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Lesson 97 Battle of Uhud. [35] The Battle of Uhud. One year passed after the Battle of Badr, Quraysh’s caravans were still in Dar An-Nadwah, with their huge profits amounting to 50,000 Dinars (Dinar: a golden coin ~4.25 gm).
One year passed after the Battle of Badr, Quraysh’s caravans were still in Dar An-Nadwah, with their huge profits amounting to 50,000 Dinars (Dinar: a golden coin ~4.25 gm).
The remaining leaders of Quraysh gathered in Abu-Sufyân’s house, and agreed to spend all their profits from the caravan to prepare for another battle against Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and his companions.
Quraysh prepared an army of 3000 men, joined by men from other allied tribes like Banu Al-Mustaliq, and other allies.
They went on their way, taking singing girls, tambourines and wine.
In the army also were Hind, the wife of Abu-Sufyân, and 15 other women to encourage the fighters. They reached Dhul-Halîfah near Al-Madînah.
Al-`Abbâs ibn `Abdul-Muttalib sent word to the Prophet (SAWS) about the advance of the Qurayshi army.
The Prophet (SAWS) gathered his companions and asked them to give their advice about the new developments.
The Prophet (SAWS) told them that they could stay in Al-Madînah and prepare to fight the approaching enemy.
However, the majority of the companions favored the idea of leaving the city to face the enemy outside.
Therefore, on Friday the 15th of Shawwâl, in the year 3 A.H, the Prophet (SAWS)led the Friday Prayer, and delivered his speech encouraging the people to be steadfast and patient.
Hethen went to his house and put on two forms of armor. He took a sword, slung his shield over his back and went outside to meet the people with his armor.
After seeing him in his armor, those who first suggested meeting the enemy outside Al-Madînah said, "We will follow what you first suggested, that we stay and wait to face the enemy in Al-Madînah."
The Prophet (SAWS)replied: “It is not appropriate for a Prophet to take off his armor, once he has put it on, until Allah judges between him and his enemy.”
The Prophet (SAWS) then assigned the standards, paraded the army, and marched out with 1000 men until they reached mid-way between Al-Madînah and Mount Uhud (a mountain North of Al-Madînah).
At that point, `Abdullâh ibn Ubay ibn Salûl, the leader of the hypocrites broke away from the army with 300 followers.
However, the believer’s army still marched on. They arrived at the pass of Mount Uhud and camped there, keeping Mount Uhud to their back and facing towards Al-Madînah.
Meanwhile, the disbelievers descended into the valley to reach the foot of Mount Uhud.
This made it necessary for the Prophet (SAWS) to put 50 archers behind the believer’s army at the back of the mountain.
He ordered them firmly to stay there and not move. He then drew up his troops and made a speech, giving encouragement and advices to his soldiers.
In the beginning of the battle, a man came forward from the ranks of the disbelievers. Az-Zubayrr ibn Al-`Awwâm faced him and put him to the sword.
`Ali ibn Abu-Tâlib also killed the standard-bearer of the disbelievers whose name was Hamzah Artâh.
Next, `Abdur-Rahmân ibn Abu-Bakr came forward from the disbeliever’s ranks calling for someone to face him.
At this point Abu-Bakr started to come forward to face his son, but the Prophet (SAWS) stopped him saying, “We would like to keep your company Abu-Bakr, do not go.”
Following this, each side launched an attack against the other.
Quraysh’s women played the drums and sang songs to encourage their men. The fight went on, and victory was going for the Muslims if only the archers stayed in their places.
However, the archers left their posts to get to the booty after they saw the disbelievers falling. This meant that now the rear of the Muslim army was open to the enemy.
Seeing this, the disbeliever’s horsemen, led by Khâlid ibn ul-Walîd (who became Muslim later on) attacked the rear of the Muslim army through the open passage left by the Muslim archers.
A rumor went out that the Prophet (SAWS)had been killed. This weakened the morale of the Muslim army and some Muslims began to lose hope.
Then the Prophet’s (SAWS) location was discovered, so the disbelievers delivered most of their assaults towards him. They showered him with stones.
The Prophet (SAWS) fell and broke his tooth. His face and lips were wounded and two rings from the metal chain strap of his helmet were embedded in his cheek.
Abu-`Ubaydah ibn ul-Jarrâh pulled out those rings from the Prophet’s cheek and two of the Prophet’s teeth were pulled out in the process.
The disbelievers surrounded the Prophet trying to kill him, but five men from the Ansâr circled him. Others joined them until they drove the disbelievers away.
Among the men who excelled in defending the Prophet (SAWS) were: Sa`d ibn Abu-Waqqâs, `AbdurRahmân ibn `Awf, Abu-Talhah Al-Ansâry, who used his hand as a shield to stop the sword attack on the Prophet (SAWS),
and Abu-Dujânah who leaned over the Prophet (SAWS)to shield him from arrows with his body. As a result many arrows stuck to his back.
After the disbelievers were pushed away from the Prophet (SAWS), Ka`b ibn Mâlik Al-Ansâry saw him and exclaimed loudly, “Muslims, good news!”
The Prophet (SAWS)then signaled him to be quiet. Then he (SAWS) walked between Sa`d ibn Abu-Waqqâs, Talhah, Az-Zubayr and others towards the mountain pass, where Fâtimah Az-Zahrâ', his daughter (R.A.) washed away the blood and attended to his wounds.
At this point, Ubay ibn Khalaf came forward from the disbelievers' ranks and asked, “where is Muhammad? I would rather die if he is still alive.”
Then the Prophet (SAWS) threw a spear at Ubay ibn Khalaf, causing him fall off his horse; his neck was injured and he died of his injury.
No one except him was ever killed by the Prophet (SAWS), neitherin this battle nor in any other.
The Prophet (SAWS)wanted to climb a rock so as to see the disbelievers but was not able to do so.
Talhah ibn `Ubyadullâh helped him to get up, where he saw a group of the disbelievers behind the mountain.
The Prophet (SAWS) then said, “They should not be at a higher post than us.”
He sent `Umar ibnul-Khattab with a group of Muslims to drive them away of the mountain.
Abu-Sufyân climbed up a hill, and called out loudly, “We are now equal; this day for is us in the same way that the day of Badr was for you. Glory be to Hubal [a name of an idol of Quraysh].”
The Prophet (SAWS)ordered `Umar (RA) to answer him. `Umar (RA) answered, “Allah is the Highest and Most Great! There is no equality at all between us, for those killed on our side will go to Paradise and those on your side will lie in Hell.”
When Abu-Sufyân heard `Umar’s voice, he said, “Come to me, `Umar.” The Prophet (SAWS)allowed `Umar to go to Abu-Sufyân.
Then Abu-Sufyân asked `Umar, “O `Umar, did we really kill Muhammad?” `Umar replied: “No, you did not. He is listening to your words right now.”
Abu-Sufyân then called out, “We shall meet again at Badr next year.”