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Welcome to Physical Science Jeopardy!!. Instructions: Click on a box under the category you want. Read the question and try to answer to yourself. Click one time for the answer to appear. After, click on the ‘Continue’ arrow to bring you back to the main screen
Instructions: • Click on a box under the category you want. • Read the question and try to answer to yourself. • Click one time for the answer to appear. • After, click on the ‘Continue’ arrow to bring you back to the main screen • Note: After clicking once to view the answer, try to remember to click only on the ‘Continue’ arrow. Clicking anywhere else will automatically bring you to the next slide in order without choice.
Jeopardy Latitude Wind and Water Global Warming World Climates Miscellaneous 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 600 600 600 600 600
100 What is latitude? Degrees North or South from the equator Continue
200 At what latitude are temperatures likely to be the warmest year round? Near the equator, latitudes near 00 Continue
300 When it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere what season is it in the Southern Hemisphere? Fall Continue
400 What causes seasonal temperature differences? The tilt of the Earth Continue
500 Where are deserts and rain forests found? Deserts are found at 30 N & S & rain forests are found at 0 degrees. Continue
600 Where is the greatest deflection? What is the name for deflection? At the poles. Coriolis Effect Continue
100 Where are the doldrums located? Near the equator Continue
200 Where are the trade winds found? Between 00 and 300 latitude Continue
300 What cause oceans currents to rotate? The Coriolis Effect Continue
400 Which direction do ocean currents rotate in the Northern Hemisphere? Clockwise Continue
500 This water current carries heat from the equator to the high latitudes. The Gulf Stream Continue
600 Are wind currents near the surface of the ocean between 30 degrees and 0 degrees are moving toward the equator or away from it? Toward Continue
100 What causes heat entering the atmosphere to be trapped and continue to keep the Earth warm enough for life? Greenhouse gases/ effect Continue
200 What absorbs some of the UV light? The ozone layer Continue
300 How does global warming effect sea level? It could cause ice caps to melt and raise sea level Continue
400 Double Jeopardy Explain how global warming could cause Europe’s temperature to decrease. Melting ice caps can cause ocean currents that bring warm to Europe to stop flowing, forcing them into a possible ice age Continue
500 Where do most CO2 emissions come from? Burning of fossil fuels Continue
600 Explain why solar radiation can get into the atmosphere but terrestrial radiation can’t get out. Solar radiation enters as short wavelengths that can pass through the atmosphere but the long wavelengths from earth don’t pass through Continue
100 At what latitudes are you likely to find deserts? 300 N and S Continue
200 Double jeopardy Draw a sketch of the earth showing areas of rising and falling air. For triple points, add in climate zones (tropical rainforests, deserts, temperate forests, tundra Animation Continue
300 How does the temperature range of a city near the ocean compare to temperature range of a city at similar latitude far from the water? Closer to the ocean causes temperature ranges to be narrower, further away cause wider temperature ranges Continue
400 How does altitude effect average temperatures? High altitude leads to lower temperatures, low latitudes have higher temperatures; higher altitude is analogous to going up in latitude! Continue
500 How do precipitation levels at 600 N compare to precipitation levels 450 N? There is much higher precipitation at 600 N than at 450 N Continue
600 Name 3 of the 5 major temperature zones Tropical, Humid mid-latitude, Dry (Desert), Cold Climate, Continental Continue
100 Why is it warm on a cloudy night and cold on a cloudy day? Clouds insulate, they keep heat in at night or out during the day Continue
200 Scientists have strong evidence that this causes global warming? CO2 Emissions Continue
300 Where did the O2 in today’s atmosphere come from? Plants in the ocean turned CO2 into O2 through photosynthesis Continue
400 The top three gases in today’s atmosphere are what? Nitrogen, O2, Argon Continue
500 What gases made up Earth’s first atmosphere? Hydrogen and Helium Continue
600 Does air pressure increase of decrease with altitude? Decrease Continue