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Author: Sylvain Beaudry, project coordinator

Author: Sylvain Beaudry, project coordinator. History of Maison Plein Cœur Community-based organization since 1991 Individual counselling, on-call care, drop-in center, short term supervised housing, art therapy, massages, home intervention and finally the Entraide Positive project

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Author: Sylvain Beaudry, project coordinator

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  1. Author: Sylvain Beaudry, project coordinator

  2. History of Maison Plein Cœur Community-based organization since 1991 Individual counselling, on-call care, drop-in center, short term supervised housing, art therapy, massages, home intervention and finally the Entraide Positive project 10 employees, 80 volunteers, 400 users

  3. State of the situation in Montreal • Return in force of syphilis, gonorrhea and LGV in the 2000’s, particularly targeting the HIV-positive men having sex with men (MSM) • All cases of LGV declared in Quebec, 90 % of the cases of infectious syphilis and 60 % of the male cases of gonorrhea are MSM • August 2007, meeting between the Public Health Department of Montreal and Maison Plein Coeur

  4. Still, every year 1.3 % of non-infected MSM contract the HIV • 15 % of the MSM infected by HIV in the province of Quebec were unaware of their infection • Source:Portrait contagious infections sexually and by the blood ( STI’s) in Quebec, Year 2008 (and projections 2009) Public health, Collection analyses and surveillance, Ministry of Health and social services of Québec.page15.

  5. What is Entraide Positive ? • Community-originated initiative for HIV + MSM • Project "by" and "for" the HIV-positive MSM

  6. Objectives of the project • Limit the impact of risk factors of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) with HIV-positive MSM • Facilitate the implication of HIV-positive MSM in the realization of the project following the GIPA principles: for a Greater Implication of People living with HIV / AIDS

  7. How does it work ? • Who are the peer helpers ? (selection) • Training • The 3 services of the project • Consultative committee

  8. Training ( 40 hours) • Psychosocial chapter • STI’s chapter • Prevention chapter

  9. Phenix workshops • Conjugate eroticism and decrease of risk-taking • Prevention of HIV and the other STI’s • Department of sexology (Joanne Otis’ team) Faculty of Human Science University of Quebec in Montreal Canadian Chair of research in Health education

  10. The three services • Help relation • Support and discussion groups • Visibility squad

  11. The help relationship • Evaluation of needs • Matching (peer helper / project applicant) • Duration of the help relationship • Evaluation of the help relationship

  12. Results (2008-2010) • Number of help relationships : 25 (22 - 70 y.o) • Subjects: viral load/CD4 counts, STI’s, co-infection (Hep C, herpes), importance of regular blood screening, sexual relations at risk and preventive behavior, condom use • Identification of risk-taking zones, of self-worth and condom using and its negotiation

  13. Support and discussion groups • Animation and co-animation • Proposed and open subjects, invited professionals (nurses, doctors, layers) • Frequency and progress

  14. Results 2008-2010 • Participation in groups: ~150 participations 26 to 60 y-o • Subjects: viral load / CD4 counts, STI’s, sexual relations and risk behaviors, love and emotional life, condoms, disclosure, criminalization, work and HIV. • break the isolation, create a feeling of membership, a creation of a place of expression

  15. Visibility squad • Popular educational activities • Presence in social spaces • Summer activities (Pride…)

  16. Results 2008-2010 • Persons joined during visibility squad : 1000 • Presence in social spaces and during appearances and festivities. • Condoms distribution, informative leaflets, mini-sketches with messages of prevention.

  17. Visibility squad results • Increase of self-worth • Breaking the isolation and stigmatization • Inform, educate, socialize • Facilitate the disclosure

  18. Visibility squad examples

  19. Conclusion • Entraide Positive is an innovative project in the education of the HIV-positive MSM • positions as a leader in prevention of the HIV, hepatitis and the other STI’s, education and support for HIV-positive MSM in Montreal

  20. Thanks The peer helpers Agency of the health and social services Public Health Department of Montreal The partners(Public Health department of Montreal, ACCM, Fréquence HIV, COCQ-SIDA, RÉZO, Clinique l’Actuel, CSSS Jeanne Mance, UQAM, Canadian pulpit of research in health education)

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