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Effective Strategies to Combat Bullying in Elementary Classroom Settings

Explore the impact of role-playing and character education on reducing bullying occurrences in first-grade students. The study uses surveys to gauge awareness and intervention effectiveness. Learn about threats to validity and proposed data analysis.

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Effective Strategies to Combat Bullying in Elementary Classroom Settings

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  1. BULLYING: EFFECTS AND INTERVENTION • Mary Zoulis • Midterm Project & Presentation • ED. 7202T

  2. Table of Contents • Research Design- Slide 3 • Threats to Validity - Slide 4 • Pre- Survey and Post- Survey- Slides 5-7 • Congruent Graphs And/Or Charts Using Proposed Data- Slides 8-11 • References- Slide 12

  3. Research Design • One-Shot Case Study: Single group exposed to a treatment (X) and post surveyed (O). • Symbolic Design: XO • Independent Variable: Implementing role-playing and reading stories about character education to six first grade students will improve classroom environment and reduce bullying occurrences. • Dependent Variable: Bullying Occurrences and classroom environment. • The same treatment will be given to one group, three times a week, in late morning, for a period of three weeks. • Data: Pre and Post student surveys which aim to show what students already know or have experienced about bullying, as well as what they have learned as a result of intervention.

  4. Threats to Validity • Threats to Internal Validity: History, Maturation, Testing/Pre-test Sensitization,Instrumentation, Mortality, Selection- Maturation Interaction, Statistical Regression, Differential Selection of Subjects • Threats to External Validity: Pre-test Treatment, Specificity of Variables, Experimenter Effects (Active Elements), Reactive Arrangement, Compensatory Rivalry Effect

  5. Data: Student SurveyPre and Post Survey • Demographics • Gender • 1) Boy • 2) Girl • What is your age? • 1. 6 • 2. 7 • What grade are you in? • 1. First • What nationality best describes you? • 1. Caucasian • 2. African American • 3. Asian • 4. Hispanic • 5. Other _____________

  6. Pre and Post Survey (Cont.) • Self- Attitude Rating Scale • 1- Strongly Disagree 2-Disagree 3- Agree 4- Strongly Agree 1. I have been bullied at school. 2. When I am bullied, I should go tell the teacher or another adult right away. 3. There are NO rules against bullying. 4. If I see someone being bullied, I will step in to help them. 5. Teasing and bullying are the same thing. 6. I know what to do if I am being bullied. 7. Bullying is part of growing up. 8. I think everyone should respect each other and treat each other with kindness. 9.Bullying is a problem at our school.

  7. Pre and Post Student Surveys Cont. • III. Frequencies • Rating Scale: • 1- Never 2- Rarely (1-2 times a week) 3-Sometimes(2-3 times a week) 4- Usually (3-4) times a week 5- Always (5 or more times a week) • 1) I help a student that I see being bullied. • 2)I tell a teacher or another adult when I see someone being bullied. • 3) I am kind to people and respect them by not hurting their feelings. • 4) I talk to my parents when I have been bullied. • 5) Other students have said hurtful things to me. • 6) Other students have said bad things about me to my classmates.

  8. Pre-Survey and Post-SurveyResults (Proposed Data) Resul t s y x Students

  9. Analysis of Bar Graph • Prior to intervention, I propose that 83.33% of my students will not realize that bullying is a problem at school. After intervention, I believe that the majority of them (50%) will strongly agree will become aware of what bullying is and be able to detect it right away.

  10. X -axis Student Answers Pre-Survey Correlation (Pre-Survey)If I see someone being bullied, I will step in to help them. Y -axis Bystander Occurrences

  11. Correlation Post-Survey In this chart, there is a positive correlation of .975. Therefore, after intervention, students are more likely to intervene and thus are less likely to be bystanders. Hence, after my intervention, I predict bullying occurrences with decrease as students intervene in bullying incidents. X -axis Student Answers Post-Survey

  12. References • O’Connor-Petruso, S. (2013). Descriptive Statistics Threats to Validity [PowerPoint slides].Retrieved fromhttps://bbhosted.cuny.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_50_1&url=%2Fweba pps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ft ype%3DCourse%26id%3D_829166_1%26url%3D

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