Dolphins Frida Fatima Bianni
Dolphins: • Dolphins are aquatic mammals that live in almost all oceans of the planet. While living in the open sea was also close to the beach ,but without reaching the shore. The dolphins are classified as species because they look different in terms of size, color or shape of the head.
few types of dolphins are there? • In the world there are 32 species of dolphins live on the Mexican coast 17 of them, such as common dolphins and Risso screw. • Its body is long, have a dorsal fin and two side or pectoral shape and size vary depending on the species concerned. Thus, while the white-sided dolphin is known for its rounded fins, the Fraserdolphins identified by small fields and pointed.
to use itstail? • Dolphins also have flattened tail or caudal fin horizontally. With itbeat the water up and down to scroll and sometimes use it to stay upright for a moment on the surface. • By their fins control the direction and maintain balance while swimming; also used to rotate or slide on one side.
A swimmuchspeed? • One of the qualities that best distinguishes the dolphin is swimming speed, with some reaching 45 kilometers per hour, equivalent to that you run 700 meters in one minute.Like any other mammal need to maintain constant body temperature, to this end have a large layer of fat under your skin delicate and smooth.
As the shape of your nose? • The shape of the snout varies according to species. Thus, the pilot's dolphin has a very flattened, the sides white, rounded and it has long steno dolphin. All have conical teeth that appear when you play a week old, they use to catch and tear their food. • Dolphins do not have noses, instead of it, at the top of the head have a hole in a half moon, called the vent. The vent is closed every time you dive, which prevents entry of water into his lungs, which could drown. When you come to the surface, the vent opens to dirty air out of the lungs, it forms a vapor cloud called bufo.
Something very strange is that never sleeps. To relax your body reduce the activity float and let stand its blowhole, this is called torpor. Sleep?
theyeat? • They feed mainly on fish, squid and octopus. To locate their prey swimming around them forming bubbles that prevent them from escaping, so they can catch them.Dolphins live in flocks, but do not remain the same throughout your life, change group to migrate, mate or find food. The groups are integrated from 10 to 10,000 dolphins according to species. To be grouped are protected from predators, including sharks and orcas.
Opinion • We reached the conclusion that the Dolphins are a very smart animals and they take care of his flock not leave behind any well also because they know they are ready to communicate, know to look for his own pack and get your own food thing being human could not do and that pollution in water are about to disappear and will be a big loss.