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Flex Your Influence: Networking Strategies for Job Seekers

Discover how to flex your influence to enhance networking success. Learn to build your personal brand, engage on social media, plan your brand strategy, and expand your professional network.

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Flex Your Influence: Networking Strategies for Job Seekers

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  1. Flexing your influence to find a job Overcoming your worst Tuesday, February 19, 2013

  2. Networking Defined Let’s discuss how to flex your influence in order to be more successful at networking. When you look at Webster’s definition of Networking you will see the significance of this. net·work·ingnoun Definition of NETWORKING 1:the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business You can network without an influential platform but you will get much farther if you build the ability to flex your influence first. What is your influence? It’s your personal brand. It is what you do in the area of work. It is how you show people that you are experienced in your field. It is why people want you to be on their team or why they will seek out your expertise.

  3. Flex Your Intellectual Influence It is important to first educate others so that you can flex your influence. You do this by creating a personal brand which will provide employers and contacts with a strong impression of you as a individual who would be an asset to their organization. How: Compelling Online Profile Writing Articles about trends in your Field Sharing articles from others Engaging in meaningful industry discussions both in person and online

  4. Developing a Platform/Personal Brand Employers are looking to see more than your skills. The beauty of Social Media is that you can successfully present yourself in more than one way. LinkedIn Professional Presence Career History Industry Leader Twitter Press Release Gather Sow Facebook Personal Interest

  5. Building Your Influential Brand Planning. Before you embark on creating your brand it is critical that you properly plan and develop your ideas about what you want your brand to represent for you. Visibility Keep in mind anyone can find you online. And whatever they find online becomes your personal image or brand. Brand Identity This is the most import aspect of your brand. It will reflect the value of your service. “The hardest part is figuring out what your personal brand is…what differentiates you.  It is Important to get that “right” for your best success in job search.  Talking through your experience/accomlishments/loves/hates can tease-out what makes you…you.  Asking for feedback from people you’ve worked with can help too…”tell me what you liked most about my skills when we worked together, how did I make a difference”.  Easy question, can get incredible insight.  “ Ed Spruck. VP HR

  6. How to Engage • Once you know what you are great at - who, what, when, where and how do you tell your specific audience? Networking allows you to: • Inform • Introduction • Advocate • Share opportunity • To learn • To educate • Make a platform

  7. Networking More than 70% of the people find their jobs through networking. This should be strong motivation to learn more about how to develop relevant industry contacts, maximize your personal brand, and expand your networking influence – what you wield and what others will wield on your behalf. How many jobs have you found through someone else? How many of you were recruited for one or more jobs?

  8. Who is in Your Network? • Your Networking Areas of Influence: • Friends • Co-workers – past and present • Educational Alumni Connections • Networks by area of interest • Brain • Braun • Spirit

  9. Professional Networking It’s Not Just Suggested, It’s Required The most effective networking begins in your own backyard. Begin by having intentional conversations with your friends, family, family friends and former employers. Hey did you know that I do… Continued personal education: Networking is a powerful way to learn about your area of interest and to begin meeting more people in the field. Don’t be shy– friends and professional contacts are happy to share advice. Until you have asked them about their company, job field or city, you don’t know what you don’t know, and who they know may be just the connection to get you your next gig.

  10. Networking Statistics How Americans find employment: 35% -- Found job through a friend, advocate, or Search Agency30% -- Contacted an employer directly, without answering a classified ad14% -- Answered a job classified advertisement08% -- Found job through on-campus recruitment or job placement office05% -- State-run unemployment office02% -- Other

  11. Networking should be part of your DNA Always increase your level of networking and always expand your database of people. Be that person others think of first when they need answers. Reach out to business and personal contacts – now that you have a visible platform, you can’t wait to connect with others and share your expertise. Being out of work does not mean you have to be out of touch, maintain your business friendships.

  12. Network Support Go to support groups, job search groups – target carefully Attend profession based groups Get a career professional to help. One session with a qualified career coach can be enough prepare you for your next position. Attend targeted Job Fairs and Industry Seminars, Speak publically. A note about Job Fairs: Think of Job Fairs as a great place to ferret out contact information and not as much about actually landing an interview.

