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St. Mary’s Catholic Church 231 Main St, Merrimac. SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Saturday 4:30 p.m. MASS (Confession 4:00) Sunday 9:30 a.m. MASS (Confession 8:45) Thursday 9:00 a.m. ROSARY 5:00 p.m. ADORATION
St. Mary’s Catholic Church231 Main St, Merrimac SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Saturday 4:30 p.m. MASS (Confession 4:00) Sunday 9:30 a.m. MASS (Confession 8:45) Thursday 9:00 a.m. ROSARY 5:00 p.m. ADORATION (Confession 5:00 - 6:45) 6:45 p.m. BENEDICTION 7:00 p.m. MASS 7:00 p.m. TRIDENTINE MASS (first Thursday) Father Pedro Escribano 643-2449
IMMANUEL LUTHERAN • Sunday Service • at 9:30 a.m. • Sunday School • at 8:45 a.m. • Begins Sept 21st – • Rally Day!All children welcome • Holy Communion every 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sunday Pastor Lil Belusa 608-493-2640 Church 493-4136 Parsonage
THIS WEEKSunday, 9/28: Worship Service 9 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m.Monday, 9/29: All Good Café 5:30-6:30 p.m. Enjoy a free, hot meal!Tuesday, 9/30: EMERGE Accountability Group 7 p.m. Wednesday, 9/10: Women’s Spiritual Growth ClassMeet at the Parsonage at 7 p.m.
BASH! – Bible Activity Story Hour1st & 3rd Mondays of each month, 3 - 5 p.m.MERRIMAC UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Hey kids! The next BASH is on Monday, October 6. Any questions, call Pastor Roxi 608-415-1626 or Barb 608-438-3839
The Merrimac Food PantryNeeds Food DonationsPlease consider donating the following items which are needed the most: * Cereal * Meals in a box* Spaghetti sauce & noodles* Canned meats (tuna & chicken)* Canned pasta (ravioli, Spaghettios)* Crackers * Pancake mix & syrup You can drop items off at the post officeor at area churches. Cash donations welcome.
Merrimac Ecumenical Food Pantry & Crisis Programexists to help people in the community inurgent need of food, gas, & essential support. If you need help, please contact:Mary: 493-2545Marsha: 493-2337Donna & Nola: 493-2649Kitty: 493-2646Gale: 493-2574Pastor Roxi: 493-2774 or 415-1626Food Pantry is located at 607 MainPlease call for an appointment
Good Neighbor ClinicProvides free medical care to individuals who have no insuranceand are financially eligible.No appointments needed.Mon & Wed 1 – 5 PM St. Vincent de PaulCommunity Resource Center1906 North St, Prairie du Sac643-4749
HOPE HOUSE Free information & counseling forvictims and families of domestic abuse and/or sexual assault.Mondays 1:00-4:30 p.m.St. Vincent de PaulCommunity Resource Center1906 North St, Prairie du Sac643-4749
Dental ServicesOffered free to individuals who have no insurance and are financially eligible.Appointments preferred.Mondays 1-5 p.m.St. Vincent de PaulCommunity Resource Center1906 North St, Prairie du Sac643-4749
My Neighbor in NeedSt Vincent de Paul Resource Center, Prairie du Sacsaukprairie.myneighborinneed.org644-0504 ext 18 A free service to low income people in need of such things as furniture, household items, transportation, plumbing, electrical. Visit our website or call us for more information.
Did you knowyou could haveTHISSPACEFor only $10.00 a week?Call today for details.493-9470
The Handyman Can!Rick Jasper608-220-2620 * Maintenance * Carpentry * Painting Fully Insured – Free Estimates Merrimac – Lake Wisconsin area
Merr.com TVis going ALL DIGITALon the first week of January 2015All TVs will need a set-top box.Please call 493-9470if you have any questions.
HFI Surplus2nd AnnualParking Lot Sale!October 3, 4, 5 & 69 a.m. – 4 p.m.Building Materials, Sheets & Comforters, Furniture, New T-Shirts 99¢ (S-XL), Junior Girls Jeans $9.50, Women’s Boots $9.50, Cabinets, Tile, Wooden Head Boards $65, Hand Held TVs $15, Key Chain Cameras 75¢, Area Rugs 1/2 OFF!E11408 US Hwy 12, Sauk City608-370-7555
NOTICEI’m here to help youWITH ANY KIND OF ODD JOBSFixing – Trimming – Chopping DownMoving – Delivery – Etc.Call Mark608-444-5765Serving the greater Merrimacand surrounding area.
