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I can list important people in chapter 6.

I can list important people in chapter 6. Warm-up Speaker A: Why should we pay their taxes? They make all the decisions and we have no say in anything. They will never give up control. I say we must fight

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I can list important people in chapter 6.

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  1. I can list important people in chapter 6. • Warm-up • Speaker A: Why should we pay their taxes? They make all the decisions and we have no say in anything. They will never give up control. I say we must fight • Speaker B: King George is our rightful king. Those Sons of Liberty in Boston are just trouble makers. As for Tomas Paine, he should be shot like a traitor he is. • Speaker C: Their treaties are worthless. They break their word again and again. At least the British government tries to stop the greedy colonists moving west and grabbing more land. • Speaker D: We are British citizens, too, and we have rights. Let’s make a list of our grievances and send it to Parliament. We are entitled to a voice in our own government. But we do not want war. We must patch up our quarrels. • 1.) Which speaker would most likely to belong to the Massachusetts Minutemen in 1775? • A.) Speaker A • B.) Speaker B • C) Speaker C • D.) Speak D • 2.) The speaker who was most likely to become a Loyalist was_____ • A.) Speaker A • B.) Speaker B • C) Speaker C • D.) Speak D

  2. Today’s Assignment • Must have the page number the person is on and then we will work together as a group do not just give answers • Row’s 1 and 2 have People Page 1-6 • Rows 3 and 4 have People Page 7-12 • Rows 5 and 6 have People Page 13-19

  3. I can use phrase to remember events that led up to the American Revolution Warm-up In 1774 speech before the First Continental Congress, Patrick Henry declared, “I am not a Virginian, but an American.” Using the insert above answer the following questions. 1.) What state was Patrick Henry from? a.) Massachusetts b.) New York c.) Pennsylvania d.) Virginia 2.) What principle was he promoting? F.) That Americans should fight England because they had nothing in common G.) States’ Rights H.) That the similarities among Americans were more important than their differences I.) The three fifths clause

  4. Word=Poor • Law and Year=Proclamation of 1763 • Catchy Phrase=A man and his clan of 63 cannot go over the mountains in the Proclamation of 1763

  5. Word=Silly • Law and Year=Sugar Act of 1764 • Catchy Phrase=Six pounds of sugar cost four times as much

  6. Word=Sam • Law and Year=Stamp Act of 1765 • Catchy Phrase=A 6 cents stamp cost 5 x as much in the Stamp Act of 1765

  7. Word=Took • Law and Year=Townshend Act 1767 Catchy Phrase=First they passed six, then there were seven in the Townsend Acts of 1767

  8. Word= Both • Law and Year=Boston Massacre of 1770 • Catchy Phrase=Big hole in the chest- resembles Massacre

  9. Word= Boys • Law and Year=Boston Tea Party of 1773 • Catchy Phrase=Not tea for 2, but tea for 3 in the Boston Tea Party of 1773

  10. Word= 4 Ice Cream • Law and Year=Intolerable Acts of 1774 & 1st Continental Congress • Catchy Phrase=You 4 year old brother is intolerable, go tell Congress

  11. Word= Before • Law and Year=Battle of Lexington & Concord • Catchy Phrase=75 Minutemen ready for battle at Lexington & Concord in 1775

  12. Word= Sundown • Law and Year=Signing Declaration of Independence July 4th of 1776 • Catchy Phrase=Was the best day of all, The Declaration was signed at Independence Hall

  13. Poor Silly Sam Took Both Boys 4 Ice Cream Before Sundown

  14. I can explain the causes of the American Revolution. Warm-up TAKS SET 3 1.Clarify- to explain, to make clear 2.Commander- officer in command of a military unit 3.Commence- to begin or start 4.Compromise- settlement of a dispute by the partial surrender by each sides claim or demands, to settle or adjust 5.Concurrence- agreement, sharing of opinion, acting together toward the same end 6.Confrontation- coming face to face in an argument or situation 7.Consequence- that which results from an earlier action or condition, effect 8.Contempt- feeling of a person toward someone or something he/she considers low mean or worthless

  15. 1.What were the reasons for colonial protest? • Taxes/Townshend Acts • WRITS OF ASSISTANCE • RIGHTS OF FREEDOM

  16. 2. What were the tools of colonial protest? • Rioters • Boycotts • Sons of Liberty • Daughters of Liberty • Peaceful Demonstrations

  17. Cause Townshend acts and other taxes Effects 5 colonists killed by British soldiers B.) Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects- British Actions 3.) Boston Massacre

  18. Cause Parliaments push effort to raise money: control over American tea trade Effects Widespread protests Boston Tea Party B.) Analyzing Causes and Recognizing Effects- British Actions 2. Tea Act

  19. Remember Chapter 6 Vocabulary and Chapter 6 People Pages due this Friday.

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