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NONFICTION. Nonfiction. Writing that deals with real people, places, and events Contains factual information. Point of View. The perspective by which a story or narrative recounts a tale or presents information FIRST PERSON: Uses first person pronouns like I, me, we.
Nonfiction • Writing that deals with real people, places, and events • Contains factual information
Point of View • The perspective by which a story or narrative recounts a tale or presents information • FIRST PERSON: Uses first person pronouns like I, me, we. • SECOND PERSON: Uses second person pronouns like you and your. • THIRD PERSON: Uses third person pronouns like he, she, it. • Authors can select and organize the facts to suit his or her purpose • Sometimes beliefs are slanted to a particular position. This is called bias.
Types of nonfiction • Autobiography and biography • Essays • Interviews • Visual Media • Articles
Autobiography and Biography • The story of a person’s life told by that person is an autobiography. • The story of a person’s life told by someone else is a biography.
Essays • Three types of essays: • Personal: loose structure, tells a story • Informative: Gives information, is very structured • Argumentative: Persuasive writing that convinces the reader to accept a point of view
Visual Media • Pictorial or other graphic forms of communication • Types: maps, photographs, illustrations, charts, diagrams.
Articles • News article: Deals with a particular topic, event, or issue • Can be found in newspapers, magazines, internet, and • radio/t.v. • Science article: Deals with particular theory, scientific observation, or • discovery • Articles use jargon, a very specific vocabulary
Characteristics of Nonfiction • Text Features: deal with the words or text • Includes: paragraphs, facts, captions, footnotes, table of contents, glossary, • bibliography • Graphic Features: deal with visuals • Includes: graphs, charts, diagrams, colored print, headings, maps. • Organizational Features: How the writing is organized • Types: Compare/Contrast, Chronological, Spatial, Cause/Effect, Order of • Importance, Problem/Solution