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March 8 th , 2012. Sun Sends Solar Flares Speeding Toward Earth The sun ejected two huge solar flares Tuesday, and NASA says that we here on Earth may notice the effects of magnetic fields and ionized gases
March 8th, 2012 • Sun Sends Solar Flares Speeding Toward Earth • The sun ejected two huge solar flares Tuesday, and NASA says that we here on Earth may notice the effects of magnetic fields and ionized gases • Estimates suggest they will arrive around 1:25 a.m. ET Thursday (+/- 7 hours). The first is traveling faster than 1300 miles per second; the second more than 1100 miles per second • So, if you detect some electronic interference — say, your GPS doesn't work right — blame it on the sun. What else? • Power Grids • Radio communication • Auroras • This is the second-largest flare of the active solar flare season that started in 2008 • The tornado might be as large as the Earth itself and have gusts up to 300,000 miles per hour • All five visible planets in the March 2012 evening sky
March 8th, 2012 • Intractable Afghan Graft Hampering U.S. Strategy • Corruption Remains Intractable in Afghanistan Under Karzai Government • Egypt's Moves Leave Democracy Advocate Bewildered • Sam LaHood, the son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood, stayed holed up at the U.S. embassy because Egyptians wanted to prosecute him and his pro-democracy colleagues. • Iran pressed to allow nuclear site inspections • In a rare positive remark about the U.S., Iran’s supreme leader lauded President Obama for saying he was trying to avert war with Iran. • How Far Apart On Iran Are GOP Candidates, Obama? • GOP candidates: Tough sanctions, Some time to negotiations, but with stricter conditions, Defer to Israel’s judgment • US, North Korea food aid talks end with progress
March 8th, 2012 • Jobless Claims Rose By 8,000 Last Week • There were 362,000 first-time clams for unemployment insurance last week • House Expected To OK Jobs Bill In 'Rare Agreement' With Obama • It is broadly aimed at making capital formation easier for new companies. • Romney challengers reject calls to give up • Voter fatigue sets in for GOP • Xie challenges admins in speech • SGA president highlights discontent with outcome of student fee review process
March 8th, 2012 • Farmers Face Tough Choice On Ways To Fight New Strains Of Weeds • In more and more places across the country, farmers now are struggling to deal with weeds that their favorite weedkiller won't kill anymore. The weeds, too, have evolved Roundup-resistance superpowers. • Palmer amaranth (pig weed) can grow 3 inches a day. • College Park: A sustainable partnership • Univ. funds $130,000 to green projects • Sustainability Council selects 12 projects for Campus Green Fund • $14,200 to the Eppley Wind Project to install two small wind turbines on the roof of Eppley Recreation Center. • $32,950, was awarded to the Stamp Composting project, which aims to eventually making the building a zero-waste facility. • $8 student fee that will increase to $12 over the next two years. “go ahead and waste it it's not your money. you haven't earned and saved it so you have no clue how much hard work went into what you're squandering away”