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Author: Sylvain Beaudry, project coordinator. History of Maison Plein Cœur Community-based organization since 1991 Individual counselling, on-call care, drop-in center, short term supervised housing, art therapy, massages, home intervention and finally the Entraide Positive project
History of Maison Plein Cœur Community-based organization since 1991 Individual counselling, on-call care, drop-in center, short term supervised housing, art therapy, massages, home intervention and finally the Entraide Positive project 10 employees, 80 volunteers, 400 users
State of the situation in Montreal • Return in force of syphilis, gonorrhea and LGV in the 2000’s, particularly targeting the HIV-positive men having sex with men (MSM) • All cases of LGV declared in Quebec, 90 % of the cases of infectious syphilis and 60 % of the male cases of gonorrhea are MSM • August 2007, meeting between the Public Health Department of Montreal and Maison Plein Coeur
Still, every year 1.3 % of non-infected MSM contract the HIV • 15 % of the MSM infected by HIV in the province of Quebec were unaware of their infection • Source:Portrait contagious infections sexually and by the blood ( STI’s) in Quebec, Year 2008 (and projections 2009) Public health, Collection analyses and surveillance, Ministry of Health and social services of Québec.page15.
What is Entraide Positive ? • Community-originated initiative for HIV + MSM • Project "by" and "for" the HIV-positive MSM
Objectives of the project • Limit the impact of risk factors of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) with HIV-positive MSM • Facilitate the implication of HIV-positive MSM in the realization of the project following the GIPA principles: for a Greater Implication of People living with HIV / AIDS
How does it work ? • Who are the peer helpers ? (selection) • Training • The 3 services of the project • Consultative committee
Training ( 40 hours) • Psychosocial chapter • STI’s chapter • Prevention chapter
Phenix workshops • Conjugate eroticism and decrease of risk-taking • Prevention of HIV and the other STI’s • Department of sexology (Joanne Otis’ team) Faculty of Human Science University of Quebec in Montreal Canadian Chair of research in Health education
The three services • Help relation • Support and discussion groups • Visibility squad
The help relationship • Evaluation of needs • Matching (peer helper / project applicant) • Duration of the help relationship • Evaluation of the help relationship
Results (2008-2010) • Number of help relationships : 25 (22 - 70 y.o) • Subjects: viral load/CD4 counts, STI’s, co-infection (Hep C, herpes), importance of regular blood screening, sexual relations at risk and preventive behavior, condom use • Identification of risk-taking zones, of self-worth and condom using and its negotiation
Support and discussion groups • Animation and co-animation • Proposed and open subjects, invited professionals (nurses, doctors, layers) • Frequency and progress
Results 2008-2010 • Participation in groups: ~150 participations 26 to 60 y-o • Subjects: viral load / CD4 counts, STI’s, sexual relations and risk behaviors, love and emotional life, condoms, disclosure, criminalization, work and HIV. • break the isolation, create a feeling of membership, a creation of a place of expression
Visibility squad • Popular educational activities • Presence in social spaces • Summer activities (Pride…)
Results 2008-2010 • Persons joined during visibility squad : 1000 • Presence in social spaces and during appearances and festivities. • Condoms distribution, informative leaflets, mini-sketches with messages of prevention.
Visibility squad results • Increase of self-worth • Breaking the isolation and stigmatization • Inform, educate, socialize • Facilitate the disclosure
Visibility squad examples
Conclusion • Entraide Positive is an innovative project in the education of the HIV-positive MSM • positions as a leader in prevention of the HIV, hepatitis and the other STI’s, education and support for HIV-positive MSM in Montreal
Thanks The peer helpers Agency of the health and social services Public Health Department of Montreal The partners(Public Health department of Montreal, ACCM, Fréquence HIV, COCQ-SIDA, RÉZO, Clinique l’Actuel, CSSS Jeanne Mance, UQAM, Canadian pulpit of research in health education)