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Red - Voting. How VOTING WORKS, VISUALISATION AND STRATEGIES FOR USE RED Revision v90+ document revision: 3. Voting TYPES. Generally there are only 2 types: User generated ‘on the fly’ answers that you want users to vote for (called ‘ freeflow ’)
Red - Voting How VOTING WORKS, VISUALISATION AND STRATEGIES FOR USE RED Revision v90+document revision: 3
Voting TYPES • Generally there are only 2 types: • User generated ‘on the fly’ answers that you want users to vote for (called ‘freeflow’) • Prepared Question with predefined answers when you want to ‘poll’ (called ‘prepared’) or ‘rank’ (like concensor) • For both you can allow users to vote onceor multiple times
STARTING Voting Mode • A vote is started by pressing ‘v’ for (vote) on a question (new or prepared) V
Voting Mode “UI” Vote Count Red line means it’s “f”ocussed Max Votes per Pax (iPad) Colour change means voting / voted Symbol Pax needs to type to vote on that answer
VOTE SYMBOLS - Alfabetic • Left to each answer is a symbol (usually ‘a’, ‘b’, …) that shows what a PAX needs to type on iPad to vote for that question. • So to vote for ‘Clarity of Roles’ a user types ‘a’ on the iPad. • Multiple simultaneous votes are allowed by using ‘spaces’ on iPad: e.g. ‘a b c’ (will vote for a, b and c)
VOTE SYMBOLS - Numeric • If you have Red v90+ you can also change the voting symbols to be numeric rather then alfabetic. • Use the context menu to change.
VOTE SYMBOLS ON IPAD • Single vote input • If multiple votes enabled you can keep sending votes individually. • Multiple vote input • If you send too many, the iPad will give a warning and NO votes are taken into account • Each symbol counts as 1 vote.
Voting requires FOCUS • Like any iPad interactivity the question the needs to be in “f”ocus for PAX to submit votes • This is indicated by the Red Line (like ‘recording’) • If the line is not Red, e.g. a premade question/vote. Select and press “f”. • In “freeflow” when pressing “v” it will also autofocus the iPad input f
FOCUS required FAIL #1 • If nothing is focused in Red the iPad will say ‘Sorry, there is nothing to answer right now’.
FOCUS required FAIL #2 • If another question is focussed however it will receive a normal ‘answer’ Selected but not focussed
SUCCESFUL VOTE • A succesful vote will add 1 (or more) to the vote count (see later) • iPad shows ‘Message Sent: ‘..’
VOTE COUNT • Shows how many votes this question has received. • If the Max Vote Count is greater 1 then each vote still counts as 1 vote. : So if you have 10 Paxand 3 as Max Count you will likely get “30” Votes. • MAX(VOTE COUNT) = # of PAX * MAX_VOTE_COUNT
MAX VOTE COUNT PER IPAD • Shows how many votes eachiPad is allowed to make for this question. • Change count by UP/DOWN Arrow. • You can modify whilst voting is going on but never back lower then the highest number of votes that a single iPad has given ↑ ↓
REACHING MAX VOTE COUNT iPad • If an iPad has reached the maximum allowed votes, it shows: “you’ve already voted on this question”
SHOW RESULTS PER ANSWER • To show the results at any type you need to press “h”(idden) on the question to toggle result count H
WHEN TO SHOW RESULTS • If you know you will visualise as a barchart: Never show the results. • Otherwise: close to when you are about to reach the maximum possible amount of votes H
UI WITH RESULTS SHOWING • Shows how many votes each answers has received. • Notice that the symbol column has moved up. • Number will change in real-time as people are voting.
FAKING RESULTS • By selecting an answer and pressing “CTRL + Up/Down Arrows” you can add fake votes. • This is useful for testing (like adding ‘a’nswers). • Allows corrections and also building of preloaded barcharts. ↑ Ctrl ↓ Ctrl
STOP/RESET Voting Mode • To reset a vote press ‘v’ again to stop voting and once again to (re)start (and clear the current results: NO UNDO) V V Focus stops Symbols dissappear Colour stays to indicate a vote did happen Focus reappears Symbols appear All votes are reset.
