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Operational Research. Stop TB Workshop on TB Proposal Preparation for Round 6 of the GFATM Amy Piatek Matteo Zignol Fabio Scano May 16, 2006. Outline. What is Operational Research? GFATM analysis of OR in approved grants/proposals Including OR in a GFATM proposal Service Delivery Area
Operational Research Stop TB Workshop on TB Proposal Preparation for Round 6 of the GFATM Amy Piatek Matteo Zignol Fabio Scano May 16, 2006
Outline • What is Operational Research? • GFATM analysis of OR in approved grants/proposals • Including OR in a GFATM proposal • Service Delivery Area • Activities
1. What is Operational Research? • Research into strategies, interventions, tools or knowledge which can enhance programme effectiveness. • Three themes of OR: • Lack of knowledge(What is the prevalence of TB in prisons?) • Lack of a suitable tool(Can secondary isoniazid preventive therapy reduce recurrent rates in HIV+ TB patients? • Inefficient use of tool(Can TB suspects be screened in a more efficient manner than current 3 smear system?)
Guiding principles in setting an OR agenda • Define programme objectives • Identify constraints to reaching objectives • Ask research questions around constraints
2. GFATM analysis of OR in approved grants/proposals • Analysis performed by GFATM (E. Korenromp) • Approved grants (round 1-4) and proposals (round 5) include OR, proposed OR topics and associated budgets • Looked at all components: TB, HIV, malaria, combined, HSS
Approved proposals/grants with OR -- budgets • Budget devoted to OR was not separately specified (usually covered under M&E) • 17 (of 54) approved grants (all components) provided specific budget for OR • Median budget was $500,000 for a median of 5 years (range from $30,000 in DRC for 1 yr to $5 million in Tanzania for 5 yrs)
Conclusions of analysis • Of all reviewed approved proposals/grants, only 11 TB proposals included OR. • Few have separate specified budget for OR. • Percentage of budget devoted to OR is lower than recommended by Global Forum for Health Research and WHO • Median of 2.7% of total budget devoted to OR; close to 5% when combined with M&E budget.
Conclusions of analysis • While most proposals/grants with OR defined a specific research area or topic, not enough detail usually provided about the OR area. • Often not clear if ethical review is needed for OR project description. Not all had assurance for human research protections in place • Indicators and targets not always included or described fully to measure the extent and success of implementation of OR.
OR topics in TB approved proposals/grants • TB epidemiology including prevalence surveys and repeat-surveys assessing programme impact • DOTS expansion, low detection rates among women, defaulter tracing, access to difficult-to-reach groups, costs • MDR-TB and second-line treatment • KAP among patients including perception of cough • Discrimination/stigma studies to inform IEC
3. Including OR in a GFATM proposal Why should OR be included in a GFATM proposal? • OR is one of the components of the Stop TB Strategy. Programme-based OR should be a component of NTP work. • OR is one of the strategic directions of the Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-2015. • Strengthening capacity for OR within NTPs can contribute to strengthened general OR capacity in the country (HSS).
How to include OR in the proposal for round 6? **Include OR as a separate objective and include OR activities of all areas (TB/HIV, MDR-TB, etc) under this objective.** Objective: To enable and promote programme-based operational research Service Delivery Area: To develop and implement programme-based operational research Activities: list activities (next slide)
Activities corresponding to SDA on OR (planning framework) • Preparations to conduct OR • Focal person • Situational analysis or research capacity • Develop plan to build capacity and network • Develop OR plans • Training • In-service training • Research training workshop • Writing skills workshops
Activities corresponding to SDA on OR • Implementation of OR projects • Assess logistics • Supervise and monitor implementation • Policy change and dissemination • Conduct annual review meeting • Publish results • Evaluation • Assess if OR capacity increased, influenced policy, improved performance • Papers for publication
Reference material • The Global Plan to Stop TB, 2006-2010. WHO/HTM/STB/2006.35 • Onyebujoh P, Rodriguez W, Mwaba P. Priorities in tuberculosis research. Lancet 2006; 367: 940-42. • TB/HIV Research Priorities in Resource-Limited Settings. WHO/HTM/TB/2005.355 • Stop TB Working Group on DOTS-Plus for MDR-TB. A prioritised research agenda for DOTS-Plus for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2003;7(5):410-4.