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Cross-cultural Communication 《 跨文化交际 》. 适用专业:商务英语、国际贸易、 商务英语翻译专业. http://www.sxtopxy.com.cn/kwhjj/index.html. Unit One: Language and Culture in Communication. 5. 3. 4. 1. 6. 2. Case studies. Cross-cultural Communication. Communication. Activities. Culture.
Cross-cultural Communication 《跨文化交际》 适用专业:商务英语、国际贸易、 商务英语翻译专业 http://www.sxtopxy.com.cn/kwhjj/index.html
Unit One: Language and Culture in Communication
5 3 4 1 6 2 Case studies Cross-cultural Communication Communication Activities Culture Homework Contents
1. What is culture? 1.People who know about art, music and literature are cultured…. 2.To an anthropologist the word culture means all the ways in which a group of people act, dress, think, and feel. 3.People have to learn the cultural ways of their community: they are not something that the people in the group are born with.
2. Cross-cultural Communication Different countries have different cultures. Communicating with people from different culture is called cross-cultural / intercultural communication.
3.Communication Communication means life and development.
3.1. The Basics of Communication Communication occurs if: 1. two or more people; 2. contact; 3. a shared language; 4. an exchange of information.
3.2.Types of Communication • human communication (人类交际) • animal communication (动物交际) • human-animal communication (人类与动物的交际) • human-machine communication(人机交际) • machine-to-machine communication(机器交际)
3.3. Ways of Communication Two-way contact: Communicators can see each other and monitor each other’s behaviour– direct communication One-way contact: communicators cannot see each other, and hence cannot monitor each other’s behaviour– indirect communication
2.You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone. 5. Two blind people exchange ideas in Braille. 6. A German businessman negotiates, through an interpreter, with his Chinese counterpart. Best example 1.An orator delivers a speech to a large gathering. 3. You send an e-mail message to an American friend. 4.Jane lies in bed reading a novel. 7. A mother talks to her 3-month-old baby. Yes, but not good 8. A farmer gives instructions to his ploughing cow. 9. A programmer issues commands to a computer. 10. Tom talks to himself while flourishing his toy gun. … None communication 4. ActivitiesActivity 1: Instances of Communication
Activity 2: Models of Communication Information Model *channel *medium *noise retrieval of information Source of information decoder coder encoder electric signals telephone line
Model One: mono-cultural model(same language and cultural environment) Mr. Gordon talks with his neighbor Mrs. Lewis about his latest trip to Spain. Mr. Gordon says: “The sea beaches are absolutely gorgeous!”
Model Two: unilateral-cultural model(one knows another’s language and cultural environment but the other one doesn’t) Lu Bing ,a Chinese tour guide is talking in English with George Luke, a British tourist who does not know Chinese at all. 1.Lu Bing has learned George Luke’s _____________ and _____________. 2. This shared _________ makes their communication _____________. 3.Lu Bing activates his English _____________ and exercises his English ________ to generate a message: “This is sweet and sour pork. Try try.” 4. George Luke _________his English competence and __________his English communicative skills to interpret Lu Bing’s speech.
Model Three: bilateral-cultural model(people from different cultural background but know each other’s language and cultural environment) Prof. Xia: Would you like to have a cup of coffee? Prof.Graham: Should I reply in English way or Chinese way? Prof. Xia: In English way. Prof.Graham: Then,yes. Prof. Xia: Tea in English way as well? Prof.Graham: No,in Chinese way this time. Prof. Xia: Jolly good.You’ve saved me. Just out of milk. Prof.Graham: (starts laughing)
Activity 3: Meanings in communication Utterance meaning: what it normally means. Speaker’s meaning: the meaning the speaker wants to convey. Hearer’s meaning: the meaning the hearer has understood.
Activity 4: Communication in Social Situations • A social situation is created when two or more people gather to do an activity or fulfill a purpose. Its essential components: • two or more participants • definition of the situation and goals • setting • schema • verbal communication • non-verbal communication • time and space
Activity 5 Effective Cross-cultural Communication How to be a cross-cultural speaker? 1.Calm down and relax. 2.Watch out for bilingual differences in using polite expressions. 3.Use meaningless but useful syllables to gain . time. How to be a cross-cultural hearer? A good listener is a careful but not intense listener , who gets the message, not every single word.
5.Case studies Case 1 Mutual Monitoring Process • Xiu went to a BC buffet reception in the BC headquarters in Beijing. It just so • happened that Xiu arrived a little too early. The waiting lounge was almost • empty except a charming lady sitting at a corner seat. After a long interval of • unbearable silence Xiu decided to break the silence by approaching the lady. • Xiu: I’m Xiu from BFSU. Are you a guest too? • Lady: (stands up) Yes. I’m Lin. • Answer the following Questions: • Why did the silence become unbearable to Xiu? • Do you think the charming lady felt the same way? • What functions does the verbal communication • fulfil under such circumstances? • Do Xiu and Lin behave in the Chinese way or in • the Western Way?
Case 2 Different Definitions of a Social Situation A social situation may receive two definitions: one is given by the community, and the other by the participants. the community definition=official situation, such as a social situation of meeting, a social situation of classroom teaching, etc. I felt exhausted after much sightseeing. I looked for a seat to rest my legs. It So happened that on the nearby roadside there was a two-person stone chair With one place already occupied by a charming young girl. I hesitated , but Still went over. “Is it occupied”?I asked. “No” was the answer. The moment I sat down, the woman stood up and left. I was a bit hurt by her instant departure.
6. Homework Diagnosing Problems in Cross-cultural Communication. A Chinese student had just arrived at the States. One day, when he was reading in his room, he heard someone shouting outside: “ Watch out!” So he went to the window and stretched out his head and tried to find out what’s going on outside. Just then, his head was right poured by the water from above… Question: Would you please analyze the saying “ Watch out” with the three meanings in communication?
Key to the question: • Utterance meaning: Be careful! • Speaker’s meaning: Don’t pull out ! • Hearer’s meaning: Something is happening! Look out!