, nothing transpired.
Decree of the demos The Radical Democrats proposed an ostracism but it was turned down by the Ekklesia. -- no points awarded— Rationale: • While this act seems motivated by political revenge, nothing transpired. Gods. Resolved by the boulêand the dêmos,Hermon was Secretary, Poseidonios presided, Theochares made the motion: we shall sue for peace with Sparta under the following terms – that the Athenians retain their citizen rights, that they will not be sold into slavery, and that they get to keep enough of their land and fleet in order to sustain themselves. This decree shall be inscribed by the Secretary of the Boulê on a stele of marble and he shall set it up on the Acropolis. +3 Mod. Dems., Oligarchs +1 Rad. Dems., Socratics, Indeterminates -1 Rad. Dems., Mod. Dems. Rationale: • Moderate Democrats assumed the leadership of the polis to save it from destruction, so most favorable. • Oligarchs benefit most from a Spartan victory and Spartan-led alliance, so most favorable. • All other citizens benefit from an end to the war, so slightly favorable. • But: the policies of democracy brought about the defeat, so for Moderates & Radicals, slightly unfavorable. Previous tally: +7 SO, +4 IN, +3 MD, +2 OL, -4 RD New tally: +8 SO, +5 MD, +5 IN, +5 OL, -4 RD
The rule of the 30 tyrants Plato’s Euthyphro • In the Euthyphro, his student Plato captures a Socratic perspective on eusebeia (“piety”) and, in doing so, reveals to us Socrates’ mind, his methodological approach, and prepares us for the trial to come. • is Socrates’ elenchic method compelling and persuasive? • how does it resemble Aristophanes’ presentation of the Socratic method?
The rule of the 30 tyrants Aristotle’s Athenian Constitutionchs. 34-40 • What are the key events & issues during the 30’s rule? • How does this oligarchic regime differ from the coup of 411 BCE? Lysias’ speech Against Eratosthenes • What do we learn from Lysias’ account about the motives and behavior of the 30? • What does his account tell us about the lives of metics?
Topic for debate When the coup d’etat is overthrown, once again, the Athenians restore their democracy and wrestle with whether – and how – to settle all accounts. Do we punish the surviving members of the 30, and their allies, or do we let them off the hook?
Friday: the accusation [γραφή (graphê)] vs. Socrates:“he corrupted the young, refused to worship the gods and created new deities” • Prosecutors – hoi diokontes(οἱ διώκοντες) • Radical Democrat XXX • Moderate Democrat XXX • Defendants – hoi pheugontes(οἱ φεύγοντες) • Oligarch XXX • Socratic XXX