STOP Voting Mode (tip) • Generally you do not need to ‘stop’ a vote as this is mainly controlled by pressing the “f”ocus on a new question or the world. • And because users cannot keep adding votes the system stays in a coherent state.
Visualisations • Besides showing the result count there are 2 ways to usefully show the results of a Vote. • Barcharts and Worldcloud. 1 3 2
CREATE A BARCHART • On a question with a vote count > 1 • Right mouse click to get context menu • “Visualise as Bar Chart”
BARCHART Appears to LEFT AND CONNECTED • At present the connection line doesn’t ‘mean’ anything.
BARCHART DOES NOT UPDATE AFTER BEING CREATED • More votes came in after the Barchart was created but this does not (yet) update.
WHEN TO CREATE THE BARCHART (tip) • Keep track of the votecount and see if it is close to being maxed out (remember Max = #PAX * Max_Vote_count). • Usually a unspoken dialogue will occur between ‘Facilitator’ and ‘Navigator’ to see when it needs to be done.
CREATE A WORDCLOUD • On a question with a vote count > 1 • Right mouse click to get context menu • “Visualise as Word Cloud”
WORDCLOUD APPEARS LEFT AND CONNECTED • You might need to ‘r’otate the wordcloud for the best view.
CHANGE WORDCLOUD TO TAGCLOUD • Sometimes it’s easier to read a tag could. Right Mouse Click on Worldcloud > Cloud > Tag Cloud
WARNING WHEN USING WORDCLOUD AND VOTING • A wordcloud will still COUNT words within each answer. So if you have duplicate words between answer the size of each ‘Tag’ is counted * the votecount! (notice how relative to other words proactivity has gotten bigger)
VOTING STRATEGIES • Red is designed to be quite abstract, flexible and simple. • You need to be ‘creative’ when thinking how best to approach a voting strategy. • We especially need to think about prepared ‘polls’ or ‘selections’ versus the ‘freeflow’ user generated answers
GENERAL voting COMMENTS • Voting or Polling can help but also distract many Participants. • It’s not always fair to draw conclusions, especially with prepared answers. • Users prefer to vote on answers generated by them. • Voting can be fun when question is casual and non-commital. • Voting is anonymous and this needs to be said up front • Allowing multiple votes tends to work better as PAX will feel less ‘binary’ about choices.
FREEFLOW: PREVENT TOO MANY ANSWERS • Voting on large sets of answers is not pleasant. We recommend to keep it so that the total count < 26 (a-z). • Ask restrictive questions: ‘What is your favourite colour?”, “Your Most/Best”. • If time allows you can ‘m’erge answers but be careful NOT to be crude about it. PAX feels more precious about own typed answers
FREEFLOW • We generally would use a worldcloud to make sense of freeflow answers unless the # of answers is small or has been merged with help from users.
PREPARED / POLL: 2 Main Types • Either you are ‘selecting’ an item from a list (“which, what”) • Or you are ‘grading’ a question / attribute (“how much”) 1 2
CREATING PREPARED VOTES • Create a new question and name it, select only question. • Press ‘a’ for (answer) to add an empty answer (faking an answer) • Select answer and type in what it needs to say. • Repeat procedure a
POLLS / SELECTION • Generally to guide a further debate or direction in a workshop. • Visualise as barchart • Fine/better to do multiple votes • Ok to sort barchart (“s”ort)
Grading Voted • Grade from positive to negative (a = more ‘positive’) • Do not sort barchart as curve gives distribution of group.
Multiple GRADING • If you need to grade many similar / related types consider using Matrix. • For PAX it will feel a lot like repetition unless you clearly define that they will do quite a few and have the iPad ready. (also difficult to manage when to swap between votes)