CD RATES TOO LOW?LET’S TALK. Joe LaCourInvestment Representative811 Phillips Blvd, Sauk CityBus: 643-7890Home: 493-2242 www.edwardjones.com
The SCAA(Sauk County Art Association)ART GALLERY HOURSWednesday, Thursday & Friday11:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m.Saturday 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.Sunday 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.*** ***FINE ART TO GIVE &KEEPscaa.art.gallery@gmail.com*** *** Next to the Al Ringling TheaterOn the SquareBaraboo, WI
Char Olson’s History Book AvailableThere are still some left!Merrimack, Wisconsin History &Ferry Tales Et ‘Cetera552 pages – 12 chaptersHundreds of pictures!160 years from 1843 – 2003 from thePrairie du Sac Dam to PortageThe Ferries - Railroad – PdS DamChurches – Businesses – Families, etc.AVAILABLE FOR $50.00 AT* LUCK’S Antique Shop, by the PdS Bridge* Moon Valley Resort’s New Gift Shop & Gallery, Merrimac
WANTED – SEAMSTRESSIs there anyone out there that doessewing or mending?Send your info to:Merr.comattn: CharPO Box 40Merrimac, WI 53561
$ave BIG on your Phone Billwith Merrimac Communications $15.99 for 500 minuteslocal & long distance$25.99 for unlimitedlocal & long distanceNo extra charge:*Voicemail *Caller ID *Call Forwarding*Call Waiting *3-Way Calling *Call BlockingCall Merr.com at 493-9470or visit www.merr.com
HOME THEATREFor all your home theatre needs, products, installation and support, please callAudio Contractors 608-835-0556 Extensive portfolio and testimonials
Rec Fee ReimbursementThe Town of Merrimac reimburses Town residents for the Non-Affiliated Community Fee assessed by the Sauk Prairie Recreation Department. Mail copies of your payment forms or cancelled check to the Town of Merrimac, PO BOX 115, Merrimac 53561.
License Your Dog in TownSauk County ordinance requires all dogs over 5 months of age to be licensed. Send the dog’s name, color, breed, sex, certificate of rabies vaccination (required) along with a stamped return envelope and $5.00 for spayed or neutered dogs & $10.00 for others to:Town of Merrimac, PO Box 115, Merrimac, WI 53561.
The Green Line serves Prairie du Sac, Sauk City, Bluffview, Merrimac, Plain, Spring Green & Baraboo.
The MerrimacDining Center Fresh, hot lunches are served Tuesday through Thursday each week at the Village of Merrimac Municipal Building, around noon, and are provided on a donation basis. Please call 493-2122 to make your reservation by noon on the day before you wish to dine. See current menu on next slides. All are welcome to come and enjoy!
Tuesday, Sept 30:Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes, California Blend Vegetables, Apricot Halves, Dinner Roll, 2% Milk Wednesday, Oct 1:Liver and Onions, Baked Potato, Mixed Vegetables, Fruited Gelatin, Sliced Bread, 2% Milk Thursday, Oct 2:Chicken Cacciatore, Sour Cream and Chive Potatoes, Italian Blend Vegetables, Birthday Cake, Dinner Roll, 2% Milk
“FITNESS FOR SENIORS”Join other senior citizens in a fitness program designed especially for you. Anyone 50 years of age or older can attend!WHAT: A physical exercise program designed to help you achieve fitness and maintain it.WHERE: Merrimac Village Hall, 100 Cook St., MerrimacWHEN: Monday, Wednesday & Fridays, 9:30 – 10 a.m.COST: $10.00 for the Entire ProgramPROGRAM STARTSOCTOBER 13TH TO APRIL 24thINSTRUCTOR: Deb Raschka
Village Brush PickupREMEMBER THE4 x 4 x 4 x 4 RuleBrush needs to be cut no longer than 4 feet in length, can be no bigger than 4 inches per piece in width and piles can be no bigger than 4 feet wide and 4 feet high. (4 x 4 x 4 x 4)If your brush meets these requirements, we will be happy to pick it up during our scheduled pickup days. Leaves and grass need to be bagged in clear plastic bags for pickup.Pickup Schedule (See Village Voice):April through October, bi-weeklyNov thru March, once a month
Please help us keepour village clean!Village of MerrimacOrdinance 47-9Animal Defecation No defecation or manure shall be dumped or left on any street, alley or sidewalk nor on any portion of the Village; provided, however, that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit the use of manure as fertilizer for lawns and gardens in keeping with ordinary and customary practices.
COME JOIN US!Merrimac QuiltersEvery 2nd & 4th Monday10 a.m. – 3 p.m.Merrimac Village HallHelp us make quilts to donate to the Merrimac Ecumenical Food Pantry.Knitters & crocheters – come make afghans!No experience needed.Everyone welcome!
Crime Stoppers Provide information towards solving a crime in Sauk County. Call the Tipster Line at 355-3297. All information is kept strictly confidential.
