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VCE Learning

VCE Learning. Ho w do they need to be able to show their knowledge ?. How do they need to handle the stress of the display context ?. To unpack the challenge of enhancing the quality of VCE learning. How much do they need to know about each topic ?.

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VCE Learning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VCE Learning

  2. How do they need to be able to show their knowledge ? How do they need to handle the stress of the display context ? To unpack the challenge of enhancing the quality of VCE learning How much do they need to know about each topic ? What form does their topic knowledge need to be in (visual, verbal, etc)? How will they connect what they know with what the task asks for ? What does the student need to know about how to interpret the task ? How do they need to know it ? What thinking do they need to do ? How do they need to be able use their knowledge ? What do they have to know about how to show their knowledge in the assessment context ?

  3. Where do issues /problems arise in VCE learning in NMR ? How well do VCE students in NMR know how to show their knowledge ? How do they handle the stress of the VCE learning ? How well do VCE students acquire the necessary VCE knowledge for each topic ? Analyse and describe the challenge How well do VCE students learn topics in verbal ways ? Capacity to learn through literacy ? How well they connect what they know with what the task asks for ? How well do VCE students show the focus, motivation and persistence to achieve in VCE ? How well do VCE students showthe thinking needed to success in VCE ? Any other ? How appropriate are the expectations of VCE students in NMR ?

  4. Need to have your topic knowledge in the most useful form (visual, verbal, etc) for the task. Need to store ideas in language forms, sentences. Importance of saying ideas in sentences, reading aloud from text. Need to know how to handle the stress in the assessment context ? Effective self talk, physical preparation Things you need to do to complete one of the tasks Need to have the topic knowledge in your head : need to ‘get ideas in your head’, have stored the ideas in long term memory. What does this look like ? What do you know when you know a topic : key vocabulary, ideas in sentences, questions it answers, when to use it, how to think about it.

  5. Need to have an impression of what your response will be like : form an image of what the response would look like. Need to know how to show their knowledge ? Need to practise writing responses to typical tasks, think though writing Things you need to do to complete one of the tasks Need to know how to interpret each task in the intended way. Need to connect what they know with what the task asks for You need to match the task with what you know (eg., it fits in here). Sometimes the task won’t match your knowledge directly- you may need to interpret it, reword it.

  6. Need to remember the ideas rapidly enough and automatically enough. You need to remember both the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the task. Summarize and then summarize so that one idea stimulates others immediately. Need to know how to make their knowledge as clear / obvious as possible for examiners. Things you need to do to complete one of the tasks Need to know the topic at the required depth. You need to know how you are required to think about the knowledge. You need to be able to do this. Identify the key thinking actions and apply them to what you know eg., ‘discuss. Need to have enough knowledge of the topic to cover what the task requires. It needs to be ‘rich enough’ or have enough ‘breadth’ :

  7. Teaching to get at each of these Learning and remembering the knowledge

  8. Teaching to get at each of these Learning and remembering the knowledge

  9. Teaching to get at each of these Learning and remembering the knowledge

  10. Teaching to get at each of these Learning and remembering the knowledge

  11. Teaching to get at each of these Learning and remembering the knowledge

  12. Teaching to get at each of these Learning and remembering the knowledge

  13. Teaching to get at each of these Learn to interpret the assessment tasks and link your knowledge with it

  14. Teaching to get at each of these Learn to interpret the assessment tasks and link your knowledge with it

  15. Teaching to get at each of these Learn to interpret the assessment tasks and link your knowledge with it

  16. Teaching to get at each of these Learn how to show what you know: play the assessment game

  17. Teaching to get at each of these Learn how to show what you know: play the assessment game

  18. Teaching to get at each of these Learn how to show what you know: play the assessment game

  19. Teaching to get at each of these Learn how to show what you know: play the assessment game

  20. A VCE year learning plan

  21. Learn, memorize and apply the new ideas A VCE year learning plan

  22. Automatize what you know A VCE year learning plan

  23. Exam Preparation A VCE year learning plan

  24. In the exam : A strategic exam plan A VCE year learning plan

  25. A VCE year learning plan

  26. A VCE year learning plan

  27. A VCE year learning plan

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