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SOCIAL PHARMACOLOGY RATIONAL DRUG USE. DR.Dr. Endang Isbandiati Soediono, MS, SpFK Dept.Pharmacology&Therapy,MedicalFaculty,AirlanggaUniversity Dept.Clinical Pharmacology,Dr.Soetomo-Teaching Hospital, SURABAYA. Rantai Pengobatan. Anamnesis Pemeriksaan Fisik Pemeriksaan Laboratorik

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SOCIAL PHARMACOLOGYRATIONAL DRUG USE DR.Dr. Endang Isbandiati Soediono, MS, SpFK Dept.Pharmacology&Therapy,MedicalFaculty,AirlanggaUniversity Dept.Clinical Pharmacology,Dr.Soetomo-Teaching Hospital, SURABAYA FKMSocPhaRatDruUseEIS09

  2. Rantai Pengobatan • Anamnesis • Pemeriksaan Fisik • Pemeriksaan Laboratorik • Diagnosis/DD • Tindakan A. Regulasi/Nasihat B. Medik/Farmakoterapi C. Operatif FKMSocPhaRatDruUseEIS09

  3. Farmakoterapi • Farmakokinetik • Farmakodinamik • Farmakoterapetik Efek Klinik FKMSocPhaRatDruUseEIS09

  4. Rational Drug Use Efficacy Safety Suitability Cost WHO,1997 FKMSocPhaRatDruUseEIS09

  5. Optimal therapeutic decisions • ...are based on an evaluation of the patient and assessment of the evidence for efficacy and safety of treatment • Drug PK/PD ~ pts. Focused information • Observational studies ( ADR) FKMSocPhaRatDruUseEIS09

  6. Determination of Efficacy and safety is ongoing process Multiple randomized, double blind, controlled trials. • Important but infrequent ADR may escape detection in the randomized, controlled trials that demonstrate Efficacy and form the basis for approval of drugs for marketing Observational studies therefore are used to examine those ADR that only become apparent with widespread, prolonged use. FKMSocPhaRatDruUseEIS09

  7. Penggunaan OBAT Secara Rasional/Bijak • Tepat Indikasi • Tepat Obat • Tepat Rejimen Dosis • Tepat Pasien • Waspada Efek Samping PANTAU!!! FKMSocPhaRatDruUseEIS09

  8. Thank You FKMSocPhaRatDruUseEIS09

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