NOTICE OF BOARD OF APPEALS MEETINGVILLAGE OF MERRIMAC, VILLAGE HALL, 100 COOK STThursday, September 25, 6:00 p.m.1. Call to order & examination of notice of meeting.2. Consider Request of Variance from Sauk Prairie School District for 360 School St. The Merrimac Community Charter School Building has 8 feet of front lot-line setback from the road right-of-way at the entry’s roof overhang, not meeting the current Village code requirement for front setback. Additionally, the shelter accessory building in place near the south property line has approximately 20 feet of lot-line setback and also requires a variance per Chapter 185-19 C(6). Therefore, approval of two lot-line variances is requested.3. Consider any other matter reasonably related to the agenda.4. Adjournment.
Sauk County TRIADVehicle WinterizationSafety ChecksFREE for Senior CitizensFriday, September 26, 9 a.m. – noonSauk County Law Enforcement CenterBARABOOFor more info, call Officer Jeff Shimon at the Baraboo Police Department at 355-2720.
NOTICEThe Merrimac Town Board will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 in the Merrimac Town Hall, located at S6911 State Highway 113.AGENDA OF THE TOWN BOARD MEETINGCall to order; certify compliance with the open meetings law.Consider approval of minutes of the town board meeting of September 3, 2014. Consider financial reports and approval of bills.PUBLIC COMMENT – Public comment will be allowed regarding matters on the agenda at this time. Any matter not
on the agenda and deemed by the Chair to be of significant public concern shall be tabled and placed on the agenda for the next meeting or as scheduled by the Board. If the matter is deemed not to be of significant public concern, the Board may discuss the matter; however, they may not take action.CORRESPONDENCEREPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEESOLD BUSINESS
NEW BUSINESSDiscussion and possible action regarding a $250 donation to the Village of Merrimac for the Senior Fitness Program.Discussion and possible action to review the 2015 proposed budget and to approve November 5, 2014 for the Special Town Meeting to adopt the 2014 tax levy and the Budget Public Hearing.ADJOURNMENT
Sauk County Clean SweepSaturday, October 4, 8:30 a.m. to noonFormer Sauk County landfillE8795 Evergreen Lane, BarabooSauk County households will be able to dispose of the following items at no charge:Pesticides: Including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, wood preservativesHome products: oven cleaners, spot removers, drain cleanersLight bulbs:Also fluorescent tubesBatteries: Watch, calculator, etc.Oil: Waste motor oil, oil filters
Paint: Latex, lead-based, and oil-based paintOther products: Solvents, animal health products, teat wash, degreasers, wood finishes, paint additives, hydraulic fluid, pool chemicals, strippers, photographic chemicalsTires (608-355-4839) for a fee of $1-$25/tireResource Solutions (608-244-5451) will accept items from households (not businesses) at no charge or for a fee:No charge: CPUs, laptops, keyboards, computer cords, computer mice, circuit boards, UPS, power strips, calculators, copiers, scanners, printers, printer cables, telephones, cell phones, fax machines, VCR/DVD players, stereo equipment,
remote controls, flat screen computer monitors (LCD), rechargeable batteries from laptops, power tools, lead acid car batteries, lawn mowers (oil drained/tires removed), scrap metal$5: Microwaves, stoves, washers, dryers, water heaters, furnaces$10- Freon-containing appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers$20 - TVs - up to 29”, CRT monitors$40- TVs - 30”-49”$60 - TVs - 50" and up, projection, wooden consoleFor more info, contact Conservation, Planning, & Zoning Dept:608-355-4839, ppohle@co.sauk.wi.us, www.co.sauk.wi.us
Durward’s GlenFALL FESTIVALThursday, October 1110 a.m. – 4 p.m.CraftsFoodFlea MarketTractor Ride Tours
LEGAL NOTICE , VILLAGE OF MERRIMACThe following has filed an application for a Liquor License for the Sale of Fermented Malt Beverages and Intoxicating Liquors as required by law: Class B Combination (BLB)Varsity Club, LLCd/b/a: VARSITY CLUB627 W. Main St., Merrimac, WI 53561Tim Moy, Member & Agent 633 Bascom Hill Dr, Baraboo, WI 53913Jeff Rasmussen, Member615 Crown Ct, Merrimac, WI 53561
Sauk County TRIADVehicle WinterizationSafety ChecksFREE for Senior CitizensFriday, October 17, 9 a.m. – noonBallweg Chevrolet, Sauk CityFor more info, call Officer Bruce Henn at the Sauk Prairie Police Department at 643-2427.
HOME HEALTH UNITEDFLU SHOT CLINIC Thursday, October 23 2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
FREE! Announce your *Birthday *Wedding *Anniversary *Birth, etc. Call 493-9470 b b
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