  13. Flexing that Influence Why all this work just to land an interview? Your interview starts well before you step foot through that company door and now you will have so much more to offer. You have something to discuss with influential people as a way of introduction You have something to discuss on the interview You something uniqueto offer when you follow up after the interview Think of this as an investment in your continued professional growth. Don’t stop once you land.

  14. Where to Engage • Inner Circle • Social situations • Facebook • Twitter • Professional Colleagues – Outer Circle • Alumni Groups • Local Chapters – Meetup.com • Facebook • LinkedIn • Twitter

  15. Why Go Social? • Ease • Speed • Reach • Ability to have multiple ‘offerings’ • Passive • Proactive

  16. Social Media Statistics • LinkedIn Statistics 2012 • As of December 31, 2012, LinkedIn operates the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with more than 200 million members in over 200 countries and territories. • As of December 31, 2012 (the end of the fourth quarter), professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of approximately two new members per second. Facebook Statistics 2012 There are over one billion Facebook posts per day Facebook has 845 million active users There are 2.7 billion likes/comments per day Facebook has reached 100 billion friendships There are 250 million photos uploaded each day A new study from Edgerank Checker suggests that the average lifetime for a Facebook Page post is only three hours Twitter Statistics 2012 On a busy day, twitter sees about 175 million tweets The US has 107.7 million Twitter accounts.

  17. Employee Profiles • Your personal professional brand: • Add a picture • Don’t copy / paste your resume • Write a personal tagline • Write your elevator pitch • Point out your skills • Distinguish yourself from the crowd • Ask for recommendations • Own your public profile’s URL

  18. LinkedIn Your LinkedIn Profile must be an accurate portrayal of your work history but can be told creatively. Colleagues say the “G” in Gretchen stands for “Go.” She is unstoppable in her quest to combine extensive recruitment expertise and exceptional client relations to produce unparalleled results for everyone she serves. With bench strength in the publishing and manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries, she and her team are devoted to two key markets: leading organizations seeking outstanding talent and individuals searching for their best career fit. As an employer, have you ever found yourself making a hiring decision based on the best of the worst applicant pool? Or have you ever found the perfect candidate but couldn’t move quickly enough to make an offer before they found another opportunity? As an individual seeking employment, have you ever applied to every open job within an organization in the hopes that someone would recognize your talent and direct your resume to the right hiring manager? But never hearing back? If so, Gretchen and her team can help. Gretchen is one of Principal of MGD Services Inc., a certified woman owned business. Since joining forces with, and subsequently leading, MGD Services, Gretchen has been instrumental in directing the careers of over 100 highly qualified professionals who have found employment through her organization. Gretchen has consistently been a top performer in staffing management across several industries and has extensive experience in all aspects of developing and maintaining strategic resources for Corporate Information Technology, Marketing, and Project Management Office Departments in the commercial and government sectors. Specialties: Executive Concierge Staffing Expert .

  19. Check You Out What type of branding do you have? There's an easy way to check what image you are showing to the world. Google your name and see what shows up. .

  20. Twitter Your140 character resume.“They say the G in Gretchen stands 4 Go! I, & my company MGD Services, offer extensive recruitment expertise to produce unparalleled results.”

  21. Why Blog? http://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/blog/blogging-good-for-your-health

  22. Blogs get Noticed

  23. Your Attitude Attitude can be your biggest obstacle to successfully landing a new job. Take stock of your strengths and then share it with the world. Be selective in your company and career choices You have to LOVE what you do or figure out how to love something about it. Your level of professionalism, or lack there of, will come through in every aspect of your networking engagement. Not every qualified person gets the job, the more prepared and how you represent yourself will certainly increase your success. Unpleasant people aren’t forgotten but they are dropped. Pleasant ones will be remembered for future opportunities.

  24. Inspirational Quote Of The Day “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” (Confucius)

  25. Contact & Connect Connect with Gretchen via Social Media • www.twitter.com/mgdservicesinc • www.twitter.com/wired4hire • www.facebook.com/mgdservicesinc • www.facebook.com/Wired4Hire www.linkedin.com/in/mgdservices • www.twitter.com/gretchengunnmgd • www.facebook.com/gretchengunn1 • Skype: MGDServices

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